4A地址: 暂无
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从拉斯维加斯开车几个小时到达有名的hoover dam, 水坝不算大,但是在Nevada红色的土地上显得别有风情,说实在话没什么好看的,我只记得那是我过过的比在新加坡夏天还热的一天
电影变形金刚相信大家都不陌生吧,里面美国秘密“关押”与研究霸天虎的秘密基地就设在胡佛水坝,可想而知在美国人的心目中这座水坝的分量咯。 胡佛水坝建于1930年代的大萧条时期,大坝是罗斯福新政的产物,历时三年,高达220多米,一经建成就成为美国精神的象征。 大坝除了水利发电功效之外的最大任务就是旅游接待,每天有数不清的人来这里参观。现在由于美国反恐形势,所有进入大坝的车都需要接受检查,不过美国人对于中国旅行团的检查还是比较简单,主要是自觉打开储物箱和提包,美国检察官一扫而过没有异常大手一挥就可以放行了。其实,大坝最吸引人的是他的名气,至于风光和建筑本身到没有多少闪光点。大坝有一个观光平台,可以在那里摄影留照;大坝也有一个博物馆,讲述大坝历史,感兴趣可以去参观,不过要收门票的。 总的来说,大坝没有留给我太深的印象。
First time over the bypass since it opened. Having taken the old Hoover Dam route before this was a breeze getting to Las Vegas. On the way back we stopped at Hoover Dam and checked it out, then headed to the bypass's visitor area, where you can hike up to the bridge's sidewalk where you can see the dam and Lake Meade. It was free so it was great! :) (You do have to pay for the Hoover Dam tour if you want though, but you don't have to pay just to walk out on the dam itself).
So much more impressive in person. Driving over the dam and hearing about what an incredible engineering feet is was makes it that much more significant. There aren't a lot of places to stop on the way in, so make sure to have your camera ready! On the other side of the dam there is a gift shop and a parking lot from which you can take some decent pics. A must see!
Great man made sight..nice to see it on the way to Grand Canyon. if you have time you can enter the museum for a fee.. But must passing thru it is a sight to behold .
It made getting to Vegas so much easier. The view is nice -- but if you are in a tall vehicle like an RV - watch the wind.
What a view! And if you take the dam tour below, the people on the bridge look absolutely tiny. It gives you a new perspective on water conservation too.
The hoover dam bypass is a nice improvement as the thru traffic no longer must travel over Hoover Dam to get to and from Arizona/Nevada. You can walk across the bridge from the Nevada side. It gives you a breathtaking view of the face of Hoover Dam. The small parking area (to access the bridge) is free and has bathrooms and wheelchair access to the bridge. Not sure how wide the bridge is but it is quite a walk from one side to the other. It was worth the stop and is a nice getaway from the Vegas go go go action.
The new bridge that was built so that travelers don't have to go over Hoover Dam anymore is great and it saves a lot of time! No stopping and waiting for traffic. No twisty and curvy road. It is straight and fast! It also has a good view of the dam and Lake Mead behind it. It is definitely a place to visit at least once. I have been across it quite a few time.
This was well worth the short drive away from the split, there was plenty of things to see on the trip out to the dam. This a site that you truly need to see if your planning on visiting Vegas, I was amazed at the architect.
We were short on time, so we drove around and did not pull into the visitor center. It said $10 to park, but we pulled into lookout areas without paying anything. Must see. Next time we will take the tour as the history is amazing. Before you get to the Hoover dam, there is a parking area to walk the bridge over the damn. Amazing, but not for the faint of heart.
If you are going to tour the Hoover Dam facility then please make a stop at the Bypass, the HUGE bridge that overlooks the dam and the Colorado River! You can safely and securely walk out over the dam, albeit a few hundred feet above the dam, and get a real birds' eye view of the dam. Then, I recommend you tour the dam itself, where you can look up at the bypass from the observation deck and marvel at how high up you were! Probably not the best choice, though, for folks who don't like heights or motion, there is a fair amount of movement when big trucks go by on the multi-lane highway that crosses the bridge.
We drove out to Hoover Dam from Vegas and it took maybe 40 minutes. The drive was scenic and took you passed Lake Mead. The bypass where Nevada/Arizona meets is great and so is the bridge that provides you a view of the Dam itself.We didn't go on a tour but walked around and took in the sights. Parking was $10.