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游乐设施非常好玩,特别是最新的变形金刚跟哈利波特主题村,虽然排队要排一阵子,值得,云霄飞车也排的很快,甚至不用排队就可以玩到 很多主题性,非常不错
相对于迪斯尼来说,环球影院更适合十岁或更大些的孩子. 项目比较刺激. 哈里波特, 变形金钢, 超人等场景做得非常逼真,犹如身临其境. 那里的员工也很热情,他们会耐心指引你方向, 排队时也会逗孩子们玩.
非常有意思的主题公园 和国内的比好了不是一点点 里面有几个很有创意的项目 比如说spider man和哈利波特 之前没有玩过类似的项目 公园很大 分两块 至少要1天才够 票价折算成人民币还是挺贵的
万圣节大party 非常有气氛, 八个鬼屋~ 十多个人一起进去 一直没敢抬头。。。街上有迷雾 时不时有鬼出来吓唬你~~show也不错 电影主题的公园 ,印象最深的4D过山车, 辛普森一家, 适合我这种不敢做过山车的人
念书的时候去过,以后有老公有孩子的时候,还要全家一起去玩的地方。当时,是跟一起念研究生的朋友大概6个人,租的道奇的SUV, 一行人乐颠颠的从阿拉巴马州出发,沿途见到了很多美国南方的典型特征,农场、奶牛、大片的棉田,玩得很惬意,回国后,再也没有类似的地方可以玩的那样尽兴!
曾经在这里工作过。实在是喜欢的不得了。这个公园由冒险岛,环球影城,和city walk组成。值得游客花上2-3天的时间进行游览;有一种expree pass可以让游客走专用通道免去排队的痛苦,每天价格都不同,不过不是很值。一定要试的游乐设施:冒险岛:蜘蛛侠3d,绿巨人过山车,双龙过山车,现在当然还有harry potter的区域了,呵呵,工作的时候还没有。环球影城:木乃伊过山车,大鲨鱼,辛普森4D Ride; 晚上还可以去City walk买买纪念品,看看IMAX电影,票价很合理。
on our 4th visit to florida we decided to visit universal studios and island of adventure. we brought a 14 day returns ticket allowing us to use the parks as much as we wanted over the 2 weeks. it cost $17 to park for the day.it took us less than a day to visit all the attractions in less than one day in the studios. i found the day very boring as i have a visual impairment and many of the 3d rides made me ill.my children had a good time but i was disappointed that there was not more to do. also some of the rides were closed. we didnt return to the park despite having a 14 day ticket
If you are a Harry Potter fan, this is a must. Drink Butterbeer, visit Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, and experience the Escape from Gringott's. The ride was especially cool, but maybe a little scary for my seven year old son.The express pass was mostly useful in the kids' areas. The most popular rides don't allow you to use it.
We went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on a 1-day, two-park pass. I took my youngest daughter who is a big fan of Harry Potter but not a youngster. She was my personal guide to all things Harry Potter and made it so much more meaningful. It was chilly so perhaps the crowds were a bit dissipated, but not noticeably so. We first went to Escape from Gringotts and were delayed due to the fact the ride had temporarily broken down. Long wait, but once it was operational we were rewarded with a ride to remember. Bought some hot Buttered Beer and took the Hogswart Express from Diagon Alley to Hogsmeade. Bought a wand, of course. Be prepared for the crowds and long lines, but so worth it. No detail has been overlooked. Pricey, but way fun.
We went only to Universal Studios on this trip and not to Islands of Adventure. We had a great time, although honestly we eventually ran out of things to do. We went with teens, and this is definitely geared more to older kids and adults than the little ones. The shows and the simulator (3-D, 4-D) rides were highly entertaining. The actors were surprisingly good, entertaining and funny. The various experiences got a little repetitive after awhile. Many of the rides / shows are similar. Getting there early worked out great for us. We had very few lines (especially at the start), and got through much of our itinerary by lunchtime. It seems like kind of a small place. Planning the day really helped (we relied on the Orlando Informer site, which was quite helpful). If you are a Harry Potter fan, you probably could spend more time in the Harry Potter world than we did. We went on the Escape from Gringotts ride (very good) and saw the wand shop (ridiculous). There was not much else for us in Diagon Alley. Really in the whole park, we did not really care about the shops and junk food places. By 5:30, we really had seen everything we wanted to see, including some rides twice (Simpsons and Transformers). Besides those two, the best rides / shows were Disaster (really fun), Harry Potter Gringott's bank experience (happily, virtually no wait!), the horror make-up show (more funny than scary), Despicable Me minions ride. Less interesting were the Terminator and Shrek theater experiences, but they were not bad. The MiB ride was okay. The ET ride was so strange and terrible, that it was almost worth going. Twister was a waste. We skipped the real thrill rides -- there are only a couple, the Mummy and Rip, Ride, Rockit (which was fun to watch even if we did not go in it). I think Islands of Adventure has more rides that throw you around, get you dizzy or wet. When we went to Islands of Adventure a couple of years ago, I remember getting very wet. Universal Studios was a very different experience -- more about the movies and simulation rides and shows. It seemed to deliver that pretty well. The warnings on most of the rides were a bit scary to one of our kids, but almost everything we did was pretty tame and did not put you in any extreme physical situations. Even at the high price of admission and even though we were done before 6:00, we felt like we got our money's worth (especially since we spent almost nothing in the Park except for lunch). It kept us entertained for almost 10 hours, teenagers included. It helped that we waited in so few long lines. One surprise was a 10% discount off food and trinkets if you used the American Express.
We have had annual passes for years now to Busch Gardens and Sea World. Then we decided to try Universal. So worth it!! I love this place as much as the kids do. Now if I mention going anywhere else it's nope we want Universal! If you are going to go for more than 3 days and get annual tickets. It is so worth it. You never know when you can get back for a long weekend and your tickets are already paid for. Plus you get discounts in the park and don't have to pay to park your car!!