country square western wear


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country square western wear


We were on our way to visit our daughter and son-in-law and our new grandson in Bellevue, Washington. Before departing, I had checked out the website for Country Square and I knew that it was a store that I just had to visit. I like to wear exotic skin western boots. They are hard to find. We programmed our GPS and headed south to Auburn in heavy traffic. It was a fairly long drive but it (and the sunny day) was worth it. On arrival, we found that the owner, Shawn Nirschl, was having a tent sale ( 2 for 1). I found a beautiful Circle S western jacket and slacks to match (photo attached). I then found a pair of black Dan Post python boots. They fit like a glove! A huge selection of western boots and they were all on sale at 20% off. We will definitely be going back for a return visit. The selection and pricing is just too good to pass up.

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