4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Albayzin这个名字是被驱逐的阿拉伯人给取的,在Granada因收复失地运动而陷落时,这儿是反抗根据地。由于是作为要塞城市设计的,所以它的路就像迷宫一样错综复杂,稍不留神就会没有方向感。曾经刀光剑影鲜血四溅的迷宫小巷子,如今安静地点缀着庭院里的花、陶制的花盆和阿拉伯风格门窗仔细看看,会发现不少地方的小“trick”由于Albayzin区的治安名声尤其不好,所以只敢在靠近大马路的小巷子徘徊而不敢深入,一听到类似阿阿的人声靠近就飞奔逃回主路,然后一边逃还一边忍不住拍照……靠近护城河的地方道路渐趋宽阔一边是人们日常生活的要塞都市另一边是被保护着的城堡桥头的一些慢时光长广场是Albyzin的中心,古时作为市场也曾非常繁荣Albayzin区居民发出“救救Albayzin”的悲鸣——估计常年被游客滋扰惨了又发现一处小trick虽然已近中午,仍然是一种清晨的静逸感觉不是这里,这个是存放圣体匣和其他圣器的珍宝室——当然很明显是天主教的刚想说你居然(怎么可能)神奇地错过了壁龛... 按理说就算跟着“人群效应”也不会错过它的,而且壁龛就在珍宝室的隔壁后来回过来一看,你这张拍的不就是壁龛吗!(另外上面那个只拍进去一部分的穹顶其实也蛮好看的)大寺的免费时间,不是他们不免费给你,清真寺官网上写明了免费时间是周一至周六8:30-9:30的。顺便说一下不是西班牙的白天长,是夏季的白天长,然后西班牙夏季的时间拨快了2个小时(平时也比别人快1个小时),所以太阳晚2个小时下山,但白天还是一样长的。到了冬季白天就短了,而且天亮得还很晚,所以我建议挑春夏季去玩比较赚(冬天去的人都抱怨白天短呢),另外夏季景点开放时间也会延长2小时左右。因为Alhambra宫订票的预约时间是下午16:00,于是决定在预定时间之前的大把时间内去瞭望台先行眺望阿宫循着石头路上山,在这片鲜花点缀的小巷里消磨时光也不错时而曲径通幽,时而豁然开朗这么看也算是个白色小镇连接市区和阿宫的Alhambra巴士,小身材穿街走巷盘子点缀的白色墙壁
Go see the caves and museum. Take bus from Plaza Nueva C3 and tell driver to drop you off at entrance. It's badly signed and we only found it by chance. Then walk back through Albayzin to centre via St. Nicholas plaza/ church which takes about 30 mins.
There are 100 and 1 places to get your name written in Arabic calligraphy all over the Albayzin, but how do you know that you're getting the real thing? I was lucky enough to meet the best calligrapher in the area, Noordeen. How do I know he was the best? I was introduced to him by my arabic teacher and can read the arabic alphabet. I saw the time he took to make sure he understood the correct spelling of names and watched him throw out his work if he made a mistake. And the colors he used were beautiful.His shop is located at 9 Caldereria Vieja, just 5 minutes from Plaza Nueva.
There's plenty to photograph and explore in the Albaycin and there's plenty of entertainment and crafts for sale as you wander around the narrow lanes.
If you want to taste a more local-like flavour of Granada, stay in Albayzin. Great authentic atmosphere of the steep, narrow streets. Plenty of local musicians and vast numbers of local shops and places to eat and drink (and tapas!).
This quarter is the oldest one in Granada, and known as the "gipsy quarter" (in fact, the majority of the the people living there is not gipsy). Worthwhile a visit, but prepare yourself to climb the hill where it is located.
Lots of old Arabian buildings and narrow pathways leading in all directions, pretty houses, churches and the river below.
This area of Granada is interesting with its little streets and meandering roads. IF you wish you can go up further into the hills to have a grand view of Granada. Charming little squares with local Cafe and local entertainment. Best discovered on foot by taking an adventurous approach to the whole exploration of the area. Best to start from the top and work your way down this way you know when you are back in the center of Granada.
great restaurants on small plazas and extremely enjoyable atmosphere. Stop at vistas to enjoy the view of the city
From Mirador de San Nicolas meandor down through the narrow streets, stumble on a plaza, bars and restaurants, be carefull of the uneven street cobbles and lose yourself in a narrow street and wonder of times of past steeped in history..Just an amazing place to spend an hour or so again has tk be on the list of have to do whilst in Granada
This is where Catholic Spain and Moorish North Africa come together in a fascinating mix. Great place to stay and wander. Get down those small alleys and find the local restaurants and bars. You won't regret it.
Our apartment was situated here right on the edge of the Square.You will need flat comfortable shoes to explore the hidden gems tucked away in the narrow cobbled streets the square is a great place to sit relax and people watch.
stunning and so beautiful lots and lots of little streets, traditional Spanish, very steep and if unsure on foot take the bus a very un even surfaces sometimes and the majority cobble stones