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设施很好,当然这里的食品的价格并不是太划算,但是其他地方也这样不是吗?单数的座椅面朝东,所以说过你在下午或者日落的时候站起来的话,最好戴帽子和太阳镜涂防晒霜。我觉得还可以带食物进去(我看到过有人带冷饮进去),我能确定的是你可以带没喝过的矿泉水进去(这样可以省不少钱!)“园中园”收费每人5美金,你可以进入佩蒂戈园,在里面实际上就是在大屏幕上看比赛,坐在面朝本垒的小山上,你要自己带椅子和毛毯等等。如果你不想花很多现金的话,这真的是个很好的选择。如果你有机会的话,可以到球迷节去看看。球迷节每年二月份的时候举行,是免费的,还有很多球员和教练亲笔签名和问答环节。 免费的俱乐部活动(这个真的很棒!)较小的孩子可以进行基础项目,大点的孩子可以在场子上扔球看看能得多少分。你可以带上球或t恤请你最喜欢的球员签名(我老公花了13美金买了马特的棒球帽,这是唯一适合他的东西),还有其他的纪念品(运动衫等等)。车库甩卖通常会排很长的队,但是教士队可以从中获益。无论如何,是很适合带小孩一起参加的活动,或者带上你狂热的球迷老公一起去作为情人节的惊喜。
I have been to about 8 ballparks, and Petco Park is average at best. The seats are not the most comfortable, but the facility is clean. The food is typical of ballparks which is a shame as there are many great restaurants nearby. I go mostly to watch the game, so it would be nice if the Padres could field a major league team. Maybe with the recent off season changes, they will not finish in the basement
I'm not a baseball person, but love the park. Take the tour when they are not in town and get behind the scenes. One of the best 12 bucks I have ever spent.
Lots of good local history. Tour takes you from the bleachers to the field and up to the press box, but would have like to see the club house. Guide gives you some interesting tips on where to see the game inexpensively. Kind of fun seeing the field from a players vantage point. Tour is about 80 minutes long . Very relaxed feeling on the tour with plenty of time to take pictures.
I usually just go when the Reds come into town cause Im a Cincinnati fan. But I've caught a handful of Padres games. It is one of the coolest parks in the majors, and the weather is always temperate. Though I prefer a night game. I suggest going when there is a better team in town. :) haha. Kidding. But seriously watching Aroldis Chapman sling 105 MPH down in the front row in the bottom of the 9th is a beautiful thing. Magic.
But not quite as beutiful as Camden Yards in Baltimore! a close 2nd for sure. An awesome place to watch baseball. If only they could field a team.
Took the tour of Petco Park since basebal season is a month away. Lots of interesting facts - a must see for any baseball fan.
The stadium is really a nice addition to the city. Wondering around the stadium learning about the city was wonderful.
This great part of the venue is it is growing. The plants that were planted day one are growing into the design of the park and every year that look is make the venue more and more San Diego. The venue has taken care of keeping up with modern day basics. WIFI, HD, GREEN world is changing yearly and the venue has not just set what was built but work yearly to update the needs of the people who attend the venue. Starting in 2015 the scoreboard will be one of the largest video walls they venue has updated the monitors around the venue so if you cant see the board you see a HD monitor with the same signal. The audio system was updated last year. Dont forget about the food, the food is changing yearly to match the tastes of the people attending the venue.
If like me your from the uk and love the difference the USA sports are then this is a great family occasion.
Myself, my wife and 6 year old son did the tour and overall enjoyed the experience. Why?Knowledge and enthusiasm of the tour guideThe history and storiesThe chance to see things you wouldn't normally seeThe park is in a great location and is a wonderful example of a modern baseball park Didn't like-The tour guide didn't involve or interact with any children on the tour. children are our future sports stars so a shame. We asked the guide if we could use the toilet before the tour started. She said yes but never showed us were to go. When we asked again at the start of the tour she hinted that we were trouble (in a joking manner). When a child needs the toilet a little bit of empathy is needed...