santa maria novella
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Ever since Nieman Marcus opened a big store in Mazza Gallerie, the Friendship Heights area of Chevy Chase had begun to attract some of the grandest names in fashion and accessories: Saks Fifth Avenue, Bulgari, Tiffany's, to name a few.Now comes a sort of capstone, a four hundred year old "pharmacy", selling beauty aids and fragrances. While the firm began in Florence, Italy as a true pharmacy, more recent statutory restrictions forbid that designation except for stores licensed to dispense medications prescribed by a physician. Pharmacists of antiquity were closer to being chemists, both here and abroad, and often tinkered with invented preparations, selling them in their own stores. Here in the U. S., examples include Bromo Seltzer, Noxzema, and of course, Coca Cola.Santa Maria Novella now produces no remedies of any sort, but has developed an amazing array of scents. The one which captivated Ben is an essence of freshly mown hay. You may perhaps have read elsewhere that Ben grew up on a dairy, and so knows his hay. Assuming that the field was populated with a variety of wild blossoms, this cologne is right on. Fresh and outdoorsy, it is perfect for that type of woman.Ben was served by Dwayne, who turned out to be knowledgeable patient, and generally most helpful.By all means, look over their website as the Yule shopping season looms. They have only five stores in the States, but will deliver online. Any of the many, many items in their inventory will bedazzle the right recipient.Also, if you are a trivia fan, surf for simply the name Santa Maria Novella. It is a town in Florence named after a basilica built by the Dominicans some 900 years ago with a history that makes one or two hours of fascinating reading. This ancillary learning is one of Ben's favorite derivatives of TripAdvisor.
I primi prodotti della Farmacia Santa Maria Novella (Firenze, Italia)risalgono al 1221 quando alcuni Frati Dominicani cominciarono a piantare nel loro orticello le prime erbe mediche destinate a essere trasformate in rimedi per guarire. Per secoli la Farmacia ha prodotto profumi, pomate,balsami, liquori, prodotti per il corpo, fragranze aromatiche, essenze delicatedestinate ai clienti dell'epoca...La Farmacia Santa Maria Novella era famosa nel XVIII Secoloin luoghi lontani da Firenze come la Russia, le Indie e la Cina...La famosaAcqua della Regina venne creata per Caterina de' Medici. Altri prodotti famosi:l'Aceto dei Sette Ladri e l'Acqua Antisterica (per le donne colpite da attacchiisterici). Una succursale della storica Farmacia ha aperto i battenti alla periferia di Washington (per i pignoli: Chevin Chase, nel Maryland) vendendo gli stessispettacolari prodotti: Essenze di Fieno, Gardenia, Gelsomino, Magnolia,Mughetto, Melograno, Sandalo, Vaniglia, Violetta, Zagara e tanti altri...Vi sono saponette al Melograno, alla Mandorla, allo Zolfo e all'Olio di Oliva. Per la curadi mani e piedi è possibile inoltre acquistare Pasta di Mandorle e Sali da Pediluvio...Visitare la Farmacia Santa Maria Novella in DC e' puro divertimento. Comeandare a Disneyland con i Frati Dominicani al posto di Topolino..