museo historico e industrial puerto bories
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开放时间: 暂无

puerto natales景点推荐
We took a 5km hike to the museum along the promenade which was quite enjoyable as we could see cormorants, wild geese and duck as well as lots of chamomiles and a couple of piers until we finally arrived at our destination. By that time we were quite knackered but the good news is that along with the admission tickets you get a free non-alcoholic drink at the hotel's fancy bar so I ordered some hot chocolate which turned out to be one of the best ones I've ever had while chilling at a modern yet cosy environment. The museum itself is also quite interesting, I had already been to the Fray Bentos one so my standards were high but Bories was not disappointing at all. The staff at the front desk are super kind and even phoned for a taxi to get us back to town.
Puerto Bories used to have a Victorian-era meat processing plant until the 1970s that has now become the Singular Patagonia Hotel. This museum is part of the hotel and includes some old buildings and machinery. Our guide spent about an hour taking us through most of the remaining parts with an excellent explanation along the way of the local history and economy. If you are staying at the hotel, the tour is worthwhile.
This is an old industrial facility that has been remodelled and is now a beautiful and fancy hotel. The place is outstanding, both for its elegant decoration and friendly service. Absolutely recommended if you are near Puerto Natales. Great restaurant and the staff is incredibly friendly and helpful. A must in Natales!
At first we were not sure about this tour in what is now the Singular Hotel. However, the experience was memorable. We walked into a turn of the century cold storage plant facility that has now been transformed into a 5-star hotel. It was just incredible to see what they had done with the place, combining luxury and comfort with the historical preservation of this national landmark. Puerto Bories cold storage plant is where around 8,000 head of sheep where processed and exported to Europe every day. This was the main economic activity that allowed Puerto Natales to grow and thrive between early 1900 to mid-1970´s. The museum can be self-guided and is a great way to get to know the origins of the industry. The machinery was brought in from England, by the same manufacturers of those found on the Titanic. This machinery is very well preserved and gave us a deep glance into what this place would look like when fully operational. I recommend an hour visit to the museum, coupled with a drink at the Singular Bar. This is an activity that will immerse you into another time and setting, the architecture and decor will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on anybody who walks in.
Not sure who would visit aside from those staying at the hotel but it certainly was interesting to know why the hotel was built and the history of the area.
Es un museo muy bien cuidado, uno puede acceder en todas las áreas, es un lujo de museo, preciosa la arquitectora. deben visitarla
El dia que fui el museo estaba cerrado. En la misma recepcion nos dijeron que fueramos a la cafeteria y pidieramos algo (gastamos 10 mil por cafe, chocolate caliente y medias lunas para 3 personas) y aprovecharamos de visitar las instalaciones. El museo se encarga de mostrar la maquinaria que se utilizaba en el frigorifico de esa epoca. El hotel que funciona en el entorno es realmente espectacular.
Este museu é a prova viva que o turismo possibilita e viabiliza a preservação da memória cultural de um povo.Este museu no hotel The Singular, junto , porém muito bem diferenciado do hotel, entenda que me parece uma simbiose, de maneira que cada qual mantém sua própria identidade e função. Vale a visita nas antigas instalações do maior matadouro e frigorífico de carne de carneiro da Patagônia até o sec . passado. Está impecavelmente preservado eos tours explicativos são bem completos e enriquecedores.
o lugar e muito legal, la se pode observar como funcionava um antigo cortume/frigorifico de ovelhas, as maquinas, como se gerava energia... e realmente muito legal, o lugar muito bem cuidado!
Todo de lujo, bien cuidado, buena atención. Todos muy amables. Buena muestra de cómo se trabajaba en la región.
Cumple bien la función de mostrar como funcionaba esta industria hace muchísimos años, con imágenes, reseñas históricas y las máquinas mantenidas en perfecto estado. Se encuentra en las dependencias de hotel singular, lujoso hotel con linda vista al mar y preciosos interiores.
Puerto Natales é uma cidade pequena e com poucos atrativos turísticos, aproveite para conhecer um pouco da história da região visitando museus, passeio de valor cultural, muito interessante.
Muito legal a preservação das antigas instalações do frigorífico com o novo e confortável hotel. Valeu o passeio.
Estaba lloviendo, así que no sabíamos que hacer ese dia en Puerto Natales, nos recomendaron arrendar bicicletas en el centro (solo salen 5.000 CLP) y nos fuimos al Museo que está a 15 minutos en bicicleta desde el centro de Natales. El hotel the singular hizo una maravilla con este museo, si bien la entrada vale 5.000, mejor puedes ir a tomar algo a la cafeteria del hotel que es preciosa y gastas esos 5.000 en tomar un rico chocolate caliente y después puedes visitar gratis el museo por haber consumido en la cafetería.En realmente interesante para conocer la historia de los orígenes de Natales.
El recorrido está bien hecho y es bonito el lugar tiene una buena restauración, no obstante se olvidan intencionalmente, a mi juicio, de una parte importante de la historia del lugar. Me refiero al relato de la rebelión obrera producida por el maltrato de los jefes abusivos.El frigorífico Bories no presentaba ninguna diferencia con las famosas salitreras en el norte de Chile. A los obreros se les pagaba con dinero que solamente podían usar en un tipo de pulpería de admisnistración patronal que tenía precios excesivos. Podría mencionar muchos robos más pero prefiero que en vez de mirar este comentario en trip advisor esté la historia en el folleto y textos del museo frigorífico.Mi reclamo es que no se oculte la verdad. Prefiero no pensar que los descendientes de los antiguos dueños (que son los dueños del hotel actual) prefieren quedarse callados para no revelar la cobardía de sus antepasados.Espero que el hotel lea este comentario y se de cuenta que faltan verdades.