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一个很放松的公园,早晨空气很棒,环境干净,附近还有一间youth hostel,如果需要住宿,因为环境不错,值得一推。出去就有路面电车,交通方便,离领导广场也近,不妨到这也顺便去广场逛逛吧!
这间公园真是太棒了! 我们第一次去那儿时,是在一个星期日的下午,当时,公园里有很多人,有的在野餐,有的在观赏露天音乐会......我至今犹记得我和儿子骑着租来的单车沿着公园内迷人小径观光的美好时光。总之,我真是很喜爱这里,这里算是我在阿姆斯特丹最喜爱的地方之一了。
对于某些人来说,这个公园像个迷你乌托邦,因此可能有些人可能会不喜欢,我是前者,哈哈。这里让我感受到荷兰的兼容并蓄、和平安宁和愉快的生活。在去博物馆的路上,你可以来公园逛逛,因为它位于博物馆区之间,也在著名的Peter Cornelisz Hooftstraat购物一条街上,这里有很多高端的商店,不知道游客有多少时间来这里感受它的独特。公园里没有花,只有草地、绿树和灌木丛,非常实用。也许你已经听说了,阿姆斯特丹人的处世之道是"待人宽,人亦待己宽",这也反映在公园上,其实公园是这种态度最完美的诠释。这里,你会看见跑步的人、散步的人、嗑药的人、玩乐的儿童、野餐的人、在草丛里做爱做的事的人和目瞪口呆的游客。每个人都在这里自由地生活,没有人说三道四,我一般都很反对在公共场所嗑药的人,但这里感觉他们已经跟自然融为一体了。公园周边有很多不错的餐厅,买小蛋糕的时候务必问一下,因为有些烘焙食物里面有迷幻药!总的来说,这里是荷兰人生活的缩影!
A nice park, like many other big parks in big cities, but since most of the year it's very cold here, it's not very enjoyable to hang around.
Such a beautiful place, full of people and a great place for a bike ride! There is a lovely place to eat at the main entrance to the park which over looks the water!
Vondelpark is a wonderful natural oasis in busy Amsterdam. Great walking /bike riding paths through a landscape of trees and plants interspersed with lakes and hints of the surrounding houses. Even in Winter this park is so beautiful. Couple of good places to eat and many benches and other areas to relax and enjoy the surroundings.
I have heard that Vondelpark is something similar to the Central Park in New York, NY. Well, my first impressions where really not the same as in New York besides of the size which is bigger than a usual park in Europe (in my opinion). I can tell that it is a really nice walk passing by mostly bicycles (which is nice). I was there in March 2015 which could be the reason that the park was not overpopulated which made it a lovely place to take a walk. I would recommend it definitely.
A really nice, litter free, chilled out, massive park right in the heart of Amsterdam! What's not to love!
A very large park with just about everything you could think of to sit and watch the day go by or to do exercise,drink and eat
Nice place to have a picnic or to rest from your sightseeing while having a beautiful view of a lake and trees.
The Vondel Park it's nice and has lots of green. Too bad I went on winter, so there were no flowers, neither the trees were green. Still, it was a nice place. If you enjoy nature, running, o outdoor exercise, thats a very nice spot of Amsterdam.