la colegiata de osuna


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la colegiata de osuna



If you find time to visit Osuna then you should really try to find the time to visit this monument. It's a couple of years since my wife and I visited this place when we spent a couple of days in Osuna, Estepa and Ecija. Well, it's imposing and somewhat austere, positioned on top of the town with views of the Sevillano landscape. You can park outside but the walk from the town to the top adds to the occasion.If you want the full on experience you have to take a tour which is in Spanish if I remember correctly. The church and alterpiece are good quality Renaissance and worth the journey in their own right. However, it's the Ribera paintings which will attract many. Let me say that they are masterpieces and first rate Ribera. The Dukes of Osuna were Viceroys of Naples, then part of the Spanish empire where Ribera was located. We learn much of their history and the connection with Valladolid and Castile. As a previous reviewer has commented, the best is saved for last when we visit the mausoleum of the Duques. This is special and there is nothing else like it in Andalucia. I wont spoil it and give it away. As I said in the title, 'you can't afford to miss this.'


Despite having read a bit on the church, we were still expecting a garden-variety Renaissance/Baroque church, and indeed that's what the main nave is like. That is, aside from one rather wonderful Diego Ribera painting of Christ on the cross, which emerges from the darkness like an El Greco crossed with Caravaggio. The real wonders are below ground in the beautifully restored Mausoleum of the dukes of Osuna with its glittering gilded and painted barrel vault, elaborately carved 6-seater choir, baroque altar and delicate 16th c. alabaster madonna. The sacristy, now a museum of religious art, holds 4 more Diego Riberas, two of which, St. Peter and St. Jerome, grabbed me. The realism of St. Jerome's flesh, the ageing neck and arm muscles, and the intense anguish of the doubting Peter, with a hint of tears in his eyes, were genuinely moving--much more so than your average eye-rolling Baroque saint. If nothing else, getting to know that artist better was worth the morning.


We were not prepared to find such a good guide at such a remarkable place full of history. Despite climbing up from the town square, we were impressed by the sheer additions to the original structure by the Osunas and the oddities of this family that contributed to make Osuna one of the most secretly magical places in Spain. Do not miss the cript. The whole experience will make you dream with the famous duke of Osuna and his talent to gather titles and to spend the biggest fortune and more.


On the way to Carmona we stopped in Osuna for a coffee and visit the collegiate church. It was a surprise. The charming lady who guided the visit asked us what we were going to do in Carmona since Osuna had so many things to see.It was a surprise to us the magnificent church and the pantheon of the dukes with the ducal chapel placed at a lower level. The restoration was completed in March 2013 and is impressive.


Don't miss the Jose de Ribera painting in the side chapel. There is a very interesting panel of St Jerome on the other side of the church. Amazing baroque alterpiece.


Preciosa y la visita guiada muy buena.No te imaginas lo que hay dentro viendo el exterior, y ademas por tres euros te lo explican estupendamente.


Muy bonita, te sorprenderá, son tres iglesias en una, la de la entrada te sorprende por sus altos techos con una luz que te incita a relajarte y a pensar, te recomiendo que cojas la visita guiada.


La colegiata de Osuna es de esos monumentos que sorprenden porque no se corresponde exactamente el exterior con el interior. El exterior es austero, sobrio, como de un castillo venido a menos, pero el interior es espectacular en sus tres estancias: la colegiata en sí, la capilla de los duques de Osuna y la cripta. Además, los guías lo explican todo muy bien.


La città di Osuna vanta un patrimonio monumentale di rilievo. La Collegiata domina ogni veduta della città e conserva eccellenti dipinti, tre dei quali ad opera di Ribera. un portale conduce al panteon Ducal, davvero carico di decorazioni. intorno alla Collegiata si trovano altri due notevoli edifici: il palazzo dell'Università e il Monastero de la Encarnación, risalente al '600. Merita davvero una visita.


Una joya del Renacimiento. Importante colección de arte sacro, obras de Rivera como "la Expiración de Cristo", retablo dieciochesco, sepulcro de los Duques de Osuna con una pequeña e impresionante capilla y un patio de estilo plateresco. Impresionante. Destacable por sus conocimientos y buen hacer, la nueva guía, Sra. Bea. Se nota que le gusta su profesión.


interessante e adorável misturas de estilos, desde o românico ao renascêntista, passando pelo gótico. importante monumento, é deslumbrante, cheio de obras de arte sacra. do melhor que podemos ver na europa...


Todo me gustó, Esa Sacristía tiene un tesoro increíble con los cuadros de Ribera. El panteón ducal ha quedado genial. Es imprescindible para hacerse una idea de la fortaleza de los Girón Téllez en el Renacimiento.


Lo que mas me gusto, es la iglesia que se encuentra en el primer sótano y el mini claustro espectacular. La guía, recepcionista, cancerbero, gestora y traductora era genial. Mientras nos la explicaba nos iba regañando como a niños si no atendíamos, teniendo en cuenta que éramos un grupo de media 65 años.


Osuna es realmente una ciudad con una larga historia y gran patrimonio, y de todo destaca sin duda la Colegiata. El templo es de una gran belleza, empezando por su ubicación en el punto más alto de la ciudad y siguiendo por su arquitectura, una extraña mezcla de gótico y Renacimiento. Pero sobre todo destaca el rico y sorprendente conjunto de la cripta de los Duques de Osuna, con unos relieves del XVI interesantísimos, óleos de Ribera, sepulcros, orfebrería,etc. No me lo esperaba, y mira que he visto cosas.Respecto a Rosario, la guía, ciertamente es un personaje (hoy le dirían friki) y cuenta las cosas con una mezcla de pasión y hartazgo de repetir siempre lo mismo (lo que sabe, porque como le preguntes o le saques del guión es cuando empieza a reñir). Pero no le vendría mal unas nociones mínimas de como tratar al público, porque habrá gente que le haga gracia y otra que puede sentirse francamente ofendida. Lo peor es que hay que hacer la visita con los tiempos -cortos- que ella marca, y el monumento se merece mucho más. Pero en conjunto, me ha parecido una visita francamente inolvidable.Alejandro


La visita guiada es necesaria para conocer todo lo que encierra entre sus paredes, que es mucho y bueno

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