museo arqueologico la cueva del paraiso
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Not quite the 2000 artifacts Loneky Planet mention but a really nice walk and interesting little museum. Worth climbing to the upper cave for the view of Baracoa and the bwy. Cute!
Small and modest but informative. Make sure you hear it from the curator. It is very amateurishly done, adds to charm.
This amazing museum is newly developed, but a treasure to visit high on the hill that overlooks the city of Baracoa. Operated by professional knowledgable experts, the visit is a real treat!
My second visit to the cave and archeological museum, and I was pleasantly surprised by recent improvements.
Limestone caves set on a hillside overlooking Baracoa. The artefacts and actual burial sites of some Taino Indians on display. Knowledgeable assistant but English not good and our Spanish non existent, not easy to find but the locals are used to directing visitors! A good reminder of Cuba's pre colonial inhabitants. Atmospheric as it is set in the caves themselves, but quite difficult to get around and you do need to be agile and well shod. Allow an hour. Inexpensive.
We visited this museo in January, 2014 and well worth the trip to it. It's located walking distance from downtown Baracoa, roughly between the cemetery and Hotel Castillo. Go east from cemetery and take road (see pic) upwards and look for sign. Entrance fee is I think 2 pesos but could be off by a couple. Extra if you want to take pictures. There's lots of artifacts collected (including actual bones) from the area and displayed here. There is also a few statues of the Tainos on display. The best is experiencing the caves, beautifully done with a wooden spiral staircase going from 1 level to the next. Beautiful high views of the city and a must see if your there.
had er meer van verwacht,maar wel origineel. De ontvangst aan de kassa was onvriendelijk,we hadden blijkbaar de middagrust verstoord. Beschrijving in de Trotterreisgids klopte niet helemaal.
aucun renseignement sur les objets présentés , non datés.vitrine mal éclairées.les visiteurs sont livrés à eux meme sans pouvoir comprendre ce qu'ils voient
Fuimos el último día que estuvimos en Baracoa y sin demasiadas espectativas pero nos sorprendió lo hermoso del lugar natural donde se emplaza, la calidad de las piezas que muestra y la preparación y cordialidad de ña persona que nos recibió .
musée petit mais très instructif sur la vie a Baracoa avant la présence espagnole. Il est situé au bout de la ville , il faut grimper un peu et être souple dans la grotte !!
Este lugar es uno de los lugares, de donde se divisa una imagen espectacular de la ciudad de baracoa, rodeada por el mar, tambien s eencuentra varias piezas arqueologicas, y hasta los restos del cacique guamá
Museo muy interesante a nivel arqueológico de la historia de la ciudad. Bien organizado y unas vistas inolvidables para todo aquel que lo visite. Fotos de revistas.
Небольшой археологический музей состоит из зала в маленькой пещере, инсталляций со скульптурами индейцев, нескольких скульптур, пещеры с погребениями и смотровой площадки. Сам музей на холме, поэтому с его смотровой площадке открывается красивый вид на Баракоа. Многие посетители пропускают музейную экспозицию и идут сразу наверх.
O mais interessante fica por conta da vista do mirante. O acervo é pequeno. A maioria das peças não são originais.
dopo una specie di salita al calvario visitare queste grotte non ci è parso particolarmente esaltante ma è comunque da visitarsi se si ha tempo