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当时只有早上7点,lg决定先拉我去美国密苏里纪念馆先参观一番。美国密苏里纪念馆票价$22/人。美国密苏里纪念馆不但是历史课本上大名鼎鼎的日本签署二战投降书的战舰,而且经过改造升级,退役前还参加了九十年代初的海湾战争,参与发射了首批用于实战的战斧巡航导弹(Tomahawk cruise missile),lg因此早就摩拳擦掌叫嚷着要上去看个究竟。远处张望一下密苏里要上密苏里,需要坐一小段大巴。大巴站就在售票柜台的右手方向。开车的大叔貌似是日本人后裔,看来他们自己都已经不怎么介意这一段过节了吧。下车之后就可以上战舰参观了。那一天烈日当头,甲板上非常非常的热,很难想象以前的士兵们在没有空调的日子里是怎么挨过来的。我们的运气很好,一上船就有中文的解说员来欢迎我们,即使我们这一队只有两个人,解说员也一点儿没有糊弄的意思,一板一眼的给我们详细的介绍了整艘战略舰,还特别耐心的回答了许多lg的专业问题和我的白痴问题。大太阳那么晒,解说员带着我们俩沿着甲板从头说到尾,出了满头满脸的汗,可是最后我们要给他小费,他还坚决不收,真是很感动!因为他,我在船上居然并没有觉得很无聊,这也算是一个奇迹了(^_^)这是战略舰的6门主炮。以前我以为大炮就是这样威风凛凛的向前打敌人的,这次才知道作战时必须转过身去向侧面打,不然炮口喷出的火焰会把甲板都烧起来。我作为纯粹的军事小白这次学到这个知识也算是没白来。咳咳,lg看到这里又要说我丢人了,遁走⋯⋯解说员还说,战列舰在英文中是battleship,但是他们的编号都是BB-xx,是因为美国人觉得BS这个缩写不太雅观。这艘密苏里号的编号是BB-63,是美国的最后一艘战略舰。再来一张正面的,酷。但是讲解员说现代军舰已经没有这么笨重的家伙了,我觉得好可惜啊。再次遁走⋯战舰中部甲板上嵌着一块金色的标志,这里就是日本签署无条件投降书的地方了。当年密苏里号停在日本的东京湾,据说船上的几门大炮都对准了东京,防止日本人耍花枪。我以前是不知道这个故事细节的,这次听到还唏嘘感叹了一番:战败国的滋味不好受吧,谁让他们当年那么凶残。这是旁边的展橱里陈列的投降书复制品。咱们中国代表徐永昌将军的签名最浅最淡,很难拍清楚。旁边的笔是美国代表Chester William Nimitz用的笔(的复制品),据说这家伙磨磨蹭蹭签一个名字换了6只笔,就为了签完之后把这六枝笔分别送给6个人,真是有心计。不过他的其中一支笔送给了自己的老婆大人,这一点我还是挺佩服的,美国人的家庭观念有时候很温馨。插播一张我们朴实可爱的解说员之后讲解员还带我们看了密苏里船身上唯一一处创伤,是一架日本自杀式飞机撞上来造成的,其实只是小小的一个凹痕。可怜的日本飞行员在撞击前就已经被击毙了,飞机靠惯性翻上了甲板,飞行员当时只有19岁,不得不感叹战争真是太可怕了。哎呀,木有照片?对不住对不住。。。战舰的内部也可以参观,里面和我们之前看过的航母很像,所以也就走的非常快。参观完之后,还去下车的地方等大巴,就可以回到珍珠港纪念地了。
Touring one of the great battleships where the end of WWII took place with very knowledgeable volunteers made this a memorable experience.
Visiting the Missouri Memorial was part of a tour to Pearl Harbor. The ship guide was superb, she knew every detail imaginable, and seemed to really love her job! The Surrender Deck and the facts surrounding the act itself were the highlights. Wish we had more time.
Our family, mix of 40's, 7, 10 and 70's all enjoyed it very much. The tour guides were great; the boat has so many cool historical artifacts and stories that we all found it fascinating. It's a must when you visit the Pearl Harbor Monument.
When you first walk in you are automatically shuffle into tour group. Make sure you are in the right language group, because the tours are given in different languages. You don't have to be in a tour, it just comes with your ticket. It's not very old because it was still operating in the 1990's. There are stuff on that ship that I still own! Pretty modern for a museum, but great place to visit if you are into ships and what life was like living on a ship. Lots of stairs to climb (backward on) and there are handicap elevators, but due to limited space you really need to be mobile to see the entire ship.
Drive over yourself or take the bus and buy the package for Arizona, Missouri and the sudmarine. It works out better and cheaper than buying the packages at the hotels
First given a brief tour of the battleship and then the rest on your own and own place. Because of the tour bus, you are not given enough time to explore and food options are very limited. Blame that on the tour company not allowing enough time. Enjoyed. You can see where WWII started and ended. Worth it.
Take the tour it's fascinating. You get a guided tour with the ticket price..... Beautiful place and we learned a lot. Wear sneakers and be brave to climb the ladders up. ( don't wear a skirt) this amazing ship is all non profit so go and support this amazing piece of history.
Mostly saw from the deck on up. Saw the huge guns, the pilothouse, map room, crew quarters, missiles ...the best part to me was when we were on top and saw the exact spot marked by a large round brass marker that indicated where the surrender was signed by all parties....i have to say that on the newsreels it seemed to me the area we much larger but its really small.If one has leg problems (walking) there is an elevator that can get you to the deck...however there are steps along the way....wished we could have gone below.OH, there is spot on the side where a kamikaze plane hit the ship....it actually has a dent on the rail ....the pilot was found dead later on the ship and was given a burial at sea with proper military honor.
While in Honolulu, try to make time to tour the Battleship Missouri. It is very interesting and of great historical significance, since it was on board the Mighty MO that the peace treaty was signed with Japan that ended WWII. The price of admission includes a tour led by very knowledgeable tour guides. You can almost imagine that you were there in person when the treaty was signed. Allow at least 2 hours, but more if you can, to absorb all of the interesting facets of this beautiful ship. Parking is available at the USS Arizona Memorial, and a shuttle will take you from the USS Arizona to the USS Missouri. Since the USS Arizona symbolizes the beginning of WWII, and the USS Missouri symbolizes the end of WWII, it is fitting that they are located close to each other.
We had a great tour guide to bring the story to life. Be sure to wear appropriate shoes for lots of walking. It's a long walk to the ship and a lot of walking around the ship. Much love has gone into restoring this piece of history.
My first thought was "Wow what an enormous ship!!" We visited the battleship on a day tour while on our honeymoon in Hawaii. It was amazing! We walked through the ship and felt like a part of history! Highly recommended for all :)
This memorial was different from the Arizona. An entire ship is there for a tour and it is impressive to see the size and the power of this ship. The memorial to the those who died in service is sobering. It is well worth visiting and give an appreciation for the young men who serve in the armed forces.
If you have already visited the USS Arizona Memorial then seeing the USS Missouri is a real insight into what the ship would have looked like before 7 December 1941 as they are/were both Nevada Class battleships. And there is the history of the Japanese surrender in 1945 which was signed on board. Well worth the tour.
My second trip to the ' Mighty Mo ', brought my 66 year old brother with me this time. We were awestruck at the massive size of the ship, a reflection of American sea power, during WWII. There were more tour guides available this time, and I was amazed at the knowledge they possessed regarding the Missouri. We visited the Arizona one day, then devoted a separate day to visit the USS Bowfin, the Pacific Aviation Museum, and the ' Missouri '. The transport bus also goes by the USS Iowa Memorial, while transporting you to the ship. If you are an active duty, or retired, military, there is a discount given, on the admission price.