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虽然当天下著雪,一群人还是满怀期待的抵达,整个公园笼罩在冰雪之中,给人一种很美好很梦幻的感觉 it is really a fantastic trip
挺漂亮的街心公园 就在boston common这里 里面还有个湖 天气好的时候真的是非常漂亮 这里算是波士顿最中心的地方 却有这么块绿地 可以观光休闲 非常舒服
PUBLIC GARDEN里面最右面的雕塑就是这一组 让路给小鸭子 了,这组雕塑取材于同名的童话,这部童话讲的是一对鸭子夫妇马拉为了让自己的孩子在一个没有狐狸的地方出生,选择了查尔斯河畔,小鸭子出生后马拉妈妈带孩子们回到他们的家,为了回家,甚至造成了波士顿城内交通瘫痪,不过它们得到了一位警察的帮忙,最终平安回家,1987年,波士顿公园150周年之际,这组雕塑被安置在公园内,总是有很多很多孩子来到这里抚摸这些小鸭子,纪念那本不朽的童话 我是先看到塑像后很久才知道这个故事 大家去旅行之前先做好功课啊
每一条波士顿观光线路都应该把这里包括进去,人们应该在这么漂亮的波士顿花园里好好逛一逛!婀娜多姿的垂柳,各种争奇斗艳的季节性花卉,泄湖,天鹅船,还有那精致的小桥,毛绒绒的小鸭子,散步的小道,休息的长椅,这一切成为了我们在波士顿最难忘的经历。我们每年都要去波士顿好几次,就为了在美丽的公共花园里徜徉。花园在后湾(Back Bay),附近有停车场,就在波士顿公园(Boston Common)下边,对街的位置。地址是:笔架山的纽伯里街,查尔斯街(Newbury St., Charles St., Beacon Hill)。顺带还可以去看金圆顶国会大厦,走几分钟就到。富有历史气息的老城五分钟就到。
如果你在波士顿,参观公共花园和公共区。不,这里并不像中央公园一样大或漂亮,但它是美丽宁静的。如果你有小孩,还是在夏天,就去坐天鹅船吧。 5岁以下的儿童尤其喜爱。同样可以坐小鸭子船。公园里有很多雕像。如果你走去公园,会看到一个古老的墓地,还有游客中心。对于当地人,花园和公共区是去或从东北部的波士顿后湾,纽伯里街,笔架山,查尔斯街,唐人街,市中心等地来步行很方便穿过的地方,如果你计划从波士顿的一边到另外一边,你就可以相应的在你的行程中加入公共花园。他们也会举办活动,像莎士比亚在公园(在公共区域里),演唱会,抗议游行,捐款游行等。冬季在青蛙池还有溜冰活动。您的酒店礼宾部应该知道会有什么。而且不要忘了给公共花园和波士顿公园打电话。此外,天黑后的常识是避免独自一人的黑暗的地方。
Beautiful spot...the first arboretum in the US. Home to the iconic Swan Boats; and the 'worlds smallest suspension bridge. See the 'Make Way for Ducklings' statues and the spot where General Washington first met his Continental army (statue with Washington on horseback...Flowers, some musicians and swans/ducklings on the pond...beautiful spot in the middle of the city.
We visited in November when it was rather cold to sit around. I would imagine in the summer it would be a lovely place for a picnic. However, be careful around the neighbouring Boston Common where there were several intimidating & unsavoury characters that had to be dealt with by the park 'police'(?)
There's Boston Common and Boston Public Garden. The common is where you will find the skating rink, the tennis courts and other open areas for sports. Continue walking through this open expanse to reach the Public Gardens. Don't mistake the commons for the gardens. The gardens are just gorgeous! The commons are not!
The Boston Public Garden is charming year round and should not be missed. If you have children, the swan boats are a favorite. (There is a charge for the swan boats) There are also some boats that are wheelchair accessible. Of course you don't want to miss the Make Way for Ducklings Statute! The flower gardens are changed out during the year and the gardens are a lovely place to take some family vacation pictures. The Public Gardens is close to other sites such as Newbury Street, the Boston Public Library and Trinity Church... plan to make a day of it.
It was beautiful in the snow! I loved that the mini Christmas trees still had Christmas lights on them even though it's March. Coming from California, I was super excited to prance and frolic around the snowy park where the conditions were just right before and after it got dark. I even met a snowman while walking around. The light poles would light up at night. There's a small water bridge to walk across--except all the water below was frozen. I had a great time! Also really close to where we stayed in Back Bay! Can't wait to see what it would look like in the fall! :)