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今天难得自由,跟老婆游南戴河娱乐中心,到了发现我的一卡通没带,花门票要120真心觉得不值,家走路上南大寺买了二斤桃 #Weico拼图#
看病回来路过西北角南大寺,我吃货的灵魂提醒我,一定要下车,去牌楼里买那里的蜜饯 #WeicoLomo#
Its amazing to see a vibrant muslim culture in a communist china :) grand bazaar has much to offer, you can buy almost anything here, overpriced, but cool stuff. Knives mean alot in Uyghur culture, to be a man one must have a knife so goes the old culture, so you will find many of them here. If you buy one makes sure you buy it just before flying out of urumqi and put in in your checked in bag. Paramilitary and police are literally everywhere and nooooooo way would they let you carry a knife into their BRT or railway stations...etc, to get one a BRT bus I had to give up my American high quality expensive toothpaste. I refused to, and was denied access to the bus :) but got on another bus outside the security crap.
Its a woderful place with the Han chinese and Uigur muslims coming together to sell all sorts of things,Knife,whip,souveniors,ice cream,and many more.There is also a carrefour there where by yiu can get all your American drinks and food.Also in the 2nd floor there is lots of local food ,like rahman, sasliqe and many more cheap and good.But police and army almost everywhere,very good security and you can walk along the street and you can find lots of muslim shop selling almost everything.Its a must visit place.Dont buy the sword or knife,because you cannot bring it back if yoir country or the airlines have restriction.
This is not called the Southern Mosque...it's called the Grand Bazar. It's a copy of the Bukharan Ensemble in Uzbekistan but really just a brand new massive shopping centre with zillions of small stalls selling chinese clothes and trinkets. Visit in winter for better prices and more local ambience.
Der ganze Platz vor der Moschee ist entweder neu gebaut, oder hervorragend restauriert worden ... die Ziegelbauten sind sehr schön und tadellos! Irgendwie ist dadurch aber auch "das echte Leben" verschwunden: überall sind Touristengeschäfte und dieder Platz ist ganz anders wie das übrige Muslim-Viertel; ich empfehle daher unbedingt einen Spaziergang durch die Umgebung - inkl. Essen und Shopping dort.