

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无


The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum offers visitors an overview of art from the...


放下包从Hostal Bruna一出来,我就直奔蒂森博物馆(Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza)。这个博物馆展览了从14世纪到现代派的作品。同时,我去的时候他们正在进行有关印象派的特别展“From Corot to Van Gogh”,我也是慕名而去。蒂森博物馆网站:http://www.museothyssen.org/en/thyssen/home 蒂森博物馆从3楼(0-2层)。我租了一个Audio guide直接从2层(14世纪)往下走,到底楼就是当代作品及特别展了。按着时间顺序参观,可以很有条理地感受到不同时期艺术风格的变化。底楼的大厅里成列着罗丹的作品,尽显女性线条的柔美与温柔。












I am not a huge fan of museums, however, I've heard good things about the Thyssen so I figured I would check it out. At the time I went, there was a Givenchy exhibit on. It was amazing, probably one of the best exhibits I've ever been to. It had information about Givenchy himself, his original sketches as well as his original pieces of clothing he's designed. Once we finished that exhibit, we continued onto the Thyssen's normal, everyday exhibits. This was not as impressive. In my opinion, there was too much space and not enough artwork to fill it all.


We really enjoyed visiting this art gallery and seeing the range of paintings, from early Italian to recent times. The building is spacious and light which shows the art to it's best advantage. The on-site cafe is also stylish and an asset to the experience.


To view a private collection of such fabulous art is a really priveledge and I highly recommed a visit. You will see many artists and their important works assembled under one roof. It doesn't have the depth of the collection of the Prado but you certainly have the breadth of all the most famous artist through the ages.Dot. Miss out.


I loved the collection of the Dutch painters and of the French impressionists. It was Saturday, and yet the museum was not overcrowded.


This museum has an interesting history and has perhaps the finest collection of art in the world. Set aside 3 hours at least.


on 3 floors you have selection of artists from middle ages to 20th century. Some interesting paints of modern painting (Chagal, Kupka, Picasso), but also the older masters. Caravaggio, El greco amd also impressionists..Worth to visit...


This museum is a gem. Well-displayed art covering the major periods of western art history, with a particular focus on late 19th and early 20th century. The collection can easily be viewed in a couple of hours but you can also spend days on many masterpieces. My only caveat: lots of tour groups (including school groups) can make viewing difficult. Great cafe as well.


The layout is airy, not overcrowded or stuffy and you can work your way at your own pace through the last 800 years of Western European art. Theres a little bit of confusion around the extension which tends to break up the forward flow but thats a minor quibbleThere are free and reduced cost visits if you've got the time to go more than once while you're in Madrid


This is a fabulous and very eclectic collection from hundreds of years of great art. It amazing by its depth and that one person or family could have managed to gather such quality. No longer possible I suspect.

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