4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

夏威夷未被美国入侵时,是一个主权独立而臣服于美国的一个小小王国。有国王、女王,当然也有皇宫啦。而 Iolani Palace,就是岛上唯一,甚至美国境内唯一的皇宫。皇宫前,为了纪念女王 Queen Liliʻuokalani 而竖立了一个铜像,让世人知道,夏威夷女王的威水史。小小皇宫,不算华丽,但设计是深受欧洲既建筑风格影响。我们因时间关系,同要收钱既关系,没有入内了。我们在外面拍几张照片之后,就再向下一个景点进发。
首先,很多游客都把伊哦拉尼皇宫(Iolani)和阿莱伊奥莱尼希勒大楼(Ali'Iolani Hale)搞混了,后者才是最早为王宫所建造的,尽管从未被当做王宫利用,现在是夏威夷的高级法院。如果你想更深地了解夏威夷的历史,那么这里绝对值得参观,前面的卡米哈米哈一世雕像非常显眼。穿过街道你就会看到伊哦拉尼皇宫,花园里面有凉亭,当初是为了卡拉卡瓦国王的加冕典礼而建立的。强烈推荐参加有导游的观光团,这里是利留卡拉尼女王皇后被外籍入侵者(农民、银行家、律师等)抓起来关押的地方,后来历经坎坷中风去世。当你第一次听到这个故事时非常唏嘘,之后同样的遭遇也发生在了其他宫殿。宫殿的里面装修非常精美,有很多Koa木材制作的工艺品,这种木头只有夏威夷才有,非常珍贵。
在州政府附近有Iolani palace,去参观一下,很漂亮,去之前查好开放的时间,或者把这个景点放到后天去也可以晚上回到Waikiki附近
nearby pretty near Chinatown .as mentioned in the trip reviews... there is also Parliament whose architecture look similar to my homeland Parliament
The palace is certainly worth the visit (having only one day of our cruise in Honolulu we chose to “honor” the heritage of the Hawaiian peoples instead of the modern military history). The palace has a number of really interesting rooms (room where Liliʻuokalani was kept “imprisoned” after the Wilcox revolt, the throne room, and the yellow music room being favorites). The self paced tour uses an electronic device that allows one to listen to extras (music and more information about a topic). We did not know that we could have brought our better and more comfortable headsets and just plugged into to the device. The tour through the house with a few of the “extras” selected and review of the exhibits in the lowest level of the home took about an hour. We did the tour on a weekday in December and there were not many people in the house but we still had to wait a bit for the small elevator to go from the 2nd floor back to the 1st so patience helps. The exhibits on the ground floor included pictures of the popular king and visitors to the palace including Robert Louis Stevenson as well as a history of the remodel of the palace from a state office building back to a Victorian era home.Helpful hint – take 5 or 10 minutes to read some of the history of the reign of David Kalākaua, Liliʻuokalani and the Wilcox rebellion prior to the your visit to better appreciate what you are seeing. You do have to slip on foot covers over your shoes. Staff was all pleasant and helpful. We got to the site right when it opened and still had to wait quite some time for our tour, and used that time to explore the statehouse and a Christmas Tree display at city hall.
Such a beautiful place filled with history and grandeur. Learning more about the monarchy and seeing the beautiful palace was a highlight of my trip. Seeing how they were overthrown ( illegally) was painful and angering.
Excellent tour with staff. As a historian I appreciate their care of the valued treasures by having everyone put bootys over their footwear during the tour. My walking headset was low on batteries so it stopped working half way through the tour pricing for tour very well priced
I went to the downtown area of Honolulu on a Sunday so the Palace was closed but it is lovely from the outside - next time I will go when it's open!
We visited the Iolani Palace and it is really a lovely place. There is a self guided audio tour that is well done. The palace gives you some of the history of Hawaii and the royal family. The grounds are attractive. We were able to park on the street nearby although there is parking right on the grounds as well.
I was really glad we took this tour, really well done and very interesting history here. Plan on and hour and half and enjoy the outside as well. Friday evening they have live music on the grounds.