4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Liked: films of Sibelius, some weird and wonderful instruments. Extracts of his music to listen to. Disliked: I had hoped that the shop might sell sheet music.
The outside does look rather like an air raid shelter! Pleasant on the inside with interesting displays of historic instruments and about Sibelius. Listening to Finlandia in the central auditorium seemed very appropriate and quite an emotional experience - I'd like to check out a concert here some time.
If you like classical music and are interested the history of music instruments manufacturing it's absolutely worth it the visit! Especially the actual exhibition in the basement is fascinating.
A very interesting museum. Takes about an hour to look round. There are lots of instruments on display which are interesting as works of art as well as their musical quality. There is an auditorium where you can sit and listen to some of Jean Sibelius' music. Worth a visit.
This museum contains many clearly displayed exhibits, with supporting written remarks in Finnish and English.Some old films can be viewed, although the commentary is in Finnish, the snippets of music are a delight.Also some audio visual equipment.We also went to a concert in the evening, although the music was by other composers.The museum also houses an interesting exhibition of old musical instruments.
This is a small museum but with a lot to see. I believe that there are about 1400 instrument from various countries. All the instruments are well displayed and the space in the museum makes it pleasant to walk around. The section on Sibelius is interesting and well done. Don't expect the Louvre but it is well worth the small entrance fee if you're a musician or a music lover
This is a small museum which doesn't cost much to enter. And it is a delight for music-lovers, much more than those wishing to learn more about Sibelius, the man. The exhibition on Sibelius is found in a small tiny room. But the rest of the exhibition on musical instruments wraps itself round the main concert hall. The display is absolutely stunning! Unfortunately no photos allowd though. While I was there, Sibelius' music were playing from the speakers at the concert hall. It really enhanced the visiting experience. I could sit at the concert hall all day listening to the music and absorbing the ambience.
It's a great museum where you can see almost all musical instruments and listen to great music. Very interesting! It's definitely worth visiting. It's a must, I should say.
Yeah, it was just okay to walk around and see many different old instruments. However the concert I saw there was very nice.
Музей будет интересен в первую очередь тем, кому интересно творчество Сибелиуса. Про него самого и его произведения можно узнать очень много. Многие произведения можно послушать. Впрочем, в музее еще богатая коллекция музыкальных инструментов со всего мира. Почему-то, популярностью музей не пользуется хотя находится буквально в двух шагах от кафедрального собора Турку.
Vid Aura å kan du vika in på museet, som innehåller såväl en mysig konsertsal som ett intimt utrymme med Sibelius' efterlämnade notsamlingar och musik i audioform. Här finns också en del personliga ägodelar till kompositören. I nedre våningen finns en imponerande samling orglar i olika storlekar och ålder.
Müze gerçekten o dönemi, Fin tarihini ve composer anlamak ve muziğini test ederek öğrenmek için kurgulanmış çok çok bepemdim. Ayrıca müzede konsserde oluyor. Ben katılma şansına sahip oldum.. Mühteşem bir ortamdı.. Saat 19.00 da başlıyor. TURKU'ya gittiğinde hemen biletleri kontrol edin. B,let alarak konseri dinleme şansını mutlaka kullanın..
Обязательно надо зайти при прогулке по городу, внутри очень много различных интересных музыкальных инструментов, о некоторых я даже не представлял. Сам музей носит имя, наверное, самого известного финского композитора Яна Сибелиуса.
Я не являюсь поклонницей таланта Сибелиуса, в музей зашли только из за того, что он находится рядом с кафедральным собором. Однако я была очень довольна его посещением. Столько много музыкальных инструментов я не видела ни где. Причем эти инструменты собраны со всего мира. Все очень интересно, а некоторые экземпляры выглядят очень забавно.
В музее Сибелиуса можно увидеть почти 1400 различных музыкальных инструментов, собранных со всех уголков планеты, а также личные вещи финского композитора. Иногда здесь проводятся концерты. Рекомендую! Интересно!