tanger outlets rehoboth beach
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we visited the Surfside Tanger Outlets first. This section has recently been renovated so everything looks new. There is a wide range of shops--kitchen goods, shoes, clothing, household items, etc. While there is no sales tax in Delaware, I don't think you get great deals here anymore. Surfside has many upscale stores so the prices are still high. There is plenty of free parking and there is finally a decent place to get something to eat in the corner next to the Van Heusen store. There are also restrooms.
This place is hands down, my favorite outlet mall in the whole entire world. Even after my fav store (Le Gourmet Chef) closed. They didn't do that. We both always find great deals here. This particular mall could be broken up into three separate days, depending on how much of a shopper you are. I usually do it all in one, with maybe one drive by purchase on the way out of town.Ladies, if you're having trouble getting the hubs or, in my case, the herbs to go with you, here's my tried and true approach. At home, weeks ahead of time even, print out two copies of the mall map and store listings. One for you, one for your sweetie. Put sweetie's copy aside for safe keeping. Study the store listing. Study it hard. Highlight the stores you want to go to in yellow. Then, of those, highlight the stores you really want to go to in green. Then, of those, highlight the stores you are absolutely not leaving Rehoboth without shopping in blue. OK, get out your copy of the mall map. Highlight your blue stores and write in the names. For the green and yellow stores, just put a dot on those on the map. You can make some notes as to which are which, but we're trying for a minimal appearance here, ok? Put them away, along with the SigOth's copies for safe keeping. Don't forget to pack them!!!Now, when you arrive, study the weather forecast carefully. You know that it is usually wrong at the beach, right? But other people don't know that. If there's a rainy day in there, you can bet that everyone's going to the outlet that day. Look for a nice long stretch of sunny. Pick a day right in the middle of that stretch as your target date. Your target date is your plan A. If someone in your party, at any time, gets a bad sunburn, the day immediately following the sunburn becomes your plan B, which supercedes plan A. The night before your target date, just before dinner, pull your copy of that map out and leave it on the dresser for SigOth to notice after their shower. K, seed planted. Now, after dinner when everyone's all fat and happy bring up the outlet mall. You'll probably get some buy in from the other ladies in the group. If anyone throws out "but it's going to be a good BEACH DAY", you say we've got a really good stretch of those going and it will probably be a nice quick day at the mall, which will be true, unless it rains, but if it rains, no one cares anyway. K, you've got to work the rest of this evening on your own. GET THE BUY IN. If hubs or herbs is still grumbly about the thing at bedtime, you pull your map out. Show SigOth that you've done your homework in order to make the day an efficient success. The sight of your map with just a dozen or so stores highlighted in blue will be refreshing compared to the nightmare SigOth has been imagining. "Well, maybe we could go, but just for the morning." YOU'RE IN. The rough part is over. Sweet dreams.Now, on the morning of the operation, do not dally. Pull your part of this off. You've got to be on your game, just for a short time. DO IT. Be firm but loving with SigOth. He/she may wake up wanting to back out. Bring up the fishing trip on which you went and puked and can still smile about when he tells the story every year. But do it lovingly. Whatever you have to do, make this happen, but keep SigOth in a GOOD mood. A bad mood can wreck it all at his point. You haven't been working on this for weeks to wreck it now.Take your map, your store listing and SigOth's copy of both with you along with a pen or highlighter, but only take the highlighter if it's something you'd have in your purse anyway. This needs to all look casual. Look at the map and choose to start your day at the section of the mall (there are three) in which you can finish the fastest. Once you're at the mall, go fast. You've got to start this day on a positive note and instill a sense of success and collaboration in SigOth. He/she's got to feel like it's a good day! Now, when SigOth asks to look at your map while he waits on the bench outside of the bra store, you say, uh hang on, I think I have another copy. Fish around a little for SigOth's blank copies of the store listings and map. Ah, found it! Here's a pen too, Hon. Why don't you pick out some stores you'd like to hit, too. I'll be right back. Don't even try on bras in that store. Just pick up some socks and be back out in about six minutes. If SigOth has a surprised that you're already done face on when you come out, you're in. Sweetie has probably now found the tool store and the VanHusen store and the Bose store. You agree to ALL OF IT. Your struggle is over my sister. Every woman knows that her SigOth shops slower and makes out waaaay better than she does at every outlet mall there is because he/she thinks these are actually deals. Keep SigOth comfortable and fed and the day is yours. Once he/she is with just you and feeling all sartorial, you've got the whole day to yourselves. Don't bask in your luxury of time, though. This has got to be a positive experience on the whole if you ever want this to work again. And speaking of positive experiences, be sure to treat Sweetie to dinner at Jake's out there on Route 1. It's super good and y'all can get your drinkie-poo on. Maybe stop for an ice cream at Double Dippers on the say home, where they have real Hershey ice cream.Good luck to you, my outlet lovin' sister! And.... I tucked a really gorgeous white zip around wristlet up high on the shelf and shoved it waaaaay back there on the North side of the Coach store. I didn't go back for it as planned. My gift to you!Or, you know, I think there's a shuttle that runs out to the mall, too.P.S. Yes, this is tongue in cheek, but don't think I don't do it this way every frikkin year!
My daughter and I enjoyed spending a cold wet Sunday afternoon shopping in all three outlet locations. We are from Florida so we enjoyed not having to pay sales tax.
If you want outlets, Rehoboth Beach has outlets. There are 3 separate campuses of these outlets all bunched together on both sides of Route 1. Seems we have to stop in for some reason or other on every trip to the area.There is such a great variety of brands that we need a guide sheet to take it all in. But we have found that you do have to know your prices to get a good deal.TIP - Check for coupons on their web site.TIP - We received a free Outlets Coupon Book at the Tanger Management Services Center just by showing our AARP membership card.
Wide Variety of names and brands over three outlet strips. Don't stop at just one if you want to get the best selection of shops. No Sales tax in DE makes this outlet center one of the best values around. Something for everyone
This was an after Christmas visit and there were many great deals to be had. They offer Tanger Outlet Guest Services coupon booklets available to shoppers. Many stores have some really good deals this time of year. Harry and David had some fantastic sales along with a Military discount. QVC had women's shoes/boots for up to 70%off. Pretty good selection up to size 12. Jewelry 60% off.Enjoyed Discount Liquors and their great variety, they are always friendly.
A great stop for shopping. 3 separate locations all within five minutes of each other. Two on Bay side,one on ocean. Nice selection of stores/eats. The coupon book can be purchased and is worth it.
Tanger outlets at Rehoboth are great.There are many outlets to browse.Everytime we visit this area we stop in. Great deals.Lots of parking. Nice places to eat nearby. Worth stopping by.
I loved that you could get in your car & travel a total of 1.8 miles and shop 3 separate malls. There's a store to interest every age. The premises were spotless, the restrooms were immaculate. Very nice set-up. One of the more memorable Tanger Outlets that I've been to.
We stop at this outlet center (actually three centers) every year when we attend a festival in nearby Dewey Beach. I love that there are a nice variety of stores. Also, no sales tax! Every year, they have a "Pink Style" campaign, where you purchase some coupons for $1 each (proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research). Each coupon gives you 25% off one item at a selected store (not all stores participate). They also have quite a few sales on Columbus Day weekend, when we go. For example, the Hanes Brand store had a promotion where you could purchase a stuff sack for $5 and everything you could fit in the sack was 50% off the lowest price; other items were 25% off. Orvis also has wonderful deals on their quality household, outdoor, and clothing items. Just like any outlet center, there are hits and misses. You really need to know the real prices of items to know if you are getting a good deal. This is a great place to go if you are in the area.
I am consistently happy with these outlets. The store variety is great, I get fabulous bargains and it is never too crowded. I drive from outlet center to outlet center, but there is a shuttle that runs among the outlet centers. My trunk is packed when I am finished and why not? There is no sales tax in Delaware!
All the outlets you could imagine. Actually in 3 separate places, two are across the highway from each other and the third is about a mile and a half up the road. Very busy area though and it's not easy to get around. You will need a full day or more to get through the 3 places. But shopping is though.
Just out catching sales and they're having a alot off great sales today too. Great customer service will be back again
My family and I are from New York and went down to Delaware for a vacation. We went to the Tangor outlets in DE. and got a lot of good deals. You don't pay tax on clothes and shoes. The only thing that I didn't care for is that there are three different outlets. There is Bayside, Seaside and Midway and they are far from each other. Being a New Yorker, we were going to walk it, but it was just to far. They do have a shuttle bus that takes you to the different malls, but we just took our car. Other than that, it was great shopping.
If you're willing to deal with the traffic getting to the outlets and then deal with the crowds, some very good prices are found. Be aware there are many, many not so good prices too. Best part. No tax in Delaware.