clock tower
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(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… Victoria 超级小的地方哦这钟算是个有趣的景点 拍照留念即可 离邮局很近~我们在邮局买好邮票和明信片就出来和这个钟合影啦……
the famous copy of Big Ben is a real disappointment... very small, white, in the middle of a round about as small as the clock. Nothing interesting
In recognition of Queen Victoria's reign in 1900 it was planned to raise R10,000 to build a community centre in her memory. Unfortunately they only raised R3,223.81 so, in 1903, the miniature, cast iron, silver painted "Big Ben" is what they ended up with instead. Considering the tropical climate, they have done well to preserve an iron construction in such good condition. Few visitors leave without taking a photo.
Clock tower is the centre of Mahe, of Seychelles and...maybe...of the Indian Ocean.... Take a picture, commemorate your visit and you will remember it forever:)
Really an interesting thing to see, gotta get your own picture of it. But, it's in the middle of the road. It's iconic for Victoria but wish you could safely walk up and stand next to it. How many miniatures of Big Ben are there?
This is an iconic photo and really sums up Victoria. A photo from each side is worth it. Try very early in the morning before the traffic builds up.
Well, you have to see this and take picture when at Victoria, Seychelles, otherwise you won't be really in Victoria, Seychelles.
Tiny white replica of Big ben. Nothing much to do in the area. You can see in when you drive towards the local vegetable market.
That monument really symbolizes the heart of Seychelles, as an ex-British colony, as the Clock Tower is a small replicate of England's Big Ben in London.
Cute. Impossible to get a picture of it without cars as it is in a middle of a junction. British left over.
I could hardly believe the amount of rude comments posted on here about the most iconic structure the Seychelles possesses, and sincerely hope their comments, stating how unimpressive, tiny,fake and kitch they found it was based entirely upon their complete ignorance of the culture and history of this nation.It plays a significant role in how the Seychellois percieve the their capital, and that would be reason enough alone to afford it some consideration, but more specifically they miss the fact that the capital was named after Queen Victoria, and in keeping with this Britih theme, it was entirely appropriate to adopt a London-specific design for the towns clock-tower. Clock towers were intended for an age when few had watches, so what design would be better suited for a town named after the British monarch.It was also erected to mark the occaision of the Seychelles becomming a crown-colony, so another good reason to illustrate the then-link with the mother country by adopting a clock tower that represented Britain, and what clock could ever do that better than Big Ben.Incidentally, it isnt a copy of Big Ben, but of the Big Ben miniature on Vauxhall Bridge, and also relates to the similar Big Ben miniature that stands on a busy traffic-circle directly in front of Victoria Station. As the London-Victoria and the Seychelles-Victoria shared the same name, it was obvious that they should share matching miniature clocks on their respective traffic-circles. These matching clocks were intended to illustrate the ties between two very different places with one thing in common, the name Victoria.As one of the smalled capitals in the world, a clock any bigger would seem out of place, and should you lot need another aspect of the diminutive nature of their capital to mock they also have the world's smallest statue of Queen Victoria, a charming doll-sized one well worth taking the trouble to see in the gardens of the supreme court, right next to the clock.The Seychellois have no issued with their historical links to Britain, and if they did they would have altered their capital's name, and of all the places around the globe called Victoria, only theirs has the status of being a national capital. They are at ease with their past, and the British inspired miniatures that form the best known structures in their country.Be underwhelmed by them should you choose, but discribing them in that manner displays at best bad manners, and at worst disrespect to the Seychelles.
The Victoria Clock Tower is the focal point of Mahe, and regarded by locals as the centre of Mahe. Certainly anyone giving directions always seem to start from the clock tower. It's actually a replica of the Elizabeth Tower (aka Big Ben) in London, and is situated in the middle of a busy roundabout. You will certainly come across it at sometime if strolling around Mahe.
I liked the tourist attraction a lot and it not only served as a landmark when trying to navigate the streets of Victoria but also was eye candy for the typical tourist.
Nothing great - just a small clock tower in the middly of the road on a junction. so cant take a photo by standing near it...but the clock looks pretty.