roanoke valley greenways
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The greenways are beautiful, well maintained, and loved by those who live here and like to be active outdoors. They are wonderful for walking, running or biking, and there are lots of playgrounds along the way for the kids. The localities are committed to continuing to build the greenways, connecting them across the area, so it will only get better.
Roanoke Valley Greenways are a great boon to the area but certain segments are heavily traveled by dare devil bicyclists who do not warn pedestrians of their approach. Just walk to the right, single file, and you'll be ok.. Lots of beautiful riverine scenery.
As planned, the valley's greenway system will be very extensive but for the time being, there are some gaps (some in construction, some negotiating land acquisition and some in the engineering phase. The segments with which I'm most familiar are the City of Roanoke section of the Roanoke River (8.2 miles) and the Tinker Creek (1.4) Greenways. Generally these a multi-use, paved trails running alongside the Roanoke River. The city puts in a lot of effort to keep them safe and well maintained.
The Roanoke River greenway system is extensive, accessible, well laid out and well maintained. One can navigate near many city spots, including restaurants, bars, churches, neighborhoods, parks, shopping, and even the hospital. The list includes Black Dog Salvage and the Wasena City Tap Room & Grill. Bike or walk, keep your dogs on a leash please, and pretty please ride at a safe speed! Ultimately the system will connect Roanoke and neighboring cities.
We like to ride our bikes fir several miles along the parkway . Runs alongside the Roanoke River forbthe most part . Some is shaded others fun sun . Several parks to stop and have a picnic . The parks have restrooms . They are clean with tables in the shade . Numerous places to park and walk run or bike ! Fun time!
Get out and stretch your legs along the Roanoke River Greenway. It's a great place to walk the dogs (but please pick up after your pet.)
I live near the greenway and ride my bicycle about 12 miles when it is less travelled. Great scenery, along the Roanoke River and ribe through 3 parks. I go to the Village Grill for lunch and ride back home. Just a great day.
The Roanoke Greenway is a great way to get some fresh air, whether you ride bike or walk. There are multiple places to get on the Greenway and you can stop and rest at places like Wasena Park or other benches along the way. There are people of all ages, sizes, and walks of life on the Greenway, so you never feel out of place.
I wouldn't qualify this as hiking since it is paved, but it certainly is a great place to get a little outdoor time with minimal commitment (no trekking gear needed). We love taking our dogs and walking the greenways.
I like to call it a citified Appalachian Trail. Winds thru Salem and Vinton beside the Roanoke River past many local landmarks. Don't know who came up with the original idea, but many areas have attempted to build a greenway, but I have yet to see one more attractive!
I was treated to this recreation corridor on a recent business trip. I was able to walk out of my hotel and start running along this beautiful, well planned greenway. It connected many neighborhoods, business, parks, downtown areas, etc. It appears to be well maintained too. I believe it is a tremendous asset for this area; one I hope the community will continue to invest in. Great place to explore and exercise around Roanoke.
well maintained, always being expanded. great river views, cool industrial as well. Wish the bikers slowed down a bit but overall great!
The green way spans the Roanoke River and is a good, relatively flat run with some good scenery. My favorite portion is rivers edge near the hospital. Parking can be a bit tough and I wouldn’t recommend going at night, but very safe during the day.
I prefer bicycling on the road. I view a bicycle as a form of transportation rather than a way to do recreational activities. However when I'm in a city other than my residence it is fun to meet people on off road greenways and trails specifically designed for residents' recreation as well as a "unincumbered by auto traffic cycle-way for bicycists & pedestrians." The Roanoke River Greenway is a very pleasant and basically shaded Greenway Trail. It is not perfectly straight and very occasionally closely parallels a street. It now extends approximately 28 miles and there are plans to lengthen it. I ride a folding bicycle and thus do not have to rent or borrow my vehicle of choice. It was a short ride from my hotel (the Econolodge Civic Center) and the Hotel Roanoke where my relatives were staying to the Roanoke River Greenway. Don't forget to obtain a Roanoke Bike map from the Visitors' Center in the Link Museum. In fact obtain two, one for yourself and one for a friend. Keep the map. Many times bike maps as well as municipal bus maps are not reprinted or there is a long time between printing new map editions. Usually the money for producing & printing bike maps (as well as municipal bus & trail maps) comes from Federal Transportation Act funds. As you might know, the automobile/road construction/trucking industry want to monopolize these funds and thus eliminate any other forms of facilities for other forms of transportation.
My pups and I enjoyed a random walk along the greenway today Althought, unlike the greenways I've visited in Indianapolis, (just an example) my heart and life is a Virginian. I'm used to seeing an occasional bike riding police officer. Did I miss something here. I'm a single women with small dogs. Do we have police on THE beautiful GREENWAY? If not, thats my last visit.