buck island reef national monument


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buck island reef national monument








昨天是我到巴克岛和珊瑚礁的第四半日游,也是我们第一次出过旅行,登上特索罗II,这是一艘已售出的,由上尉海因茨和他的儿子卡尔上尉驾驶的舒适的三体船。我们住在圣匹,并且有很好的视角去看到听到我们的所见所闻。这就是为什么特索罗II是你在巴克岛浮潜的最好选择:1)乘坐快速的三体船航行比柴油船更酷更环保。2)因为它承载的人少,你满意的“最好的朋友”很少很多3)正因为如此, 你可以花更多的时间与亨氏和卡尔交谈,以便了解这的岛屿,礁石,病毒和你所见的美丽的鱼。4)大船不得不成群航行,并且需要管理更多的游客。我们花了更多的时间去浮潜,比我已经做其他的船走过了更多的珊瑚礁。卡尔甚至把我们中一些人待到了礁外...这里真是一片美丽而深蓝色的大海!5)上尉海因茨来自奥地利,但在圣克罗伊呆了超过40年。他的儿子卡尔出生在这里。如果这个美丽的岛屿可以作证,他们的爱情是显而易见的。他们不是夜间游经营商。是的,由于全球变暖,珊瑚礁已有一些损坏,但看起来仍然令人叹为观止,这个苦的珊瑚是再生的。因此,他们并不会在评论中抱怨为什么不通过减少你的旅行所消耗的碳来帮助他们保护环境!特索罗是最好的!


我们乘蜻蜓号去巴克岛的旅行非常完美!我们去的时候天气晴朗,万里无云,海上风平浪静。船长卡尔非常友好,给了我们很多信息,而且他很细心。参加聚会的我们四个人都很享受这么懒散的一天,我们绕着小岛附近的原始水域航行、浮潜、远足和漂浮。浮潜的时候看到的珊瑚非常美…… 国家公园管理局在海底修了水下通道,建造的非常不错。蜻蜓号是38号双体船,可供私人租赁。但是由于公园的限制,我们必须自己带午餐,我确实希望特托罗公司能给我们提供水。我们去码头的路上在斯顾纳餐厅买了外带的午餐(非常方便)。我们极力推荐这种私人游览。


Such a beautiful unspoiled place, I only wish we had had more time to explore! We were all about snorkeling on the reef, as a result did not do any of the trails. The aquatic life is spectacular, and we saw enormous sea turtles swimming toward B.I. while we were enroute back to the main island, so I have this on my list to return to in future years.


Everyone must go visit Buck Island while in St.Croix. We loved the beach and snorkeling. Have Mike from Jolly Roger ale you over there.


My first snorkeling trip was to Buck Island. I found this to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Take the Jolly Roger out for a perfect day of sailing and snorkeling.


We visited the National Reef Monument with the staff of. Big Beards,John and. Chrissy! They were so respectful of the reef and educational to us as tourists. Beautiful reef and snorkeling experience!


I wish it well and support what they are trying to do to bring the reef back from hurricanes, over fishing, etc. But ... it has a ways to go. The fish population has made a huge comeback in the last decade or so but it is still sort of hohum for snorkeling.The beach area where we were allowed to go was quite nice too. It was worth the trip over to see it and hear about the restoration efforts. I hope to go back in a few years and find it even better.


We chartered out with the Jolly Roger crew ( which were awesome ) to Buck Island with much anticipation only to be disappointed by the lack of live coral. The beach is beautiful and the crew were awesome BUT if you are looking to see an awesome reef, this is not the place to go.


Captain Carl was an excellent guide for our snorkeling trip to Buck Island. He's been sailing all his life (he appears to be 35-40 yrs of age of German decent) and knows Buck Island, and the surrounding waters, as good as anyone in the area. He gave us a guided snorkeling tour of the reef off Buck island, and showed us parts of the reef that other snorkeling groups were not visiting. He then brought us to a beautiful beach on Buck Island and we had about an hour to explore and relax. We brought some lunch with us and enjoyed it while anchored at Buck Island. Carl runs a six passenger catamaran (Dragonfly) and his father runs another that holds approximately 20 passengers. I would highly recommend either vessel.


A group of us went on the Buck Island Charters smaller Trimaran the Dragonfly with Cptn Carl. Great experience, great snorkeling, the beaches on Buck Island are gorgeous. I recommend taking the hiking trail on the island, it is a moderate 35-40 min hike, (take drinking water) it goes all the way up to a neat observation point, fantastic views. The only reason I did not give the island 4 stars is the bathroom facilities on the island are not very nice, all of us guys didn't care but the wives had problems with it. But I would highly recommend taking a sailing excursion out to the island. Beautiful!!!


It is an amazing place to see the underwater life. The tours are not cheap, but the only way to go. You will not see this elsewhere.


Buck Island is a must for snorkelling. The national monument still has good coral, and beautiful fish. The water is a bit rough, but managable and worth it. We took the Teroro II with Capt. Karl and enjoyed the trip very much. I liked the idea of going by catamaran, with no use of the motor. They take you to the more vigorous snorkelling area first and then to the beach, where you can snorkel some more or hike or relax. I would prefer this to going to the beach first, as the other groups do. Some in the group saw barracudas, and I saw rays the last time I came. Overall a wonderful experience.

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