upper antelope canyon
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羚羊谷的团是在出境前就网络预订好的,35刀/人,收到确认的email即可,没有订到光线最好的11:30档,是13:30档,已经看不到光线直射进洞的奇景。跟团坐类似菲律宾的 突突车大约20分钟尘土飞扬才能到达下羚羊谷入口,印第安导游会边讲解边带你参观这段神奇的山谷岩洞,谷内完全靠自然光透过缝隙射入,随光线变化,红沙岩 石梦幻般的发生色彩和形状的变化,每到一处还需要发挥你的想象力,把奇形怪状的岩石想像成爱心、熊等,老练的导游还会教你在谷内昏暗的光线下,在不同位置 用不同参数拍摄最佳照片。一路相机咔嚓声不断,印第安导游不管游客手里是何牌何型号的相机,都能熟练地教你如何拍摄。一路风尘仆仆,羚羊谷到了!坐的就是这种车,游客被一车车运来。胖胖的印第安导游,俺还是第一次见印第安人呢 跟着导游进谷咯~ 接下来就是不停地咔嚓我的相机,谋杀我的菲林了... 羚羊谷是狭缝型峡谷,岩石诡异的形状是柔软的砂岩经过百万年侵蚀形成的,呈现出一派华丽高雅的质地。正午烈日下,红色沙石配蔚蓝天空,这是何等绚丽的颜色,也是老天赐予美帝人民的财富! 谷里的岩石一层层的,据说是河流冲刷成的导游说:It's a bear! 还真是像呢~It's a heart~ 羚羊谷里红沙岩石优美的线条、精细的纹理、如同流水般的边缘使之成为摄影爱好者的宠儿,狭小的缝隙里无数抬起的脑袋,张大嘴巴,眯缝眼睛,贪婪得想把这绝美的景摄入相机带回去慢慢体味一番。 大家撑开想像的翅膀,尽情飞翔吧!
So much information. Fantastic guide knew so much about the camera settings and where and how to take the most fantastic photos!!!
We had reservations for Lower Canyon but was closed due to rain . We were lucky enough the Upper Canyon was. The canyon is amazing . You have to go thru with a Navajo guide which really helps because they will tell you exactly where to put you camera for the perfect picture
This place is amazing. We used Chief Tsosie toys and our guide I renews amazing. She set our Canberra to the right exposure, took our pictures and was just awesome. Highly recommend this company and place for everyone!
Use Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours - they were phenomenal, and have priority when in the canyon. That's important as it's almost always crowded these days. They can also take you to less well known canyons that are equally beautiful and only their company go there, so you have them to yourselves. Antelope is gorgeous, but too crowded for me
Antelope canyons are a great place to visit when there is a lot of sunshine. We visited this place in the 1st week of January, and didn't get a great view of the canyon. The upper canyon can only be visited through the touring company "Antelope Canyon Tours". It would be great to visit this place in summer, but the temperatures will be in the high 110 degrees.
The canyon is beautiful. There is no doubt about that. But it is very crowded which takes away from the beauty. I would not want to go during the peak of tourist season. The February crowds were not too bad.We saw the canyon when on a tour with Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours where we saw Owl, Rattlesnake, Upper Antelope and Mountain Sheep canyons. They are the only company to offer tours of all 4. Rattlesnake is similar to Upper Antelope. But it is much smaller. I highly recommend using them. We had a very good guide who helped us get some good photos.
You've seen the pictures, and you want to visit. At least, that's what motivated me. So I upgraded my camera lens to a wide angle, and booked a photo tour. It's one of the best experiences I've had.The canyon is one of the most beautiful spots I've seen. I'm told it's considered a sacred place by the Navajo, and I can certainly believe it. The rooms are serene, the scenery beyond belief, and the pictures you take turn out amazing (if you know what you're doing, or have a guide who does - Pat was phenomenal).The road to the canyon is challenging - I don't believe you could make it in a conventional vehicle. You need 4-wheel drive, due to the deep sand, and the depth of the ruts. If you're in a car, forget it. Book a tour, or call AAA once you get stuck.At the canyon itself, there were already three tours there, and this was during the winter. I'd imagine in summer it would be very busy. There were three photographers in our group, so it was a manageable environment--we simply went where the other tours weren't.Because of the low light conditions in the canyon, a tripod is mandatory. Exposures are up to 30 seconds, so there's no way to get anything like the pictures you've seen, if you are shooting handheld. Even a monopod will have too much movement. If possible, take a remote release as well, avoiding the vibration from triggering the shutter manually.We had about 90 minutes in the canyon, so I ended up with about 150 photos. About 10% of them were ruined by people walking through the shots (unless you like ghosts in your photos, in which case they're awesome), or a nudge to the tripod, etc. Of the remaining 90, most are spectacular. The scenery is that good.If you're on a walking tour, your phone or iPad photos will NOT look like this. So be aware of what you want to do before you go. And if you're interested in the photos, ensure you buy or rent a wide (10-18MM) lens for this. The extra width really sets off the photos.I believe access to the canyon is controlled by the Navajo Nation. I can tell you that, unlike most National Park sites I've visited, the canyon was clean - no beer cans, water bottles, or other trash, particularly inside the canyon itself. There was a bit of graffiti carved on the back side of the canyon, and a few bullet holes here or there, but it appears to be pretty well protected and maintained. Either the visitors here tread more lightly, or the Nation pays more attention to upkeep and maintenance.Not taking sides, just reporting what I personally witnessed.The canyon is a rare opportunity - a chance to see a pristine piece of incredible natural beauty. Don't even THINK about visiting this area and not seeing this.
This must be on your list of places to see in your lifetime. I drove 4.5 hours and it was well worth it. I definitely would not recommend going at it in your own. The drive out to it is rugged and unless you have the right vehicle and know how to drive in a combination of washboard and a sand-like surface, take a tour. The tours are informative and worth it anyway.
It was very nice, but honestly it is nothing compared to the lower one. The other is more colorful and more fun. This one is not bad though, it's bigger and have different colors, darker. It's definitely worth seeing.
We visited upper Antelope Canyon on a family trip and enjoyed it very much! Even though it was extremely crowded with other tourists when we went, the beauty and serenity was still undeniable. It was a fairly hot day in May, but inside was very cool and the sand was so soft. It was kind of hectic getting over there because you can only go inside via a Navajo tour. The office was packed with people, so make sure to reserve your spots well in advance. It's not somewhere you can just walk-in and sign up to my knowledge, or at least in their busy seasons. If you're looking to get some awesome photos, do your research in advance as well on how to capture the best photos at Antelope Canyon. The tour guides don't allow you to take too many, so you really have to be quick and ensure that the one shot you got at each stop is actually a good one. I would love to go back someday and visit the lower slot canyons as well which I've heard is very different.
We recently went on the Upper Antelope Canyon tour with Brian as our guide - the company, Antelope Canyon Navajo tours, was right at the entrance site, a few miles east of Page. You could not have asked for a better experience. Brian is great - full of information both about the area and any camera settings you may need. He made the whole experience wonderful. The area is like nothing we had ever seen before. It is something everyone should see at least once in their lives! We went on the 11 am tour during winter months and it was still spectacular.