cholla cactus garden
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开放时间: 暂无

As we drove thru the park today, we stopped at the Cholla gardens, and did the Nature walk thru them. They were beautiful, and we picked up the brochure at the entrance to the gardens and read it throughout the walk. Don't miss this as part of tour drive thru the park
The Cholla Cactus were just starting to bloom when we visited the garden. Even without the blooming, this stop in the park is surreal. We had never seen this kind of cactus - and for it to be growing so plentifully was picturesque.Having driven from the north end of the park, when you stop at the gardens, you suddenly realize that there are no more Joshua Trees from this point south.There is such different topography, vegetation etc. over short distances in the park that there is always something new to see.
I noticed when exploring Joshua Tree that many of the attractions are not easy to find, even after parking in the designated areas. The trails are not clear, or you may have to scale very large rocks to see the amazing thing on the other side. If you are not equipped with climbing gear or really powerful shoes you will most likely miss the attractions. Cholla Cactus Garden was my favorite attraction that was easy to find right off the main road. It didn't leave us scratching our heads THAT skull rock? It is a massive amount of cacti stretched as far as the eye can see. They look really cool, almost fuzzy and cartoon like but apparently if you try to touch one spikes can jump out and imbed your flesh!! That information scared me enough to stay on my side of the railing.
We really liked the Cholla Cactus Garden!! It is an amazing spot where the environment supports the growth of thousands of plants. It must be just awesome when they all bloom. You can see a Cholla Cactus here and there throughout the park, but to see thousands in one place is very special.
Every time we visit this area and even with proper signage, some one always gets too close to these chollas! This time a guy had a whole cholla ball hanging off his finger! Worth the walk, greatest garden of cholla anywhere! But stay on the trail and keep your children close to enjoy these beautiful plants! Take the time to read the brochure to better understand what is going on in this delicate area.
Admittedly, it's a nice grouping of cacti but given all the other splendors in the park, I'm surprised it's ranked #3. Perhaps it's the easy accessibility (directly on the road)? A curiosity, yes, but it shouldn't be a prime destination.
Worth the stop - nice chance to get out of the car and stroll among these fuzzy-looking cacti on a dirt path. When the sun shines through the yellow spines they appear to almost glow, like a halo. Be careful not to get too close or step on fallen pieces. Wouldn't recommend for wheelchairs, because of all the thorns, but you can see the cacti from the road and parking lot. I would rate this stop as 5-star, but there is no restroom here.
... then in their photographs. The color transitions from the chocolate brown ("toasted" I heard one fellow traveler say) bottoms to their shiny bright tops is fantastic. Taking the short walk thru the cactus patch affords a fine up-close experience with these (don't touch) "teddy bears".
Captivating walk around the Cholla Garden. They look like they breed like Gremlins with little balls of Cholla at the base of the Cactus that get up to 10 feet tall. If you thought Joshua Tree NP was only about the Joshua Trees, then this garden will show you otherwise.
We got some (outdated) information from the local AAA office about this section of Joshua Tree Nat'l Park. We were warned that the road was not in good shape. Don't know what year that AAA person travelled through this section of road ---- but it was in perfect shape / and it was a really pleasant way to leave Joshua Tree and return to Palm Springs. The Cactus Garden walk is a good spot to stop and stretch your legs for 15 minutes. Take a leisurely stroll on the marked walking path.
This is a fascinating stop in the Joshua Tree National Park. There is a loop that can be walked to get better views of the vegetation. Be careful to stay on the path as needles can penetrate light footwear. Lots of close up photo opportunities.
too bad the cholla weren't blooming on march.. but still, I felt like I've gotten inside one of Karl May's books...
A complete surprise as to how vast and beautiful it really is! Well worth the 20 miles out of the loop I was taking from Joshua Tree entrance to 29 Palms exit. It has a very small walking trail. I would have liked to have had a longer hiking one as well but the walking trail gives you the sense of being in the middle of it all.
As exit out of Wilson Canyon (from the West end towards the Cottonwood entrance), you suddenly find a huge patch of Cholla cactus. Their yellow and browns capture the setting sun and appear to glow . As fast as they appear, they disappear again. The cactus are short, compared to the traditional dessert cacti, and have lots of fine needles. Don't touch!!!
We have Cholla cactus around us in Phoenix... but nothing like this. Very impressive view in all directions. Short hike available but you can see the general view from the pull off/parking area