4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Very nice little museum with so much content. Interesting for both kids and grown ups. Helpful and committed service. Will strongly recommend to go there even if without kids.
Interesting machines that made early safety matches but an explanation in English will help us understand the "Made in Sweden" concept better. Walk around the shops and cafés by the museum. Good repurposing of old building.
Location is nice, old setting with modern paintings.Food is fresh, the menu is interesting and the food was good.Service was pleasant, overall worth a recommendation, certainly compared to the other restaurants in Jonkoping.
Make your own package of matches. Excelent exhibition of matches. Hard but true story about produce. Parking is paid.
We visited this museum after having read about it on Tripadvisor. I am so glad we went. I had no clue about the history of the safety match and how little Jönköping dominated the world for many years! There are two threads to the story here: the invention of the safety match and the industrial processes around it, and the story of the workers who relied on the industry for their livelihood but unknowingly worked in dangerous conditions. I was fascinated and sad in equal parts.First, the industrial side... the equipment on display is engrossing. First you see about 10 machines that each handled a separate step in the manufacturing process - all very clever in their design. The you see a huge room-sized machine that does everything from start to finish. Really amazing, and especially interesting to any student of industrial design. If only these machines could be powered up!!Then, the human side... an early example of automation resulting in redundancy. But even more powerful is the story of how the workers were exposed to dangerous chemicals over a long period and the inevitable health issues emerge.My only disappointment was that during our visit the film was not available due to technical issues. Several reviewers on Tripadvisor mentioned how good it it, so I was sad to miss it. Perhaps the museum should consider posting it on Youtube? Overall, this small museum was really thought provoking and well done! We were in and out in about an hour (without seeing the film). All of the signage is in Swedish but the front desk will give you a booklet with complete translations (available in several languages). Admission 50 SEK. Inexpensive parking across the street at the train station. The small gift shop has an interesting assortment of match-related items (possibly the only such place anywhere!).
No signs are in English. Film is in English, however, the playback unit wasn't working. The match book art covers were neat.
A nice little museum that tells the story of how the success of the safety match made the city grow and prosper for well more than a century. Sad stories also about child labour and poisonous working conditions. There is also the marvellous machine that ensured world dominance for 50 years. The introductional short movie is to be recommended.
Nice little museum about the advent (and fall) of the match-making business in Jonskoping Sweden. Touching, because it shows how whole families, including young children, were recruited to work for the factory, at great risk of poisoning by the phosphorous fumes. But to me the Machine was most fascinating. With the details of its operation closely guarded, its innovative design managed to produce 40000 boxes of matches per hour. This allowed the Jonskoping area to monopolize the market for decades. And if you find it difficult to understand how the Machine works, the friendly staff is at hand to explain this to you in fluent English, using hand and feet if necessary.
For you who didnt know that match stick was born in Jonkoping this is the place to visit. History and option to do your own match sticks.Worth a visit and children will love it.Friendly staff...!!
A really interesting museum that recounts the birth of safety matches and their spreading worldwide, with a short movie and a possibility to build our own matchbox.It is a pity that all the notices are in swedish only, but fortunately you can ask for a descriptive booklet at the front desk.
For a little place like Jönköping, it was interesting to learn that this town is where matchsticks were invented! Didn't know that before! This tiny museum actually is quite well put-together and gives a good background about the history of how matchsticks were invented, using a short movie and visual aids. Very educational, and a good place to get some authentic Jönköping souvenirs. Good for about an hour's visit!
Gratis åtminstone under delar av året. Ett trevligt museum som bjuder på en hel del industrihistoria m.m. Jag uppskattade främst tändsticksaskskonsten. Ligger nära flera av Jönköpings bästa restauranger dessutom.
Hade inga särskilda förväntningar men det var verkligen intressant och spännande. Fick veta mycket som jag inte hade en aning om.
Gratis inträde till Sveriges 1:a tändsticksfabrik. Historia kring bröderna Lundström som skapade säkerhetständstickan och gjorde "Swedish Match till var de är idag. Lundströmsbröderna uppfann en line för automatisk och massproducerande av tändstickor - se förundras över entreprenörsandan och läs och begrunda också Lena Törnqvist historia som fattig ensamstående mamma med 6 barn varav 3 dog. Själv drabbades hon av fosfornekros en sjukdom som gjorde att man tappade både tänder och käkben... Lena överlevde dock denna hemska sjukdom och den drabbade alltså vissa arbetare som jobbade med fosforblandningar dvs. en teknik som användes före säkerhetständstickans upptäckt.
Ett väldigt mysigt litet museum. Pedagogiskt och illustrativt från en annan tid. En viktig epok i Sveriges historia. Historiens vingslag kändes nära.