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Hello members..this review is helpful but i find it extremely unfair to the agency!My wife and i were meant to travel on the same group,however the management communicated to us to choose a separate date of travel as there were insecurity scare at the time. After consulting further, we were told to wait for the refunds since we had made payments prior.The refunds did not come forth even on high pursuance but were told we will get it immediately the suppliers made the refund.It took three months for us to get back our USD2600 which was les some dollars i understand because the suppliers did not make full refund!We are back in Kenya courtesy of the same agency and we got a great deal over Mambasa and Tsavo safari.All others who did not get their refunds i believe should follow the right channel as we all know refunds do not always come easy..It is true the agency made payments and had a hard time getting payments back to refund clients. As of now,the owner said it is only two customers who have not been refunded and awaits their claim of the same in writing.The company is a small entity but really trying to be oat its best and as travelers let us not always be quick to spoil and rejoicing in others downfall.Worried traveler.
Malabo resort the best accommodation and good meals and ice cold beer.apple parking and security available. The resort is run by solar panels and generator .
Long long drive from Nairobi. We decided to do the drive over two days. So we slept in Maralal - Samburu on the first night. That drive was 6 hours long from Nairobi using the Gilgil - Nyahururu - Rumuruti route. Next day we started off from Maralal early in the morning because it is about 9 hours to the lake. Rough terrain but very beautiful and adventurous. No settlements found along the way for the most part. Carry lots of water, be equipped with all the food and utilities you may need. Make sure your car has spares and be ready to experience Northern Kenya. It is absolutely worth the trouble and exhaustion. The Lake is breathtakingly beautiful and unending. Community living around so friendly but be careful of taking photos of them without their consent. They don't quite like it. You will occasionally meet herders along the way (mostly children) who will ask for drinking water. They also would request for plastic bottles for their day to day use. Instead of disposing your bottles, you may want to keep some because they could be useful.The terrain is quite stony. And extremely hot (temperatures of up to 40℃). Stay hydrated. And take a lot of pictures.I would do it again. Highly recommended to all fun loving road trippers.
Lake Turkana is the worlds largest permanent desert lake and the worlds largest alkaline lake.I saw it from Loiyangalani and it is an amazing place.Here,you will get to interact with several communities that have held on to their culture.These include the Turkana,Samburu,Rendille,Oromo among others.The lake scenery will amaze you,in the middle of nowhere,in the middle of a desert,water,water,water everywhere.Please,take some time to take a dip or even better a swim.And to top it off,please enjoy watching sunrise and sunset at this lake,it will take your breath away.Must Visit though be prepared,it is a challenge to get here but is well worth it.Though the terrain is tough,I chose to backpack and for tips you can read http://wangechigitahi.wordpress.com/2014/09/16/loiyangalani/
Its not an easy place to get to as there are no tarmac roads around but well worth it when you cross the desert and through the barren rocky lanscape to suddenly set your eyes on the jade sea and the huge island in the middle. We visited the East Coast and loyangalani and camped by the lake. It was lovely to swim in the sea after the long hot journey to get there.But we did get pestered by midges in the evening (not the biting type but they got everywhere) and then the winds got up in the night...so its a place for the adventurous but an amazing experience. Would loved to have spent more time there
About 4 months ago, I paid this Kenyan tour company US$1410 for a trip to Lake Turkana. They later cancelled the trip, before the departure, and still haven't given me a refund. Here is the background:On 13 December 2013 I paid Express Vacation Tours US$1410 for a 10 day trip to Lake Turkana, to depart Nairobi on 15 January 2014.However, on 31 December 2013, their managing director Fred Migott informed me that the trip might have to be cancelled due to security concerns. On 10 January 2014 he cancelled the trip, saying that the US$1410 I already paid would be refunded. Although this threw my plans in disarray, I had good hope that at least my money would be refunded.It is now 11 May 2014 and I am still waiting for the refund, 4 months after the trip was cancelled. During this period, I inquired about the refund many times - several times in January, on 24 February and on 26 March, and was told each time that I'd receive the refund in a week or so, along with various excuses for the delays. Once I was even given a definite date for the refund - 12 February. However, I never received anything.Fred Migott told me about at least 2 business trips he had made to Europe recently, causing me to think this is a substantial company, so I do not believe that the delay is caused by cash flow problems.Again, I haven't received a single dollar back of the US$1410 I paid, in spite of the fact that the trip was cancelled by the company about 4 months ago and in spite of numerous inquiries on my part.
Very hot climate, difficulty to reach and recent security concerns make this really fabulous lake a destination for travellers that know what they are doing and what to expect from the trip. Pristine cleannes of the waters and the shores make Turkana one of the few unspoilt places in the world. But you need to hurry, if you want to enjoy it before they start extracting oil that was recently found in the region.
Nothing prepares you for the long journey to Northern Kenya. This is the most spectacular trip in terms of scenery, culture, natural beauty and to top it all, in the harsh semi-desert habitat, there is still life. The remoteness of the place makes you feel like you're far removed from life as we know it in the city- hussle, bussle, business...what a retreat!!!My trip included going all the way to Koobi Fora where great scientific discoveries have been made unmatched anywhere in the world relating to human evolution.This is definitely one of those trips you say you want to do "once in your life time" but the allure of the lake keeps calling me back everytime, I can never tire of going back time and again. Definitely worth the long road trip, you've got to experience it for yourself, words aren't enough to describe what you will feel.
I just liked the swim and the breeze. I disliked the heat from the hot yellow sand dunes
We loved the remoteness, amazing colour of the lake, very rocky landscape. I had read it was like a 'moon scape' and would agree. It was like no place I have ever experienced. The way the El Molo have reed houses which are beautifully constructed.We had drinks at the local pub and were made to feel very welcome.El Molo village tour was really interesting.
I have always wanted to go to Lake Turkana, living in Kenya, but have also questioned myself whether a 7 day excursion is worth it. Nothing prepares you for the first glimpse of the lake from high up in the hills! Having travelled for 2 days in arid, dusty, searing Chalbi desert, the first sight of the lake is so pacifying as well as so exhilarating! And the feeling just gets better the closer you get to it.Much as you would want to dive straight into the cool, clear water the minute you get to it, DON'T! Lake Turkana is infested with crocodiles, massive ones, and they are silent killers who creep up on you undetected. So beware!A boatride on the lake is definitely recommended, but visiting the El Molo village is so artificial. I also recommend you find a guide that will take you for a day's excursion to Mount Kulal - it involves climbing the mountain (8000 ft above sea level).AND THE STAR FILLED SKY AT NIGHT IS SECOND TO NONE!
Hidden place near Lodwar.Just look at the pictures they seak for themselves!!
gente, paesaggi, spettacoli unici. IL posto piu' misterioso che ho visto in Kenya Il posto piu affascinante che ho visto in Kenya Il posto piu' straordinariamente magico una popolazione quella Turkana che ti lascia a bocca aperta. Ospitalita' , sorrisi, cortesia. Tutto un insieme di ottimi punti che fanno della zona Turkana il posto piu' bello del Kenya.Non un solito viaggio: Non un viaggio per tutti certamente. MA il viaggio per chi ha voglia di vivere un vero safari adventure.Donamasai
El Lago Turkana ubicado al norte de Kenia en el Africa. Hacer el recorrido por tierra desde la capital Nairobi hasta llegar a este espectacular lugar es lo mejor. Quien desee realizar un safari por el Africa encontrando todos los animales en su habita salvaje sin entrar a un parque esta es la mejor opción. El final del recorrido puede ser coronado con el Lago Turkana. Hay que tener en cuenta que la hotelería es precaria al igual que los otros servicios. Por lo tanto es plan guerrero o mochilero. También se puede contratar con una agencia de turismo en la capital Nairobi y ellos te hacen la vida confortable. Eso si cuesta mucho más.
solo il viaggio per arrivare al lago è un'avventura. Nella mia immaginazione non avrei mai immaginato una cosa simile. Le attrazioni sono solo naturalistiche, nessun negozio, nessuna strada asfaltata, nessun servizio. solo tu, il lago e gli abitanti dei villaggi che vestono costumi tradizionali tipici. A volte il posto non è sicuro in quanto ci sono dispute su furti di bestiame tra le varie tribù.