maisha mazuri horse riding club
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My husband & I booked 5 hrs horse riding. We had a wonderful experience. The tour guide was amazing. We went to the beach, the cave & sugar cane field. We were very pleasantly surprised by the lunch provided by them afterwards.It was under a huge, old mango tree.. fresh fish & chicken grilled by the owner & his staff. The owner, Roberto, told me how he went to find a fisherman first time in the morning so he could give me a fresh red snapper. We had lovely lunch & a bottle of white wine too. The horses are healthy & well fed. However, do let the owner know if you never ride a horse before.Many thanks to Roberto & his staff
I didn't know how to ride at all going into this experience and I was too big for the more calm horses so it was a little difficult for me to feel very comfortable riding without knowing what I was doing. With that said, I didn't have any problems and everything was really great. Aside from the nervousness, the walk along the beach and swim with the horse was great. I would recommend it for families or couples who enjoy riding horses.
We went here during Dec 2014.The owner Roberto was very accommodating and the entire experience was excellent!My kids and I loved the ride along the beach and enjoyed even more the swim with the horses in the water in the beach!A MUST DO for anyone visiting Zanzibar!
I went horse riding on the beach in Zanzibar and swimming in the waves with the horses. Lovely experience. The stables are very clean and neat. The entire facility is to be recommended. The horses are in good condition and well behaved. Roberto, the owner, is a relaxed, friendly person, very approachable who goes out of his way to ensure you have a good experience. The tack was clean and comfortable. All in all, a most enjoyable outing! Will I do this again? Yes!
I am a horseback rider, so naturally I was drawn to the idea of riding a horse along the beach and going swimming. I didn't make reservations in advance since I didn't know what the weather was going to be like. We ended up taking a taxi to the stables from Nungwi Beach for about $25, and when we arrived, a very nice gentleman was able to accommodate my wishes. He called up the owner to see if something could be scheduled, and they recommended coming back at 2pm when the tide was up. The man walked with us to the beach where we relaxed for a few hours before my ride.At 2pm, we went back to the stables and I met my horse, Byron, who was extremely well behaved. He was skinny, but it looked like all the horses were well fed and had lots of hay. It was just me riding today, and I did the 1-hour ride with swimming at the end. Once my guide realized I was experienced, we trotted, cantered, and galloped up and down the beach. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. The swimming was fun as well, although I was led by the guide by a halter and lead rope. I have ridden bareback many times, but this ride was extremely uncomfortable since Byron's spine stuck out A LOT. There were times I had to put both my hands on his back and lift my body up to give my crotch some relief. Despite that, Byron was great and seemed to be enjoying himself in the water.All-in-all, I had an amazing time. The owner was very friendly and actually cut back the price a little since we finished in less than an hour (since we rode faster than most groups). She even offered to help us find a taxi at the end of our ride. I think it ended up being around $35, which was well worth it!If I ever return to Zanzibar, I will definitely do another ride along the beach, although I may forego the swimming (but it's something you must do at least once!).
I am an avid rider and my boyfriend is a novice - the horses were safe and well behaved. The one horse was lame to trot so we turned around and met a replacement mount on the beach - the interrupted ride was a bit disappointing but still very enjoyable.The horses have no grazing which is a concern and are a bit skinny - but then I don't have to contend with the unique Zanzibar problems. I don't get the feeling that the horses are not well cared for. The team at the stables are very welcoming.Our swim in the ocean was groom led which detracted a bit from the frivolity but overall a good experience.
I booked a half hour session to ride bare back in the sea. Because the horses are so thin this was a very uncomfortable experience, also some of the horses had saddle sores. The saddles we saw were very poorly fitting. The horses were very quiet to ride, this was possibly more due to their depressed mental state rather than because of good training. I have 2 horses and have been riding for about 50 years.
My husband treated me to a ride on the beach during our honeymoon to Zanzibar. The horses were in good condition and were very calm and safe. I am an experienced rider, while my husband has been on a horse only a handful of times, and the ride through the local village and along the beach was suitable for us both. I was able to go and have a canter while my husband's horse remained at a walk. We were allowed to stay out for a very long time and when we got back we were given a platter of food and a bottle of my favourite wine to enjoy. Maisha even gave us a discount because the cloudy day meant there was no sunset! She was very friendly and I really enjoyed riding her horse Arix. Thank you for a great day!
What a pleasure when we at last - after coming in Zanzibar for the fourth time - found a horse riding club. We did not know until one of the staff of our very dear hotel Neptune told us that a club had open just few minutes from the hotel. We book a tour with (2 of us) and we really enjoyed it despite I had to stop before because a horrible headache. But the horses were fine and we are going back this year and hope to go back to the club. Only one comment : we are both experienced (European) riders and we ride differently than the americans, and we must admit the saddles (western) were not comfortable at all. Maybe it would be a good idea to be able to suggest one or the other to the clients.......But it was great, thanks for everything guys and we wish you all the best for your great club.Chris and Jo.
Polecam to miejsce. Wszystko jest jak być powinno, bez afrykańskiej fantazji. Miły właściciel sam przywiózł nas z hotelu do stajni a potem odwiózł. Stajnia jest czysta i ładnie urządzona stanowi oazę czystości, spokoju i porządku na tle zanzibarskiej wioski. Obsługa miła i pomocna. Można wybrać konie o pokroju europejskim albo mniejsze, odporne na upały o zupełnie innym pokroju ale i odmiennym, ciekawym chodzie. Zjeżdżając na plażę przejeżdża się przez wioskę, co jest dodatkową atrakcją. Polecam z całego serca, na pewno nikt nie będzie żałował. Można zabrać spokojnie dzieci.
Несмотря на то, что мы были ограничены во времени и приехали в клуб очень поздно, нам любезно была организована поездка на лошадях вдоль побережья, на закате. Это было приятно.
galoppare su un cavallo arabo sulla bianca spiaggia di kiwengwa all'alba ..... non ha pari. I cavalli sono stupendi e i ragazzi dell'equipe molto bravi e gentili,
Vado a Zanzibar quasi ogni anno e questa volta ho scoperto che avrei potuto fare il bagno nell'oceano a cavallo...l'ho fatto subito! Il maneggio è carinissimo, i proprietari simpatici e gentili, i ragazzi che vi lavorano attenti e cordiali, i cavalli un po' diversi dalle razze che siamo soliti vedere in Italia, ma forti ugualmente e docili allo stesso tempo!Sono andata con i miei 3 figli, di 6,10 e 12 anni. Abbiamo fatto tutti la passeggiata in spiaggia (i ragazzi sono stati molto premurosi ed attenti con i miei bambini) e poi, solo io ed i più grandi abbiamo provato l'indescrivibile emozione di entrare nell'oceano a cavallo. Se amate il mare e questi animali NON POTETE PERDERVI UN'ESPERIENZA DEL GENERE!
Ho avuto la fortuna di poter fare una passeggiata con Mio, un cavallo docile ed ubbidiente oltre che estremamente affidabile nel difficile percorso tra sabbia e strade sterrate. Alle 9 del mattino quando il sole e' ancora piacevole ed i colori dell'isola incantano, posso assicurarVi che è un'esperienza unica! Cristian e Roberto, i proprietari del maneggio, due persone ammirevoli e dalla grande disponibilità oltre che professionalità. Tutto lo staff segue i padroni... Ci ritornerò presto spero!
Me gustó la originalidad de poder bañarte con el caballo en el mar. Durante el paseo vas caminando con el caballo agarrado por uno de los empleados sin que puedas trotar o cabalgar. Puede decepcionar un poco a los que estén habituados a montar.