granny's amish welcome center & wagon tours
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The wagon tours would be a good option for young children but adults can google the information on this order of Amish and explore on your own. When you google them a few YouTube videos will come up. Whoever made the videos completely disrespected the Amish. You should never photograph them or their farms. Period! It is against their religious beliefs. The Amish are very simple and somewhat quiet unless they know you. Beautiful country and a great lesson to kids on how others live.
I try to visit at the least twice a year! I would love to go more! It is a great learning family fun day for us and my children are always excited to know we are going!
I love this place. I live Missouri and have been here 3 times. It never gets old. I have enjoyed every time and plan to go back next year. I took a couple of my granddaughters last time. I thought they might enjoy learning about a different culture. And they absolutely loved everything about it and want to go back. We met some wonderful people. One man in particular, Dannie Gingerich, who talked to us for a long time and even exchanged addresses with me. Everyone at the Amish Center is so nice and friendly. My granddaughter had left my camera on one of the buggies, I figured it was gone forever, but they mailed it back to me and would not even let me send them the money for shipping. I can't wait to back next year. In fact I think I may go in the spring this time instead of waiting till Fall.
Not that underrated - because on the weekend place is always busy - people come up from Alabama, Florida, I've even seen license plates from New York and Alaska! But I am amazed that Ethridge does not have more of an internet presence. Come in and pay a mere $10 for an Amish wagon tour that takes you to various farms to buy goods and get educated, but grab a map after this tour and drive up to the farms on your own. It is so cool. The farms are beautiful and interesting. Signs are everywhere showing what they have: fried pies, friendship bread, cookies, fudge, tomatoes, green beans, squash, pumpkins, cedar chests, clock repair, tables, chairs, beds, quilts, birdhouses, collapsible baskets, scented candles, air fresheners, on and on and on. The Amish are so friendly - they want you to come up and buy from them. They often have stands set up with jars of jams and jellies and veggies - this part of Tennessee is so beautiful and so peaceful. Real estate is supercheap; you get a lot of bang for your buck. I am planning on selling my place in Nashville to move here - can't wait!
When you arrive ask for a map of the community. You can drive yourself around, and visit with the Amish Families. Please bring plenty of cash to purchase good from the Amish. I feel its respectful to at least purchase items while looking around. You will see signs in the community telling you what they sell. No sales on Sunday.
Oh, I love this place so much. The Amish in Ethridge are so interesting. Take the tour at this store to get acquainted with the area ($10), but after that just drive around on your own and shop shop shop. Signs are everywhere. Just pull in. Most of them have stands set up. They want you to come and buy from them. That's all they talk about - ooh I hope I sell 100 tomatoes today! the little Amish lady said when I was there the other day. The Amish price their items very low and are so honest (they will even dissuade you from buying tomatoes if they think they are going bad and recommend another neighbor's tomatoes to make sure they do not mislead you). I fell in love with this place so deeply I moved here, found a great bargain property to call home, found peace and quiet, found friendly people. I do wish I could take pictures. I am a real filmmaker sort of person, but I respect them and do not take pictures of their faces. I hope photos of farms and buggies and items are acceptable so here they are. I want to help promote their business, and there is so little information on the internet about this hidden gem called Ethridge.
Pick up a free map and set out on your own. Amish mark their mail boxes with the items they sell. Everyone I met the day we were there could not have been nicer. They sell a wide variety of food and crafts. Tip. Respect these kind people and leave the camera in the car.
Although this store is a bit cramped and junky, it is where the horse-drawn wagon rides depart to tour Amish farms. The rides are only $10 per adult - and very informative. Our wagon "tour" stopped at 5 different farms. It was supposed to be an hour and a half long, but we ended up taking almost 3 hours! I really felt like we got a great deal. We enjoyed this tour along with our three teenagers...and they have all commented since regarding how they liked the tour.Each Amish farm has signs hanging by the road letting you know what they have to offer for sale. We saw fine oak furniture, cedar outdoor furniture, baskets (of course!), jellies, jams, breads (hot!), cookies, berries, syrup, gourds, sling shots, blankets, etc. The hot pumkin bread is fantastic - and the wagon ride thoughtfully had canned drinks on ice for only 50 cents.There are predetermined farms that the wagon will stop at. But if you see a farm you want to stop at, just tell the driver, and you can stop there too!Be sure to ask questions - ask questions - ask questions...the more the better. Almost every question I asked was followed up by a related story as our driver had grown up with the Amish and knew most of them very well.You can, of course, tour the area in your own vehicle. We did ride around by car a bit after our wagon ride, but it obviously didn't have the same feel...much more fun touring by wagon.
I love Ethridge, Tennessee! I don't take the tour, but I shop here and always pick up something mighty interesting. If you do take the tour, you will go to a couple of Amish farms and pick up some treats, but get in your car and take yourself to the farms. The Amish are wonderful neighbors, as friendly as can be, and you can have rockers, chests, baskets, saddles, bedroom furniture, lawn furniture, fudge, veggies, peanuts, birdhouses, ah man, you name it. Ethridge is a gorgeous little area loaded with kind Amish folks and great little treasures to pick up. I am so lucky I live in Ethridge, Tennessee!
I went here a few times, took the tour twice, bought some items, have given these folks some pretty good repeat business, you know. The employees were friendly enough, but last time I went in, they were snappy with me just for asking a question about an item I was buying. Guess they didn't like my natural resting face. I overheard them talking about how cruel it was to take photos of Amish since it is against their 'religion' to be photographed, yet the wagon tour driver said you could sneak a photo in. Well, I will say it's my 'religious' belief that it is cruel to hunt and whip animals, that animals should be treated with love and respect, and we'd all be better off if we were vegetarians, but my belief is the weird one around here. Anyway, back to the store - got a map of Amish farms, some interesting goods, some retro stuff, little household items, with a bit of Amish twist. Sometimes an Amish man will sit outside ready to sell you something. The tour takes you to Amish farms where you can buy things. I've bought fudge, peanut brittle, wind chimes, yo yo, and other assorted things over the years. Definitely worth a stop. Just don't take any pictures of the Amish. And that's final.
needs some updating good location and lots of good items but does need to be updated ,you will love the wagon tours I am sure.
If you want to have a firsthand experience with Amish community, you need to visit this place first. They will provide you with the map to all Amish families which have something to sell. The welcome center by itself has a good selection of stuff to buy.
We had read how good the Amish bread is and after riding around we finally found a place that makes the bread...However, they don't bake bread on Wednesdays. Most people were very friendly there..You can get a map of places selling stuff from the Welcome Center...It gets a bit confusing but well worth having so be sure to pick one up.
Lawrenceburg TN has some great local amish farms. Just ride around and see what they have for sale. I particulary love the soaps one family make. Might be hard to find all the farms but just get lost and have fun. Respect the community and they are friendly. The kids are especially lovely and smiley.