palacio de la diputacion
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

We wanted to visit but hadn't realized that you must call ahead to get a time. Not that it was sold out but you must join a tour. Also it is the seat of the Basque Regional Government and so access is limited. A very nice representative explained this on the phone and met us anyway. She let us into the lobby and the 1st floor landing, gave us a private 15 min. mini tour and an English copy of the booklet given out after the regular tours. She could have just said no on the phone. That is the sort of consideration we greatly appreciate but seldom see. BIG THANK YOU TO HER.
The Palacio de la Diputacion de Bizkaia is located at Gran Vía Don Diego López de Haro, 25.The Palacio de la Diputacion de Bizkaia has and eclectic style based on the Renaissance style. The prominent people of the city wanted to have a government palace that reflected the wealth and economic wellbeing of the province of Vizcaya. In 1890 Luis Aladren was chosen as the architect of the project. His work history is that he had previously designed the beautiful Casino in San Sebastian. He came out with a wonderful design that was very impressive and highly decorative. The building was finished in 1900. The location was the Gran Via, the best possible location. The exterior has a porch and on top of this there is a balcony that is used in public ceremonies. There is also a large coat of arms of the province at the very top. The façade is very imposing and impressive, which is what the public wanted.The interior is highly decorative and uses marble, wood, stucco, mirrors, plaster, porcelain jars, ceramics, and stained glass windows, everything that a decorative arts museum possesses.The ceilings were painted by Jose Echenagusia, Anselmo Guinea and Alvaro Alcala Galiano. There are three ceramic panels created by Daniel Zuloaga. The stained glass window over the principal staircase (which is very impressive) was the work of Anselmo Guinea. The Throne Room is very impressive and the murals were painted by Jose Echenagusia Errazquin. The titles of the murals are "Juramento de los Fueros" and "Pacificación de Oñacinos y Gamboinos". The Throne Salon was patterned after Versailles. The floor is made of marquetry and there are elegant mirrors on the walls. There is also the office of the General Deputy, the highest ranking official of the province. The office contains Imperial Jars came from Sevres and were a gift of Eugenia de Montijo, the Empress of France married to Napoleon III. One jar has her image, another has the image of Napoleon III, and the last one has the image of their son Napoleon-Eugenio-Luis-Juan-Jose Bonaparte.There are free guided tours available to visitors from Monday to Friday. Call 946-083-537 for reservations.
En mi larga caminada por Bilbao me encontré con el Palacio de la Diputación del que no había oído hablar antes de verlo. En una de las calles principales sobresale entre los demás edificios pues su arquitectura es muy hermosa. Como el hotel se encontraba relativamente cerca del Palacio, pude apreciarlo durante el día (que fue cuando lo vi por primera vez) y por la noche, cuando lo iluminan dándole un toque muy especial.
La arquitectura del Palacio me pareció muy bonita. Lo recorrí por fuera y algunos sectores del interior y realmente es bello.
Es una de las obras cumbres del eclecticismo alfonsino. Un edificio proyectado a finales del siglo XIX en el estilo ecléctico en Bizcaia.
En plena Gran Vía destaca este edificio con un estilo arquitectónico que no se puede dejar de admirar
SItuado en plena Gran Vía el Palacio de la Diputación es para mi, el edificio más bonito de Bilbao, por lo menos de los clásicos de la ciudad. Merece la pena el paseo por la Gran Vía para verlo.
El edificio merece la pena y ,por las fechas, coincidió con gran Nacimiento montado en sus jardines . Muy agradables las cafeterias de los alrededores.
Palazzo sede del governo basco, dall'architettura imponente e sfarzosa, in stile eclettico.Sarebbe stato interessante visitarlo anche all'interno ma non è stato possibile senza una prenotazione.
Aqui funciona a prefeitura de Bilbao, perto do mar e do calçadão onde se pode desfrutar de uma caminhada privilegiada. O prédio foi construído em estilo neoclássico com grande quantidade de elementos decorativos. Os postes ao redor do prédio também impressionam pela pompa.
Como tudo em bilbao é pertinho é inevitável passar por esse prédio localizado na gran via e com uma arquitetura bem bonita.
Богато украшенный дворец в центре Бильбао , построенный в конце 19 века, будет интересно увидеть его на прогулке по городу
Me alegra ver que los monumentod de Bilbao siguen a máximo nivel¡¡¡ Debe ser un lugar obligatorio de paso cada vez que se vaya por Bilbao. No os la perdáis¡¡¡¡¡¡ Eso junto al Gugenhaim, de lo mas bonito¡¡
lástima que no se pueda disfrutar por dentro porque merece unavisita...por fuera es un edificio muy vistoso en medio de la gran vía.
Красивое здание в центре Бильбао, его архитектурный стиль пленит красотой. Стоит посетить дворец прогуливаясь по городу.