4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

白天时我们去了港口的集市,吃了顿午餐。我们旅馆的人提醒我们傍晚后就不要去港口附近了,正在那天晚上,距离我们住处仅50米的地方,也就是ciudad viejo中心,一群小年轻居然拿枪指着我们!他们抢走了我们的钱包和手机,还把我的项链给抢下来了。幸亏他们把现金拿走后我们还能从扔在地上的钱包里掏出信用卡。抢完我们之后他们又继续攻击另一条街上散步的情侣。这可是在步行区啊,还有当地人也在,街上还灯光如昼!事情发生后我们碰到两个“巡视”的女警,就在距离我们被抢的一个街区外巡逻!她们带我们去了警署,让我们做了口供,可是也没说要逮捕那群人的事。在蒙得维的亚这样一个充满游客的旅游区有这样无能的警察真是丢脸!
我们来Montevideo短暂逗留,觉得时间实在是太短了,没玩够。我们到了海港,看到很多摩天大楼,一边是繁忙的集装箱港口,另一边是停靠渔船的沙洲。我们坐免费的巴士到了主广场,然后步行穿过了老城,里面有很多小贩,很多看上去都是娃娃脸,不知道是不是从gap year的梦幻生活堕落到上街招徕生意谋生了。不过,你并不会感觉到危险。建筑很有趣,就像是40年代的电影场景。我们去邮局盖了一个纪念戳,邮局员工很有礼貌,英语说得很好。我们穿过了一个由古董店构成的小广场,里面有很多金属、墨西哥银器、硬币等,感觉有点类似于Rowley的Todd's Farm。我们感觉很安全,不过依然要小心自己的钱包,我们回到巴士站大约是下午4点,沿途没有吃东西。
The Ciudad Vieja area is not a good neighborhood to walk aroud. It is close to some points of interest, like the Old Market and the Solís Theater, but it is a ugly part of the city overall. You will feel unsafe there, especially at night and on Sundays, when the local commerce is closed.
A low key way to wander through history. Some buildings have been or being restored. Wander along Sarandi through various plazas, and feel the history of the city. There are also some great coffee shops and restaurants. It empties out at night, so probably best not to walk the streets alone at dark, although they have stepped up patrols and CCTV
I really enjoyed my three week stay in Ciudad Vieja. This particular neighborhood embodies the culture of Uruguay in full. You will see the historic homes and buildings; central meat market, cafes, restaurants, and shops all rolled up into one. Although this is not the prettiest neighborhood in Uruguay, you can still find a lot of positive energy here during the daylight hours. Beware at night with the exception of the area close to Teatro Solis, Ciudad Vieja is pretty dead. I enjoyed seeing the carnival practices (live street performances) in preparation for the big carnival in February. I enjoyed eating grilled meat at Mercado Del Puerto. I enjoyed eating at gourmet restaurants. I enjoyed walking down Calle Sarandi looking at all the shops, street performers and street vendors. Most of I enjoyed my hotel AK Design located right in the heart of Ciudad Vieja. Place Ciudad Vieja on your list of things to do while visiting Montevideo. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Happy Travels!!!!
a long pedestrian walking path with shops and great architecture. Do not go at night! Start from Palicio Salvo and walk the pedestrian path to the market. You can spend about 2-3 hours here. The shops are okay and during the weekend there are many local vendors. Worth the walk but nothing too exciting.
If you like architecture or not it would be hard not to find yourself looking up at the beautiful building facades.
The walk down the pedestrian-only (except watch the cross-streets) Sarandi to Perez Castellanos and the Mercado del Puerto is a must-do in Montevideo. Lunch at the Mercado del Puerto is a wonderful experience combining the heat of the parrilla fires, the taste and smell of grilling meats and the sights and sounds of the crowd. There is nice shopping and the vendors on Sarandi and in Plaza Matriz are good - i.e. no hawking. There is usually live music near the Mercado and Plaza Matriz and occasionally some tango on Sarandi. Plaza Zabala is a beautiful, peaceful square full of monk parakeets (look up to the treetops to see the nests). There are lots of great places to eat outside of the Mercado - Estrecho, Cafe Brasileiro, Dueto, Jacinto. There are also a lot of very nice museums - Museo de Artes Decorative, Museo Historico Nacional, Museo Romantico, Museo de Arte Precolombio, Museo del Carnaval. Most are in beautiful, old homes; are free or very low priced and can be seen in no more than an hour.
It is the oldest part of Montevideo.I suggest a half an hour walk during daytime and not at night from plaza independecia to the port of Montevideo .The streets and some houses are renovated.There are some nice museums .Visite the Mercado del puerto where you find the best parlllas.
Quaint area with some interesting architecture & many restaurantsFelt completely safe during the day.
If you have to see Montevideo in record time I would go to Ciudad Vieja for lunch, stroll to Plaza Independencia, and then travel along the rambla and its beaches by car up to Carrasco, where you can stroll around the Sofitel and the posh neighborhood behind it. This will give you a minimalist but representative sampler of the city's makeup. Ciudad Vieja has an assortment of interesting shops and various restaurants. Plaza Independencia ("Independence Square") is right next to it, with the requisite patriotic monuments and other landmarks like the Radisson Hotel and the Solis theatre. Make sure to go during business hours to enjoy the shops, and avoid nighttime as Ciudad Vieja empties out and becomes dodgy.
Great old town area to wander and enjoy life. The architecture is amazing, though not all well taken care of in parts. Some great graffiti throughout. They have a bike program, Moveto, so you can use bikes to get around anywhere in that area.