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开车穿过大门时就有种被运送到了非凡之地的感觉!风景很美,尤其是红叶变色之际。整个庄园规划齐整,维护的很有秩序。我们是下午1点去的,到了之后就去吃了午饭。一开始想吃自助,可是只有周末才有,最后就去了Antler村的小酒馆,女侍者和老板都很好,服务优质,最后吃的饱饱的就开始游览庄园了。 道路是环形的,开车直接就到了停车位,另外也可以乘坐大巴直接在庄园门口下车,不过走几分钟也就到了,沿途还拍到了好看的照片。大概下午2点半到3点之间抵达的,人不是很多,到处逛逛很悠闲,欣赏一下各个房间。我们选择的是收听语音导览,能懂得好多知识,也很具有娱乐性,时间也不长。庄园里有好多台阶,不过有些区域也有电梯。要是我们时间更充裕就会选择“幕后之旅”的其中一项了,看到有些小年轻选择的那条路线,但是我觉得还是适合8岁以上的人群。参观完室内后我们就去了咖啡厅吃点零食,然后去了花园。真是有太多值得探索的地方了,并且有多条小径都可以到达。真希望我们能去Bass池塘和Azalea花园。我建议大家计划好在这里玩一下午的行程,想多去点地方就穿双舒服的鞋。我们碰到的所有人都很热情帮助人。
比特摩尔庄园非常棒,而且整个比特摩尔之旅就像是润滑的很好的机器。但是你们要明白,我和丈夫并没有像期待的那样留下深刻的印象。我觉得这更多的是我们的问题以及我们喜欢的的东西的类型。比特摩尔庄园运营的好,从停车到找卫生间的一切方面都容易。我绝对推荐早点去,给自己留出足够多的时间来参观在合格庄园和全部建筑。我做了对这个庄园的语音导览,花了大约2个小时。因为人很多,所以我享受了用耳机听43个房间的不同故事,这样我就不用边穿过人群边读关于不同房间的导游书。也就是语音导览让我保持专注,而且听各个房间的历史也很令人愉快。在参观了房间后我们参观了漂亮的花园,然后坐班车回到了我们的私家车,然后去参观了Antler Village(离这里五英里)。我们在Bistro吃了午餐。这里的价格有点贵,但是食品好!我们在去看了铁匠铺和一些古老的农具后就结束了一天的游览。
周五周六我们去参观了比特摩尔庄园。我提前几周就给比特摩尔庄园打电话询问门票价格和旅游线路。最后,我们买了周五的最低价门票,由于预订的早还享受了折扣。我们还预定了自助导游,周五参观的时候幕后导游是以建筑师的身份给我们做了一个小时的讲解,周六参观的时候幕后导游是以管家的身份给我们做了一个小时的讲解。比特摩尔庄园售票办公室的工作人员给了我们非常有帮助的建议,而且还给我们免去了第二天参观的门票(每个人60元)。因为我们第二天预定的是带导游的旅行。普通的那种自助的室内参观游(每人60元)时租用的电子导游非常划算,信息量很大,很多展厅都会介绍非常多的历史故事。让旅行变得非常丰富。还有两个小时的幕后导游讲解(这样的旅行价格是每人106元)也是非常划算。导游知识特别丰富,而且很愿意和游客分享他们的知识。这两个旅行参观的房间有一些都不在普通的自助游参观的范围内,基本上这两次带导游的旅行和那次自助的旅行参观的地方不怎么重合。建筑师之旅包括去到屋顶参观,我们去了两个不同的屋顶阳台,还有好几个房间后面的平台。还能在一处非常陡的屋顶下面看到未完工的区域,在这里,你能够看到石砖是怎么一片一片贴到屋顶上面去的。同时,我们还从屋子外面去欣赏建筑,还有室内的装饰和布局。管家之旅重点在参观房间仆人,厨房厨师们的住宿以及他们的生活,还有工作人员使用的房间,包括地下室里面的机械区,在这里,房间里面电路,排水,暖气和冷气系统都得到了讲解,令人印象深刻。在庄园里面我们还参观了几个花园(意大利花园,围墙花园和暖房)。另外,我们在安特勒山村的遗产展览厅度过了愉快的时光,红酒酒庄之旅,品尝红酒(很大的红酒品尝室)以及购物都非常有趣。第一天(周五)的时候,我们大概早晨9点到达庄园,直到晚餐后9点半才离开。我们是在安特勒山村的Cedric’s Tavern用的晚餐(非常休闲的酒吧,建议大家先预定)。周六我们是早晨9点半左右到的庄园,下午3点半左右离开的。我们在Stable Café吃了午餐(没有预定,但是也只等了7分钟),在这里享用了两人份的“经典套餐”,非常好吃,食物分量很足。我们还花时间光了几家不同的礼品店,买了一瓶红酒和其他几样纪念品。如果有时间的话我建议大家来这里花两天的时间参观一下整个庄园。我们没有住在庄园里的酒店(超过了我们的预算),而是住在离庄园正门两个街区远的双树酒店。比特摩尔庄园游玩是一次很棒的经历!
The audio tour is strongly suggested as there is no explanation of what you are seeing otherwise. The property and its buildings are fascinating but the tour leaves much to be desired.
We visted three days. We did the audio house tour the first day. We would recommend buying the audio tour- it gives you more detailed information in each of the rooms. The only drawback was that you had to hold it to your ear instead of headphones. Second day we did the upstairs-downstairs tour. You got to see the back of the house and got a lot more detailed information. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable. If you have the extra cash it's worth it if you want to know more about how the servants ran the house and some more information about the Vanderbuilts. If you don't care about the historical information just doing the regular house tour would be fine. The house itself is large and when you first see it, you saw Wow! The gardens in the middle of spring will be beautiful, we were just a little early to enjoy all the flowers in bloom. The one draw back is that when you leave you have to drive a long way to get off the estate! It takes 20-25 minutes to leave the grounds due to the long winding road that takes you around the whole estate! Its worth a stop to see!
Beautiful home. Mr Cecil has done an outstanding job of maintaining this beautiful masterpiece from an era long gone by. Every detail is given to the estate and the value for historians is very reasonable. This is a must see and do for anyone traveling near Asheville.
We got our annualpass renewed today. It is great that if you visit this beautiful place twice in 12 months it pays for itself. This is a amazing place and offers so much to do everyday of the year.
A day out for three of us was nearly $250 just for the admission tickets. Biltmore is quite an experience and the house is nicely presented albeit was rammed on the day we visited. The commercial village several miles drive from the house is OK, we skipped the "free" wine tasting at the winery that was included in the price of entry due to the length of the line. We opted to pay for a premium teasing and found the wines to be quite average. Worth visiting but very fully priced and choose a day when the crowds are not out in force.
Wow...the Biltmore Estate is a sight to see, for sure! You can easily spend an entire day here. The house and grounds around it are gorgeous. We spent time at the Antler Hill Winery as well - free tasting with your ticket, wines just okay. You can taste additional "premium" wines in the wine bar afterwards that are much better quality though overpriced in my opinion.
A MUST SEE...not recommended for elderly or those on walkers or in wheel chairs or people who cannot stand or walk too long.beautiful home..tour was fantastic..winery our favorite!
Everyone needs to visit the Biltmore. It is an unbelievable house to see. The gardens and hot houses are great. Take more than one tour to see it all. The parking is plentiful with a shuttle right to the front door. The gift shops are filled with great items. Many many hotels in the area.
This was not on our original itinerary, by we were sure glad we stumbled upon it. Pay the extra $10 for the audio tour. It's well worth it; it's very well done. It's so amazing that a young couple created all of this so long ago. Wait until you see the indoor pool and bowling alley! The grounds are beautiful. Take time to go to the vineyard if you can. Oh, and don't forget the ice cream shop...it's a meal in itself!
We were in awe with The Biltmore Estate! It is so amazingly beautiful. Everyone that works there, that we encountered was extremely nice and helpful with any questions.