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虽然见过很多海滩,但我依然向你推荐Poitou beach ,临近沙滩的海水非常清澈可以浮潜,有一断沿伸向外的黑礁石滩,人们可以走向海的更远处,这样冲浪的人就在你的旁边了,端个躺椅在这享受生活吧


这是个不错而且安静的儿童泳池海滩,周围有岩石保护,所以孩子们可以安全的玩耍和浮潜,家长们可以安心坐在沙滩上。这有许多树荫,但是有伞还是更好。水真的不错,温暖。你可以步行去停车场,也可以到街对面的brennecke beach brolier买三明治。






优点:1,我们一直想在普依普海滩著名的沙洲上走一走。我们以为会有一块干的陆地可以走,但其实到处都是汹涌的海浪扑面而来!在沙洲的最顶端有块干陆地,而且岩石防浪堤可以将我们与汹涌的海浪阻隔。我们坐下来好好欣赏着美景。2,我潜入沙洲附近的地方,发现了一群低鳍鲑鱼!在海滨能看到这么大的鱼对于我而言真是惊喜万分啊!我发现一只漂亮的露珠盔鱼,蓝紫色的身体,粉红色的鳍,黄色的尾巴。还有另一条叫做圣诞龙 的鱼,身体上五颜六色,粉红,蓝色,黄色,绿色,应有尽有!早晨的时候去那里潜潜水吧。3,海滩的停车区有户外集市。他们说这个是半年才办一次的。我小孩从一个和蔼的老妇女那边买了一个漂亮的手工手提袋。那里有许多好玩的东西,节日的气氛另我们特别享受。缺点:1,能见度很低啊!水太浑了以至于我拍的鱼的照片和视频都看不清楚。当潜水的时候我甚至不知道在我显示器上的是什么东西。我家人根本就不想在这里潜水,他们说想念夏威夷大岛的沙滩。感谢数字技术,至少我可以拍到普依普海滩的水下景色。2,注意沙洲的汹涌的海浪。我跟我女儿企图游回沙洲,但是我们发现太难了,沙滩上的海浪向我们扑过来,又把我们推回去。于是我们就与沙洲平行游泳,远离沙滩。3,海岸边有许多孩子在玩冲浪板,真的很嘈杂。我孩子更喜欢魔法师海滩!




For babies, children, teenagers, adults and seniors this beach caters to all. Several areas to venture. Walk around before you find you spot. Food is limited but you can always pack a lunch or hit the hotels. It would be difficult to give this beach lower than a 4 rating. In my opinion 5 star all the way. Must see.


We were looking to take our 18 month old grandson to the beach while we were on Kauai. This beach has some very protected areas and is fantastic for small children. We went 3 different days. It has a lifeguard station. Snorkeling was pretty good in the west part of the cove as well.


My wife and I really enjoy the time we spend here during our annual winter visits to Kauai.The location on the South Shore means that a traveler can usually count on sunshine. In season whales are normally visible from the shore. Monk seals frequently rest here after a hard night's work fishing, and there are sea turtles in residence.Sadly, body surfers will be disappointed this year because Breneke Beach has been destroyed by erosion. Exposed rocks make body surfing impossible. I spoke with a local resident who assured me that he has seen good conditions come and go over the years. He said, "The Breneke Beach that body surfers love will be back".I hope he is correct.


Crowded, but thins out about 4PM. A nice protected beach....snorkelling is better outside the bay on the right.....a good safe place for small children.


This was a nice spot to spend a few hours laying by the beach, and watching the monk seal sleep! We were lucky to catch one on the beach the day we went! Also there are clean bathrooms, always a plus!


We stopped at this beach on our way back from hiking in the Waimea Canyon. It was quite windy the day we were there, not sure if that is typical or not, but it wasn't windy on other parts of the island we were on. There was a Hawaiian Monk Seal that was just chillin on the beach there so that was pretty cool to see, there are only a few left of them. There was a calm bay area to swim in and I did see some people snorkeling as well. The beach itself isn't very big but it was a nice little stop for us.


Lots of people here because it is such a nice spot. 2 coves with a little island in the middle. Saw an excellent sunset here and also a few turtles. Snorkeling was okay.


Poipu Beach was definitely one of our high points while on the island of Kauai. The beach area is very clean and safe. A lifeguard tower is in place and the snorkling was really good. We spotted about 40 different varieties of fish, saw green sea turtles, 2 varieties of eel and even a endangered monk seal. There are 3 distinct swimming areas protected by a reef. One area was very nice for families with younger children. Parking is at a premium, but circling the parking lot a couple of times usually yielded a spot to park. We found this beach to be a good alternative when water was too rough to swim at other locations.


Beautiful beach but tiny so if you are looking for a place to sun yourself you might be fighting for space.

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