museo de arquitectura colonial
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It was fantastic to get a tour from a knowledgeable tour guide who spoke fluent English and who....wait for it...WASN'T ON THE MAKE! For once the guide didn't claim to be secretly letting us into rooms (for a tip), or produce lace/cd/cigars from their pocket and try to sell them to you. She just genuinely knew her museum and did her job properly. The museum itself is beautiful and interesting with a small exhibition and a sense of how people lived. There is an original Thomas Crapper loo, slave stocks etc.
The external view of this buiding rises already our aesthetical senses, wondering what else marvellous they've got inside to show. Truely there are plenty of interesting architectural details to appreciate in the eight rooms they offer, but do it only if you've got much time left and really is an architecture lover or you will not see the other town museums, I am afraid.
two ways to do your visit with guide or without. Be sure when going with guide you get a lot of technical specifications for those interested of course no problem. For children it might be boring, but if you are interested in culture and history of Trinidad it is an intersting visit.
A visit was included as part of our guided walking tour of Trinidad. It started to pour with rain as we entered so we were glad of the shelter but there is an excellent guide who speaks perfect English. The main entrance Hall is the best room with an amazing ceiling. The remaining rooms set out the history of buildings of this period. It was the guide who made the visit a good experience.
We wandered into this museum out of the heat. The displays are very interesting and well-presented. I especially enjoyed the way that drawings of slave life were woven into the story, reminding us how important slavery was to these fine buildings.We paid our entrance and started walking round and were followed by one of the staff, who started telling us all about it in English. We told her we'd rather visit alone, and sent her back. Two rooms later, a woman latched on to us again, more persistent this time. She wasn't a staff member. I don't know how she was allowed to get away with it. She insisted on commenting on everything in bad English and wouldn't go away. She wanted to sell us lace.This really spoiled the visit for us, and we left having seen about half the museum. We just couldn't get rid of her. I'd have been very happy to have paid a higher entrance fee and been able to look at the displays without interference.
Unless archeology is your things, this museum can be a bit on the boring side. It's redeeming factor is the bones on display here that were discovered at an excavation site near Sancti Spiritus. These bones dated back 2000, so quite a find
Well worth a visit but you get accompanied by a guide for the entire duration which is a bit annoying but useful for pointing out things I'd have missed otherwise. fascinating display of wealth and engineering.
Für eigene Foto's muss man bezahlen, das Museum ist ganz Nett man könnte aber mehr daraus machen, wenn man möchte,
Некогда дом принадлежал сахарному магнату Санчесу Иснага, бывшая плантация которого (Manaca Iznaga, с высокой колокольней) является самой известной и сохранившейся на Кубе. Сейчас же в его городской резиденции находится музей Колониальной архитектуры: коллекция старых дверей и ручек, оконные ставни, образцы потолков и то, как они изменялись от века к веку....интересно это будет узкому кругу, но навороченный душ 19го века - это что-то!!! Он скорее напоминает аппарат для пыток или устройство для не детских игр...а ведь когда-то был последним словом техники )))
этот музей, пожалуй, поинтереснее других местных, ибо в нем сочетается и истоия, и архитерктура данного края
För endast en CUC får du ta del av kolonialarkitekturens byggnadsprinciper och detaljer. Mycket vackert!
Le lieu est très beau, belles pièces d'origine.Une dame vous fait la visite en espagnol mais vous n'êtes pas obligé de la suivre. Même si vous ne parlez pas bien la langue, vous comprenez avec les objets montrés. Attention lorsqu'elle vous montre la cuisine, fin de visite, elle vous propose d'acheter ses crochets !La visite est à 1 CUC + 1 autre si vous souhaitez prendre des photos.A faire si vous avez le temps.
Petit musée expliquant la construction des maisons coloniales situé à l'angle de la Plaza Mayor.Pièces véritables avec explications, mais en espagnol uniquement... ce qui est un peu dommage pour les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue.Mais nous avons pu obtenir des explications par une dame du site.
Also mit Architektur hatte das meines Erachtens nicht viel zu tun. Es gab ein paar Bauelemente von Häusern, aber alles in allem war es nur ein gut erhaltenes Gebäude bei dem die Führerin meinte alles ist "Original" von der Toilette bis zum Torbogen.
In pieno centro storico e nelle vicinanze della Plaza Mayor trovi questa casa coloniale, ben tenuta. All'interno si sviluppa un percorso espositivo documentale con materiale diverso di ambientazione e stile coloniale