sea all dolphin swims
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Sea All Dolphin Swims简直是太棒了!我们潜到海豚还海豹生活的水域,在自然环境下观察海豚。经验丰富的船员们大力帮助我们这些潜水初学者---我8岁的女儿和我在水下感到非常的安全。超值!
Hi Melynda R Thanks for your review and for expressing your disappointment in not swimming with the dolphins on your tour. We are always disappointed when that happens but even though we always do our best its not really something we have control over. We've had such a long and consistent run of 5 star ratings from so many people who did luckily get to swim with the dolphins and just as many like you who didn't. So to be honest I'm a bit disappointed to get a lower rating like this. However it does go to show that we are getting fair and genuine reviews from real clients. I appreciate your comments about the crew and their service and the fact that they shone in spite of the disappointment, so I sense your disappointment is not aimed at us as tour operators but at the fact you didn't get to swim with the dolphins as you and your child had set heart on.RegardsHank
Hi Cade A. Thank you for taking the time to write this review. From your photo it looks like you had fantastic conditions and its great to read that the dolphins came in close to the snorkelers.In the wild they can be quite inquisitive but they can also be quite aloof some days which makes the interaction all the more memorable when it happens like you experienced.The tour really suits young families. Its a time when the kids can experience the adventure on equal footing with parents. ( Except during the roof jumps when fear is proportionate to age.)We look forward to seeing you and the children back on board one day.RegardsHank.
Howdy Steve. Thanks for your great review. So sorry we couldn't find the dolphins on your tour, I'm sure your daughters, like most girls would love dolphins and would have been just a little disappointed. Although it sounds like the rest of the tour made up for that. Just as well our tours offer so much variety and our crew are able to adapt the tour on the spot to cater for the conditions and the passengers. It was nice of you to take your mum out on the cruise. I'm sure she would have loved to see the girls enjoying them selves. Next time though you will both have to go snorkeling. Regards Hank
Hi Samantha F. Please pass on our thanks to the teacher that recommended our tour. I hope your partner had a great time also. Unfortunately, sometimes the birthday boys get sea sick and although very memorable it may not have turned out as you expected. But great for conversations and humor for many years afterwards. Well worth doing on many levels. Thanks for coming with us and thanks for your kind review.RegardsHank
Shantelleruth. This review is short but accurate. Thanks Hank
Hello Me.l Thanks for your kind review. Its really nice to get a review from one of the many schools we take out on excursions. We have had a very long and happy association with your school and its a school where there is a wide range of backgrounds and skills. So we try to make sure that those students with limited abilities get just as much benefit from the excursion as the rest in the hope that the experience may spark an interest in continuing to do outdoor activities throughout the rest of their lives.We are looking forward to seeing your next group soon.RegardsHank.
Thanks for that comprehensive review KamandAndrew06. Sounds like your tour turned out pretty amazing. Sorry to hear you missed out on snorkeling at Popes Eye though. That would have topped your tour off perfectly. For many that is the highlight of the tour. Seeing the rich diversity of marine life on a day when the water is clear is a bit like looking at the poster in a fish and chip shopwith all the layers of different fish feeding in the water column.Although different some compare it equally to the Great Barrier Reef. Just a bit colder. You'll have to come back one day just to experience snorkeling there. RegardsHank
Hello Openmind1991. Looks like you had a fantastic time in Queenscliff and made the most of all the fantastic attractions here. The towns been a little dormant over the last couple years but Queenscliff is now really stepping up in terms of professionalism, value, and meeting customer needs. Its got so much to offer. I'm so glad we were able to play a part in making your stay memorable. Thanks for plugging our GoPro hire. They fantastic camera and have very popular. People are taking fantastic underwater videos with them.Regards Hank
Hello William C. Thanks for your really nice review. The tour really is well worth $140. There aren't many tours that offer such a broad marine experience with seals, dolphins, a marine park snorkel and funny crew. We try to make it fun for everyone, especially those novices that step onto the boat full of apprehension and trepidation, which is natural. Its great to see them step off the boat after the tour fully exhilarated and emboldened ready to demolish the strongest latte the harbor has to offer. Looking forwarded to seeing you next time you come down. Regards Hank
G'Day Lachlan. This is your first TripAdvisor review I see. Thanks very much for taking the time and writing such a comprehensive review. I think you have addressed most of the questions people would like to know about our tour in your review. Its always a chaotic when the dolphins turn up so close at the start of the tour. I'm glad it turned out OK when you went out. Regards Hank.