smalandet markaryds algsafari
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Fabulous place to go to if you want to see and touch real live moose! Remember to bring a few kilos of apples so they will come to your car and let you touch them. You will also need some tissue to wipe away the drool afterwards :)A chance to take really nice pictures too. The only downside is that the enclosure for the bison is way to small for them. After being chased by them the last time we visited we didn't go in this time. It would have been a five star except for the small enclosure.A nice shop too with moose related items for sale.Worth the 80kr entrance fee per person.
We loved it. What a fun adventure! The moose came right up to our little train car and we had apples and branches with leaves to feed them which were provided for us. It was a treat!
Took my kids and their grandfather here and it was appreciated by all! The animals are very tame so you can see them at very close quarters. Much better than looking through a fence, especially if you want to get photos.
It's not so easy to see the magnificent elk in the wild in Sweden and this close only when they're dead, so if you are interested in seeing/studying an elk this is the place to visit.I have been here with foreign guests, grandchildren and school groups on numerous occasions, and never been disappointed. The owners and their staff really look after the place and the visitors well. The large animals - elk, bison seem to be in fine health. They have also got a few ducks and goats that are great for the small kids to pet and feed.The souvenir shop and the cafe offer good value for money with elk mementoes and basic food and drinks.
We had a single night in Markaryd and found this attraction using the expedia "near me" feature on the phone. And what a lucky strike - this was a great experience.The location is literally only a couple of minutes drive from Markaryd and there are plenty of parking spots a the facility. If you do not want to park - you can take the safaro tour in your own car, but I recommend taking the "train" because it comes with a very entertaining host that will teach you a lot during the app. 45 minutes trip through the park.Our driver had almost a personal relationship to the huge moose and bisons in the park. We were all given fresh branches and the animals just loved that. The came very close - close enough for use to pet them while they were chewing ... but it was quite a feeling having a huge bison bull approaching your seat that fast. Needless to say the children on board LOVED this - I think what made it a more enjoyable trip for them was the fact that all the animals had Swedish names, like "Lilla Gosta"When you are done with the trip, there is a huge souvenir shop and a cafeteria with Swedish dishes as well.Highly recommend.
This is a very well-maintained animal park. The animals are cared for and have a very nice, large, natural enclosure. Having done both the drive-through in our own car a couple of years ago as well as the guided "train" more recently I recommend the train to really get the most out of your visit. Friendly, informative staff, a pleasant café, a fun place all around !
What a wonderful safari park this is for everyone young or old to enjoy - a 150.000sqm of beautifully kept wooded park land for some amazing moose and bisons to live in and to be so well treated by their owners. We took the safary train and we were all given a branch so we could attract those wonderful animals to come and eat "out of our hands" - they came so close we could touch them. It was plain to see that those animals were all very well cared for - they all looked healthy and happy - what a pleasure to witness them from such close range.The owner who drove the train had a great knowledge of all the animals which were given their own individual names and was very patient and waited for as long as necessary to ensure that the animals were safely away from the train. Although he must be riding the train umpteen times during the season he remained just as enthusiastic and interested as if it was his first show. There was also a cafe where you could enjoy freshly brewed coffee or tea with cake or waffle or a snack of elk sausage - the cafe was well kept and the tables had fresh table cloths and the walls were decorated with interesting photos of those who started the safari.There was also a play area for children and a souvenir shop. The whole place was kept very clean including the toilet facilities.This is definitely a place to visit and visit again - we were lucky there were some young moose recently born - one was only three weeks old - so tenderly looked after by the elder and also by their keepers. The bisons also looked very clean and well kept - parading so majestically towards us and allowing themselves to be touched and patted. What great experience!!
ett mycket roligt ställe dit vi gärna åker med våra vänner både svenskar och framför allt våra tyska vänner som hade turen att få se en alldeles nyfödd älgkalv och sen kom den stora älgen och stoppade in huvudet i bilen så de fick både fina bilder och en oförglömlig upplevelseeftersom du kan välja att antingen åka med tåget runt eller köra med egen bil är det tillgängligt även för handikappade
Stor oplevelse for hele familien - kom tæt på elgene. Hele familien tænkte, kan det virkelig passe, at man kan komme så tæt på en elg. Men det PASSER. Vi kørte i egen bil, og havde medbragt nogle birkegrene, så vi kunne fodre elgene. Og med birkegrenene var de meget nemme at lokke hen til bilen. Elgene stikker gerne hovedet helt ind i bilen for at få fat i birkegrenene, så det skal alle mand kunne li' - og det kunne vi.Bisonokserne kom også helt hen til bilen, nogle var dog en anelse dovne, men med lidt tålmodighed lykkedes det.Kan helt klart anbefale denne seværdighed. Husk at besøge cafeen efter en tur i parken - vaflerne er bare SÅ fantastisk lækre ;-)Vi kommer gerne igen.
Ich habe schon so einige Elchparks in Schweden gesehen, aber das hier war der Beste. Man sitzt in einem Zug und kann sowohl die Elche als auch die Bisons füttern. Die Tiere kommen so nah, dass man sie streicheln kann. Und trotzdem fühlt man sich sicher (gerade bei kleineren Kindern wichtig, denn die Tiere sind schon riesengroß. Hierher zu fahren lohnt sich, auch wenn man weiter weg Urlaub macht. Der Park ist super leicht zu finden, nachdem man die E4 verlassen hat.
Dejligt sted at bruge dagen på. At kunne klappe og fodre elge og bisoner er ikke noget man prøver hver dag. Dyrene er ikke bange af sig og stikker gerne snuden helt ind i bilen, snuser en i håret og savler på ens bil. Alt sammen værd at køre efter. Efter rundturen i parken, i enten safaribus eller egen bil, kan man afslutte besøget i den ganske udmærkede café og velassorterede og spændende souvenirbutik. At besøge parken er absolut ikke dyrt, ikke i forhold til i Danmark.
ein MUST SEE. Toller Safari mit schöne grosse Elche. Der Safari ist so aufgebaut, dass die Elche immer in der nähe sind. Guter Restaurant mit Elch Würste.
Jag har i grunden svårt för djurparker, för att inte tala om djur på cirkus. Därför var det med viss skepsis som vi åkte till safariparken för älgar. Men det tog inte många minturer förrän jag hade ändrat min åsikt. Här lever djuren fritt i ett enormt hägn och chansen att få komma nära dessa magnifika gjorde att alla i familjen njöt av besöket. Bästa mötena får man om man tar tåget då gästerna utrustas med mumsiga lövkvistar. Att åka i hägnet med egen bil tyckte vi dock gav en extra krydda så vi tog med oss lite goda hassel och rönnkvistar in i hägnet och det tog inte lång tid förrän den första älgen klev fram till bilen. Och löven var tydligen mycket välsmakande för när vi drog in kvisten något i bilen - följden huvudet efter. Närmare än så kommer man inte :). Kryddan på anrättningen var bisonhägnet som bjöd på ett spännande inslag i turen. Jösses vad stora och kraftfulla varelser detta är. Summa summarum blev detta en alldeles utmärkt semesteraktivitet.
Besökte Smålandet med sambon och hennes barnbarn. Trots att jag bor i grannskapet och ser älg i det fria flera gånger om året, var det en fantastisk upplevelse att komma dem så nära in på livet. Bisonoxarna var imponerande stora. Barnbarnet var stormförtjust.Bra fika, god glass.En mycket trevlig eftermiddag. Prisvärt.
Her kan man komme helt tæt på Elge og Bison. Man kan køre rundt i parken i egen bil, men jeg vil anbefale at tage med deres lille tåg, hvor der er en der fortæller lidt om dyrene. Dette foregår dog på svensk... Man får uddelt grene som man kan fodre dyrene med, så derfor kommer man helt tæt på..