laguna de iguaqué
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I have been twice up the mountain, once 10 years ago and again last summer. We arrived early as that is what we did last time so we got there around 6am. However the sign said the park didn't open until 8am! The gates were open so we decided to climb anyway. There is a fee to get into the park and another fee to park your vehicle, but because we arrived so early we got it all for free! Big disclaimer: If you do decide to go that early, please go with someone and let people know you are going! Going that early will mean that there might be some early morning mist! It got very misty, to the point were I couldn't see more than a metre in front of me. And it was cold! We made it to the top in 1.30 hrs which is quite quick but I went up with a keen hiker, so he kept me going! I would say give yourself at least 4 hours to climb up and then down again, possibly longer if you aren't too fit. The terrain is rocky and muddy, and i slipped numerous times on the way down. Don't wear your nicest clothes or shoes, you will get dirty! Also if you are scared of heights, there may be a few parts up there which might throw you off. Views are very nice, take some snacks and a camera! Btw there are a few lakes up there, depending on how far you want to walk. I have only walked to the first lake but to get to the others will require more confident hikers as it can get windy and the terrain is harder to manage. p.s. there are always hitchhikers around the gates so if you are one then you might get lucky and get a lift back to town. If you are the driver then be weary of who you pick up :)
Very nice hike up about a thousand metres from 2.600 to 3.600 above sea level. Nature is very versatile as you cross different vegetatiin zones.Not many people on the trail, we only had a group oft kids with us that day.When reaching the point where vegetation changes quite a bit and a sign says 1.450m to go, keep a bit to the right when ascending, as this trail is a lot easier to handle. The one straight up the mountain is quite steep.Be aware that you get up quite high and you might feel the altitude if you aren't accustomed to it.
The best of our Colombian trip! This is a trail - well signaled and easy to follow - which starts close to Villa de Leyva and will reach the max altitude of 3700 m. So this is the first important thing to know: the track itself is easy, no technical point, no depths exposition, and a lot of vegetation. However, as you are arriving to that altitude, you have to keep in mind it could be dangerous if you are not physically will prepared.But let's start from the beginning. You can reach the starting point in two ways. The first is using the bus, and you have to stop at the beginning of a small road where there is the casa de piedra, from where you arrive to the visitor centre (the road is almost 3 km long); the bus costs 3500 $. The other option is to take, always from the same square where there are the bus, a pickup taxi (called expresso) which will bring you directly to the visitor centre, so you can save 40 minutes. The expresso costs 30000$. What we did was to take the expresso in the morning and the bus in the afternoon: this will allow you to be ready early in the morning to start the trekking. You have to consider that the entrance to the Iguaque trail is from 8:00 to 10:00, and the last bus to come back to Villa is at 16:00. Entrance for foreigners costs 38000 $ (in 2014).Consider that at the visitor centre they don't sell anything (no water), but at the casa de piedra on the main street where the bus stops there is a small bar (good when you come back and wait for the bus!). The trail from the visitor centre to the lagoon is almost 4,4 km. We spent in total (round trip) 6,5 hours, and we are not strong persons. What is important is that you remember the following: water; bocadillos (you can buy them in any market in the town) which are very energetic and you can eat them when you are tired; tea de coca (at the visitor centre you can get hot water, so if you have a thermos it's perfect), which you can drink also when you are tired and close to the top because it is good against the altitude sickness; when you are very close to the top, don't forget to stop each 40-50 steps, even if you are not tired: this will help you against the sickness.Enjoy!.
Take the bus to Arcabuco and tell the bus driver you want to stop at Santuario Iguaque. We got on the 7 AM bus that arrived at the drop off point for Iguaque at about 7:40. From there it is a 3 km hike (35-45 min) gently uphill on a gravel/dirt road to the visitor's center. Register at the visitor's center and pay around $38,000 COP per person to enter. They only allow people to enter between 8 -10 AM. No English was spoken at the center. The first 0.7 miles to the dorms and restaurant are on a nice stone pathway. After that, we found the trail to be pretty unkempt but there is a clear pathway to follow through the first 2.5-3 km through the cloud forest, which was muddy in some areas (and we were there during a dry season). After that the trees disappear and you are in the sun/wind and there are some quite steep and rocky sections for the last 1-1.5 km. I believe the total elevation gain was around 1000 meters. Watch your step on the way down, it was muddy and slippery in many places. We happened to catch a bus within 15 minutes of getting back to the main road, I'm not sure how often they buses come.The altitude made the hike somewhat difficult, but we took many breaks and there are a few benches to catch your breath on. At the top, it was very windy and cold so bring layers. We saw two other pairs of hikers (we were there in the middle of the week during low/shoulder season). It was a great way to spend the day and one of the most memorable moments on our trip in Colombia.35-45 min to visitor's center (3 km)3 hours up (4.7 km)30-45 min at the top to relax, eat (at 3,600 m elevation)3 hours down (4.7 km)30 minutes to the main road
I loved the combination of this hike, walking on the road,woods/forest,mountains&steps. It was challenging in parts&easy in other parts. Every part of the walk was beautiful with amazing peace &views. We had to walk 3km to visitors centre as the bus did not go that way but on the way back we flagged down another bus which took us to the centre. When we asked in terminal if there was a bus to laguna they said only to the 3km mark but nobody told us about this other but so maybe its from a different village or company, it was alot older too, more of a local/community but rather than a public bus but it was good fun &same price as ordinary bus. I did this hike in a day trip but had tea in visitors centre which is set in a gorgous place&the rooms look lovely. It would be lovely to stay a few nights just to enjoy the peace &views. I also loved how well the park was kept especially the benches along the way which i sat on each one to take a break,enjoy the peace,views,birds&butterflies,catch my breath&start again. Definetly worth it with beautiful plants around the laguna. I have seen the majority of lagunas during my travels in south america &this was one of my favorites but it seens to be one of the least travelled which is a pity.
EXPERIENCIA:Es maravilloso el contraste del ambiente desertico de villa de leyva, con el paramo (highlands) de Iguaque. Ver la punta de la montaña llena de frailejones (una especie de plantas de hojas blancas y peludas en via de extincion a causa del calentamiento gloval), y otras especies principalmente vegetales, con los cambos subitos de temperatura, que se generan cuando una nube choca contra la punta de la montaña, creando una suave lluvia, es una experiencia unica.Definitivamente, excelente plan para quienes disfrutan de la naturaleza.PRECIO:Estudiantes: 8.000-4USD(llevar carné o identificacion de estudiante)Extranjero: 34.000-17USDColombiano corriente: 15.000-7USDCAMINO:Inicia a los 2800 msnm, y llega hasta los 3800msnm (1000 metros de escalada), y el trayecto en total consta de 3,8Km de distancia. No es de subestimar la escalada, es tortuosa y muy empinada, estime minimo 3 horas de caminata de ida y 3 mas de regreso, ya que descender por el mismo camino tan empinado es peligroso y demorado.HORARIO:Abren el parque a las 8:00am, y cierran a las 5:00pm maximo, osea que es muy recomendable llegar a las 8 o incluso antes para poder disfrutar de un buen tiempo en la cima.TRANSPORTE (como llegar):Para llegar cuenten con mucho tiempo de anticipacion. en total son 30Km de recorrido desde villa de leyva hasta la entrada oficial al Parque Natural (una media hora en carro).Si no tienen carro, pueden conseguir buses por 3.000 a 5.000 por persona desde el terminal de transporte de villa de leyva (a 3 cuadras al sur de la plaza principal) y de ahi salen cada 30-60 minutos, o pagar un taxi expreso, por 35.000Hay que teener en cuenta que los buses y carros pequeños, no pueden llegan hasta la entrada del parque, ya que es carretera abierta, y tambien empinada, asi que si van en estos medios de transporte, cuente con 3Km mas de recorrido a pie, antes de iniciar el camino dentro del parque de 3,8Km (7Km en total solo de ida)COMIDA:Dentro del parque solo hay un restaurante a la entrada, donde pueden dejar pagando el almuerzo antes de hacer la caminata y para comer bien a su regreso. sin embargo, es recomendable, llevar comida energetica y agua o bebidas, e hidratarse bien antes de inicar el trayecto, ya que no hay nada en los 8Km en total, ida y regreso. Por favor, recoja las bolsas y empaques de lo que lleve para preservar bien el lugar que es un tesoro del a humanidad.
Hermosa laguna, despues de subir por casi 3 horas, seras reocompenzado. Sube en jeep hasta la entrada del parque, luego disfruta
En total con subida, descanso y bajada son 7 horas. Si quieres llegar hasta la entrada del parque ojala vayas en un carro 4x4 porque la vía esta en muy mal estado, pero si no te importa darle un par de golpes a tu carro puede subir con ayudita de alguien empujando. Se puede dejar el carro en un parqueadero a 40 minutos caminando de la entrada, muy importante llegar antes de las 10. La caminata es muy agradable y tiene subidas fuertes casi llegando a la laguna. Es muy bonito todo el camino, pero la llegada es lo mas gratificante.
El camino hacia la laguna esta todo señalizado, es un ascenso fuerte pero increiblemente hermoso, se nota el poco impacto del hombre, ojala siga así! Todo me gustó.
Extraordinario lugar con un alto contenido cultural. Buena caminata para estar en un lugar sagrado para los muiscas.
Me encanto el paisaje, la subida es un poco dura pero cuando llegas y ves la laguna, se te pasa el cansancio
Fue un dia medio nuboso, tardamos 3 horas caminando pero vali la pena,el paisaje desde ahi arriba y las flores, vegetacion del paramo son espectaculares, no encontramos a nadie por el camino...y el cambio de vegetacion por la altura es muy impresionante
El Santuario de Flora y Fauna de Iguaque esta ubicado a una media hora en carro aproximadamente, y otra media hora a Arcabuco, nuestra base para llegar a este lugar. El parque en si, es bonito, relajante, la sección de bosque andino es magnífica, te permite respirar aire puro. Las vallas informativas cumplen su objetivo aunque el sendero interpretado es muy corto y lo vuelves a ver casi dos horas después ya casi en el lugar objetivo. Al llegar al páramo, los bonitos paisajes de colcha de retazos boyacenses se ven a lo lejos en lo que viene siendo San Pedro de Iguaque. Sin embargo, al llegar esperaba una laguna mas grande -parece que esta perdiendo tamaño de su espejo-. La laguna, es un lugar tranquilo, rodeado de frailejones de un metro o mas de altura, y permite acercarse a la leyenda del origen muisca. Sin embargo, no me sorprendio, quizas porque ya he visitado otros páramos y los paisajes han sido mas contundentes para la vista (Ocetá, Chingaza, Sumapaz). Un lugar que puedes visitar para tu lista de chequeo, pero si poco conoces de páramos es mejor que sea de los primeros.
Si están en Villa de Leyva, reserven al menos un día para este lugar. Un paisaje increíble, actividad física y disponibilidad de servicios turísticos básicos
Recuerdo cuando Villa de Leyva era un lugar paradisíaco y el desierto el mejor lugar para reencontrarse con uno mismo... ya pronto sera prohibido transitar por la propiedad privada y la villa no será mas que un lugar para esnobistas consumidores, cuando la comunidad desplazada por los altos costos del predial, los servicios públicos y los alimentos cedan sus propiedades al mejor postor, entonces ese mar interior no será sino historia sin raíces, estrato 6.