observatoire astronomique de charlevoix
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit here and would highly recommend a visit if you're interested in learning anything about earth and space. The nearby Fairmont had suggested this experience and noted that it was complimentary with our accommodations. I'm not sure what the regular fee is.We attended the English presentation at 6:00 pm, which went until nearly 7:30 pm, then went to dinner while the French presentation was held and returned at 9:15 pm just as the French group was headed outdoors to examine the skies. Check the schedule because it's not always dark by 9:00 here.We appreciate that we are in the heart of French Quebec and so the opportunity to get the multimedia presentation in English was a treat. When outside examining the heavens, even though we were the only four English speaking people, the guide split his discussion between English and French. Questions from our kids and everyone else were treated respectfully, translated and answered. There was enough time for everyone to have a good look through the telescopes.This is a very fun, and inexpensive way, for a family to spend the evening.
We arrived a few minutes before 10 pm (the posters said the star show would be at 10 pm) to view the heavens in the telescopes. The presenters were still lecturing to a small group inside. We walked around, waited, looked for telescopes, found none, waited some more, watched the presenters continue to talk, and finally left around 10:15...no show for us.
Présentation animée par un guide passionné et passionnant. Après la présentation, lorsque les conditions le permettent, une séance d'observation des astres réservent de belles surprises, tant pour les connaisseurs que pour les néophytes. L'idée de pouvoir combiner l'activité avec l'observatoire de l'astroblème située dans le même bâtiment est une excellente idée
Les Dieux nous ont gâtés ce soir du 24 août 2014. Soirée chaude, légère brise, ciel complètement dégagé, pas de lune, perséides au rendez-vous et en plus, le prof. Jean-Michel nous fait la présentation. Une quinzaine de personnes qui sont restées accrochées à ses lèvres pendant trois heures. Malheureusement les présentations pour le public se terminent le 2 sept. cette année.Aux intéressés, visez un ciel clair, sans lune, et vérifiez bien l'horaire qui varie selon la période de la saison.Gilles.