tropical adventure safaris - day tours
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Suifyan is one of the nicest people you will ever get the pleasure of doing a safari with. He knows everything there is to know about Diani, Chyulu, Taita, the Tsavos, Amboseli and more. He provides his clients with the utmost care and attention, has well maintained vehicles and cooks great food on camping safaris! We can't wait to get the chance to travel with him again!
I Only had 3 days in Kenya after the World Geothermal Conference and by the amazing reviews of Tropical Adventure Safaris on TripAdvisor I decided to go ahead and book with them to go to the Masai Mara. It exceeded my expectations on all fronts, The safari was done in a very professional manner. Sufiyans passion for his job clearly comes through, he is very knowledgeable on the animals terrain culture and understands the needs of a photographer, The vehicle is perfectly set up for Photography.The animals cant be guaranteed however in just 2 days I managed to see the big 5 :) Sufiyan will always give it his best....its then just up to the animals to show up.Anyone going to africa to do a Safari I would highly recommend doing it with Sufiyan... T
December 2013, we started from Diani Beach not far from Mombasa and had a great time in 2 parks, first was private (forgot the name), second was Tsavo East. Great guide (Safiyan) showed us his unbelievable knowledge about wild animals and respect to the natural habitats they live in. Elephants, lions, zebras, all kinds of antelopes, birds, whatever you would like to see. All except rhinos which are very rare species. 3 days on savannah, took a night safari - found 2 male lions walking 10 meters ahead from our Landrover). Unforgatable expierience.PL: Nie kupujcie wycieczki od sprzedawców z plaży, umówcie się z Iwoną lub jej mężem Sofiyanem, właścicielami biura. Dla nas było szalenie dogodne, że z panem o imieniu Sofiyan, naszym kierowcą i wspaniałym przewodnikiem, mogliśmy swobodnie mówić po polsku. Ceny bardzo konkurencyjne. Z całego serca polecamy. Marek & Gosia.
Had an awesome time on a 10day safari experience through the professional guided hands of Suf Musani. Worth every dollar or should I say shilling.
As a family of 5 we booked a overnight safari with Sufiyan and couldn't fault it. We were a group aged from 35-70 years with some very keen animal spotters and some just along for the ride!Well, Sufiyan catered for us all and made the trip the so much fun and worth every penny, the best adventure - and above all we saw so many animals during the day, at sunset and on the night safari, each trip out in the 4 x 4 was an adventure - as another review indicated, 4 x 4 well worth the extra few bucks. We saw elephants, zebras, giraffes, lioness & cubs, a lion and so much more - we stayed at Salt Lick and an elephant paid the 'tourists' a visit at night at the watering hole - amazing to see, watch out for bugs flying at you - no bites - just lots of pinging...!Sufiyan brought Timothy along to drive us so having 2 guides of expertise and fun was perfect, we really all learnt so much from them and not just about the animals, but about the people of Mombasa and their culture.Overall, highly highly recommended, from the start to finish - thank you Tropical Adventure Safaris for exceeding our expectations.
Sufiyan put a lot of effort into organising a last minute trip to Amboseli starting from Nairobi and ending up in Mombasa. He did his very best, it paid off and we're very thankful - can't go wrong with these guys.
Me and my wife visited Kenya during August 19-26 this year and we had a superb time, a big thanks to Sufiyan Musani for arranging everything to perfection. We have travelled to Masai Mara, Amboseli, Taita Hills and Tsavo East and West. The itinerary was suggested by Sufiyan and it couldn't have been any better. Although we had to travel some distance it was enjoyable due to beautiful landscape. The animal concentration was the highest at Masai Mara and if you are not keen on experiencing different geographies and climate conditions you may concentrate on Masai Mara. We stayed two days at Masai Mara and I wish we could stay longer at Masai Mara. We stayed at Entumoto Safari Camp at Masai Mara and it was an excellent place to stay, credit goes to Sufiyan for suggesting that. There are other 4/5 star safari lodges at Masai Mara but Entumoto takes very special care about their guests with personal touch. The other places that worth mentioning are Salt Lick Lodge at Taita Hills and Serana Kilaguni Lodge at Tsavo. Salt Lick was a very unique accommodation - which has a waterhole in the front yard where you can see elephants drinking water from a distance of 1 metre! Kilaguni Lodge at Tsavo is wonderful in a marvellous surrounding. The whole trip was enjoyable due to great company of Sufiyan; he is very knowledgable about the wildlife and we learnt a lot from him. Our driver Sudy, a native Kenyan from the coast, was also an excellent person with great knowledge about terrain and wildlife. The whole time we were treated like royalties by Sufiyan and Sudy. We have taken great photographs during the tour and Sufyan and Sudy both have this uncanny ability to spot animals and get close to them. We used a 4*4 vehicle for the trip arranged by Sufiyan. Although it would be a bit expensive but I recommend a 4*4 vehicle instead of a minibus which is the other option. We were so papmpered during the whole trip that we didn’t want to come back from Kenya. I strongly recommend Tropical Adventure as they will pay attention to the tiniest detail. There are numerous other tour operators and big ones as well but we consider ourselves very lucky that we took the leap of faith to do the safari with Tropical Adventure. I also found the pricing to be reasonable and Sufiyan was very open gave me all the breakdown of the costs. To conclude if you are planning to go to Safari you can trust Tropical Adventure without a grain of doubt.
My wife and I went on a safari for 4 days together with Sufiyan and a driver. We rented a 4x4 alone instead of a minibus together with 5 other people. If you can afford it, do it. It will cost some more but is worth it.My expectations where high but Sufiyan was great.We got to see "the big 4" (didnt fint any rhino).I will recommend Tropical Adventure Safaris and Sufiyan to everyone.
We booked a photo safari with Tropical Adventure Safaris for end of July / beginning of August.It was a tailor-made trip with exclusive use of the 4x4 vehicle and our own guide and driver.Within our 5 days safari we visited four national parks. We were picked up at Diani Beach and had our tour through Tsavo East (Voi Wildlife Lodge), Tsavo West (Ngulia Safari Lodge), Amboseli (Sopa Amboseli Lodge) and Ngutuni (Ngutuni Lodge) back to Diani.The whole trip was very well organized and we even had the chance to modify the itinerary during the trip to fit our wishes.Both our driver Sufiyan and guide Singha gave us a lot of information about the african wildlife and led us to places in the National Parks, where we had a good chance to spot the animals we wanted to see. By the morning of our 3rd day we already even made it to see the big five.The nice and friendly manner combined with the experience and professionalism of Sufiyan and Singha made it an unforgettable vacation!
Tropical Adventure SafarisI’m a professional photographer and teacher based in Europe - Switzerland, my main subjects are the African’s wild life, in particular big cats.We spent 11 days on safari trough Tsavo East – West – Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara with Director Sufiyan and their drivers, and off course the super charged Land Rover V8 4x4 especially built for crazy photographers.Everything was perfect organized in according with my needs, as a photographer I want to stay out in the bush as long as possible to follow the animal’s tracks, a dreams! I saw almost everything I wanted, from lion’s family to leopards, from red elephants to white rhinos.I would like to thanks Sufiyan for his knowledge on African’s wild life and off course his skill as a “mud-driver”.I highly recommend Tropical Adventure Safari to those of you that are in searching of adventures and friendship.If anyone would like to ask me some question don’t’ hesitate to contact me at:
Z pomocą Iwony i Sufiyana wybraliśmy się na safari do Tsavo East oraz na wyspę Wasini.Pomimo tego że safari było jednodniowe zobaczyliśmy mnóstwo zwierząt oraz wspaniałe krajobrazy! Wycieczka była świetna, ekipa rewelacyjna! Humor dopisywał od samego początku do końca.Płynąc na wyspę Wasini widzieliśmy z bardzo bliska delfiny, nurkowaliśmy oglądając rafy koralowe, a już na wyspie zjedliśmy pyszną ucztę krabową! Suf bardzo dobrze mówi po Polsku więc z komunikacją zero problemów. To atut zwłaszcza dla tych co znają tylko podstawy angielskiego. Oboje z Iwonką starają się jak mogą aby zadowolić klienta :) Tak wspaniałe wspomnienia zawdzięczamy tylko Tropical Adventure Safaris!!Skontaktowałam się z Iwoną jeszcze w Polsce e-mailem. Nie ryzykowałam zakupów wycieczek u Beach Boysów bo z nimi bywa na prawdę różnie. A tutaj macie 100% pewności że będzie bezpiecznie, nikt Was nie oszuka, traficie do tego parku za który zapłaciliście i będziecie się rewelacyjnie bawić!Na prawdę gorąco polecam! Następnym razem cały wyjazd włącznie z noclegiem będę rezerwować u Iwonki i Sufa a nie przez biuro podróży w Polsce do czego namawiam!!
Byłem z dziewczyną na dwudniowym safari w Taita Hills. Organizacja wyjazdu była wyśmienita. Chciałbym podziękować Iwonie za troskę i dopilnowanie każdego szczególu wyjazdu. Zobaczyliśmy trochę zwierząt i piękno krajobrazów robiących naprawdę duże wrażenie. Hotel Sarova w którym zostaliśmy zakwaterowani był kolejnym swoistym przeżyciem. Zapewniał nam bliskość przeróżnych zwierząt pojawiających się niemalże na wyciągnięcie ręki. Trzebajednak pamiętać o tym że safari to nie ZOO i nie zawsze jest możliwość zobaczenia wszystkich zwierzaków :) Musiałbym jeszcze wiele napisać aby zawrzeć tutaj swoje bardzo pozytywne odczucia. Wiem że na pewno ten wyjazd pozostanie na zawsze w mojej pamięci. Gorąco polecam biuro Sufiyana i Iwony. Można w świetnych warunkach i przy dobrej cenie docenić uroki Kenii i zobaczyć po drodze jak naprawdę żyją ludzie. Mam nadzieję że będzie nam dane wrócić jeszcze do Kenii i wybrać się tym razem na safari po kilku parkach.Takie momenty w życiu człowieka są poprostu...... - bezcenne. Pozdrawiam
Było pięknie. Safari wspaniałe i pełne przygód. Zobaczyłam prawdziwą Kenię, sawannę, dżunglę, zwierzęta , spotkałam ciekawych i wesołych ludzi. Sufiyan jest świetnym przewodnikiem, bardzo życzliwym , sympatycznym i dowcipnym. Dostarczył wielu niezapomnianych wrażeń a każde wspomnienie wywołuje uśmiech na buzi. Organizacja wyprawy, jak również warunki jazdy i zakwaterowania były bardzo dobre. Bardzo znaczące jest ,że Sufiyan mówi wspaniale po polsku. Opowiada o Kenii ale również o Polsce , w szczególności mile wspomina pierogi teściowej :).Bardzo gorąco polecam wyprawy z Tropical Adventure Safaris- ja na pewno skorzystam jeszcze raz a może i jeszcze raz.Iwonko i Sufiyanie cieszę się ,że Was poznałam - pozdrawiam serdecznie.Kinga
Polecam safari 2 dni z Safianem. Obsługa polskojęzyczna, więc naprawdę bardzo dużo można się od Safiana dowiedzieć o Kenii. Nie znajdziecie tego w przewodnikach, co on opowie z życia. Bardzo tez stara się, aby zobaczyć na safari jak najwięcej zwierząt.Polecam z czystym sumieniem. Jak będę jeszcze kiedyś w Kenii na pewno pojadę jeszcze raz z Tropical Adventure Safaris.Aneta
Kenia to kraj pięknej przyrody ,zwierząt i wspaniałych ludzi:)Mogliśmy to wszystko zobaczyć dzięki życzliwości Iwony i Sufiyana)))) pokazałi nam Kenie taką jaką jest naprawdę.Piękne Parki Narodowe,plaze,prawdziwe życie tych ludzi.Biuro to jest solidne ,stara się spełnić każde życzenie klienta i to w bardzo dobrej cenie:)Mogę polecić te Biuro bo sprawdziło się w 100% i spełniło nasze marzenia związane z Kenią:) mamy nadzieje ze nie dlugo znowu ich odwiedzimy. Pozdrawiamy.Maciek i Sylwia