lindt-sprungli chocolate outlet


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lindt-sprungli chocolate outlet


I am a huge fan of Lindt Chocolate, especially the Truffles; and have been for over 30+years. I used to work for a Swiss-owned company in Billerica, Massachusetts. That's when my love affair with Lindt Chocolate began. The top executives who frequently traveled back and forth to our Corporate Headquarters in Switzerland used to bring back the beautiful "panoramic Swiss landscape scene composed of mountains and lakes in Switzerland with each mini-wrapped chocolate bar in the puzzle-like picture." Truly delicious as well as top-shelf presentation.As a treat for Thanksgiving, my husband and sister and I decided to visit LINDT CHOCOLATE in Stratham, New Hampshire on the return from a business errand while in Portsmouth, NH. It was late in the afternoon on Tuesday when we ventured towards what we thought would be the LINDT CANDY STORE at the manufacturing headquarters located at Fine Chocolate Place. We gave up looking for it after riding around in circles with the directions given on LINDT'S WEBSITE. It was downright dangerous. . .poorly lite twisting backroads with no VISIBLE SIGNS of LINDT CHOCOLATE. We headed back to Rt. 95 and home around 5:55 p.m. We gave up figuring it wasn't worth getting into an accident for chocolate. My husband looked over his shoulder as we got onto Rt. 95 and said, "look there's a Lindt store back there" off this exit that we had just got on!The next day, my sister and I headed back to LINDT. (Glutens for punishment, I guess, and determined to find the factory outlet.) We thought we would buy some LINDT TRUFFLES and have a nice treat for company and us for Thanksgiving at a discounted price. We followed the directions once again from the LINDT WEBSITE, which needs to be made a lot clearer for other future visitors to their LINDT FACTORY OUTLET STORE IN STRATHAM. Their directions brought us back to an all too familiar stretch of roads and no LINDT CHOCOLATE in site. Before we knew it, we were having deja-vu all over again. A repeat of yesterday's trials and tribulations just trying to find LINDT. It was now dark. And, we decided to turn around and head home once again without any chocolate to show for our efforts. By luck, we turned around where a police officer was directing traffic to people exiting a manufacturing/industrial park. (As a sidebar to our 2-day expedition to find LINDT--I just want to say that this is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION FOR THE POLICE DIRECTING TRAFFIC HERE. . .IT'S POORLY LIT AND IT'S A WONDER THAT HE/SHE DOESN'T GET HIT! SERIOUSLY, even with a flashing police car on the scene and small lights on the POLICE OFFICER directing the traffic doesn't light up the area enough. There should be BETTER LIGHTING AT THIS BUSY MANUFACTURING AREA--SPOT LIGHTS SHOULD BE SET UP HERE! Hopefully, the town of Stratham will read this review and install better lighting for the safety of the POLICE DIRECTING TRAFFIC. (I almost didn't see him as I was busy looking for a SIGN on the street that would direct us to LINDT. Thank goodness, I was paying close attention to the road.) Anyway, as luck would have it, I saw a small sign within this manufacturing/industrial park that wasn't lite that said LINDT. We thought we had finally succeeded as we pulled into the LINDT parking lot ONLY to be told by the security guard that LINDT no longer operated the OUTLET STORE at located at FINE CHOCOLATE PLACE. He told us to get back on Rt. 95 and head back to Rt. 33? and we would be able to see the LINDT CHOCOLATE OUTLET STORE on the hill. It took us 2 days to find it. . .and, it turned out to be the very place my husband saw the day before! The so-called OUTLET STORE, especially with it being located just up the street from the chocolate-making factory, wasn't any bargain. My sister and I remember the days when we used to jam pack as many truffle rejects (which were wrapped) as we could fit in a plastic bag for around $10. We had fun back then seeing just how many we could fit into the bag--it was challenging! We left the LINDT FACTORY OUTLET STORE with a bag of 75 TRUFFLES (which you can pick out the flavors you like) for $25! Dont' get me wrong, the LINDT CHOCOLATE IS STILL DELICIOUS and I can understand why it is the #1 ranking chocolate in the UNITED STATES these days. I'm not challenging the delicious tasting chocolate that LINDT cranks out in huge volumes to meet the demand for it. I'm just saying that this particular so-called FACTORY OUTLET left a lot to be desired for an outlet store just a few exits up from the chocolate factory. There was just a few bins of DARK CHOCOLATE ORANGE TRUFFLES (which weren't wrapped) for $9.00. Also, to be fair, there were some candy bars that were "on special". I did notice that some of the candy bars that I have bought in Market Basket Supermarket for 2 for $3/or sometimes $1.99 each were cheaper than this factory outlet that sells them for full price of $2.99(?). How is that considered OUTLET PRICING?I wouldn't recommend making a special trip to Stratham, New Hampshire to visit the LINDT FACTORY OUTLET STORE. It simply isn't worth the trip. There's nothing special that would bring me back there. I would just go to one of their other locatons that is much closer to me. And, if you are craving LINDT CHOCOLATE, and you are in a local store that features it on sale, I would recommend buying it then and there. SAVE YOURSELF A TRIP TO THE LINDT STORES. You will be paying more. Again, in fairness, the LINDT CHOCOLATE OUTLET STORE has a lot more variety than your local store would carry, but if you want a better bang for your buck, I still recommend buying it locally.To sum up my review: 3 points that I want to leave with you and LINDT. 1) LINDT CHOCOLATE IN STRATHAM needs to make their website page a whole lot clearer as far as their directions to the LINDT CHOCOLATE OUTLET STORE (again, not located at the manufacturing site.) and 2) There really isn't much in the way of discounts at the STRATHAM LINDT CHOCOLATE OUTLET STORE. It simply isn't worth the trip from any distance unless you are coming from out of state where there might not be any LINDT STORES. AND, FINALLY 3) on a POSITIVE NOTE: I love LINDT CHOCOLATE. They know what they are doing when it comes to chocolate. They are the best!


if you ever find yourself in the seacoast area of New Hampshire, you have to stop at one of several Lindt chocolate factory stores. they have everything from white chocolate to very 90% dark chocolate bars and mouthwatering chocolate balls in all kinds of flavors.My favorite is the dark chocolate with orange or with mint.


i love this store and they always have huge discounts on what i think is the best chocolate in the world. we always leave with two HUGE shopping bags of candy for under 40$. i am also a rewards member so everytime i go my points usually equal 5-10 dollars off. definately try their new european candy line, its to die for !!! piece of candy everytime you enter any lindt store.

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