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I really drove through the clouds this weekend. At the highest altitude of the road some cloud was surrounding the cars. The view is magnificent and the driving experience is unique. The road is very good, even it doesn't have any parapets but i could say is not for beginners. You can stop at the top of the mountain and buy some really traditional goods.Worth trying it at least once in life, but have some thick clothes, because there only 5 degrees in August.
I took this trip a few days ago and I would go back right now if I could. This is a new road in the Carpathians that allows visitors to drive up the mountains to a breathtaking height of 2122 meters. Around you only high mountains, mountain dew and sheep that graze the alpine flowers. You can leave the car for a few minutes on the side of the road if there is enough space and walk around or do some shopping as local artisans sell their crafts, cheese, honey and wild blueberries. The road is an ingenious serpentine that takes you up slowly but safely. Drive very carefully as the curbs are quite difficult. In winter the road is closed for obvious safety measures. This is a once in a life time experience worth having.
Is a `must see`place but is not for those who are still thinking that mountain is a garbage bin. I am not going to talk about the beauty of the place because this is, indeed, spectacular, and, more over, everybody knows about it. What I want is an alarm signal that the tourists transform it in a place for garbage and if you can help to educate a bit the people who travel over Transalpina and not only there, but all over Romania, I would be grateful. So, thanks to all of you for your help and, if you have any ideas about how to clean Romania and how to educate people, please, do something.
Transalpina is the road at the highest altitude above sea level in Romania, the highest point is at 2145m (near Rânca, Gorj). The view all-around is simply magnificent! The driving experience is awesome, but the passenger experience is even better! The surname "King's road" was given before 1940s, when Romania was a kingdom.
No doubt, another “must see” place in Romania and also quite a driving experience.The road is not fully finished; there are places where you should drive extremely carefully especially if some is coming from your front. Anyway is definitively one of the best views over the Romanian mountains I sow so far, so go ahead !
I have had a stunning experience while driving Transalpina last summer. Trully amazing vistas! No doubt, Transalpina or the King's road is one of the top places to visit in Romania.The winding road through dense forests and alpine meadows connects Transylvania with Oltenia. Its highest point is Urdele Pass at 2,145m. Wow, Transalpina rivals with world's most scenic drives!The scenery of the road and its surroundings is sheer beauty: here you will find green pastures, shepherds with their sheep, cows, impressive mountains views and great food. I've found the road safe and sound. Transalpina is such a peaceful place to be!!
The Transalpina its the highest road in Romania (2,145m above sea level - in Urdele Pass)It is a wonderful road, but difficult for beginner drivers and cars! (brakes are starting to heat up) I started ascension from Sebes to Ranca; the road is very good (newly asphalt), but there are small areas of gravel. When you get up you can see beautiful mountains!!
At 1600m altitude, this road offers a magnific scenary and a great driving experience!They are still making the finishing touches to this road.The guesthouses in the ariea leave much to be desired.In full season, do not go on weekend!!
First of all it was one of my greatest experience as a driver. But the view , mountains, entire road ,animals all was great.I came from Sibiu , a great place, thru JINA- a viilage of shepards- with fabulous places and houses. It's impossible to believe that you are in "the brain"of the mountains.You have to go there and you have to stay in RANCA. Views, air,places,people , all was great.If you go on the area don't miss it. Go to Costesti to se TROVANTS.
Strada Panoramica che sis noda tra le alture Romene. Sogno di motociclisti da tutto il mondo. Attenzione al periordo d'apertura: la strada è chiusa in inverno
noi am inceput de la Ranca spre obarsia lotrului; o strada ce nu este inca deschisa oficial fiindca lipsesc indicatoarele si portiuni de strada ce trebuie reparate dar nu puteam sa rezistam sa nu o parcurgem mai ales ca a fost pentru prima oara; este o strada fantastica cu o natura salbatica ce se ajunge la o inaltime uluitoare; ajunsi la obarsia lotrului am fi vrut sa ne intoarcem sa o mai parcurgem odata daca nu ar fi trebuit sa ne continuam vacanta spre alte locuri propuse.