osterlars rundkirke
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An interesting place to visit and you can go up inside the church with difficulty via a steep staircase. This is a bit awkward when you are part of a tour group but worth it.A very peaceful place.
This is a pretty whitewashed church sitting in the Bornholm countryside. They charged us an admission to get in but I am unsure if that was the fee to enter the church or go to the lookout. We didn't go up to the lookout as the steps are old and the space in the lookout is small. The inside of the church is not ornate but pretty in its own way. There is a graveyard outside surrounding the church.
This 12th Century church was an easy bus ride from Svaneke. There was then a 1-2 km walk to the church itself. It is a fairly simple round church with some of the original murals reconstructed/restored on the interior walls. It was different in that the pews went all around the the outer walls. The pulpit was also on an outer wall with an altar behind it and the organ was along a different part of the wall. In the center of the church was a low-ceilinged "room" with the ancient baptismal font.We were allowed to climb to two upper levels of the church which appeared to be used for storage and potentially defense. The graves were immaculately kept and although most were not as old as the church they provided a lovely walk. At least one headstone was in the shape of a tree. It was a very interesting experience. Although there was a fee, it was minimal.
We only saw the church from the outside owing to the fact that we arrived too late and it was already closed, but the outside area was spectacular anyway! The church has a really nice graveayard. It's definitely worth seeing. Also, it's located on a very pleasant bike path (25) that winds through hills and forests. The church is near Melsted with a dutch-style windmill.
The biggest of the 4 typical Round Churches of Bornholm, this one is very unique because of it's paintings in the walls, and of course it's special architecture. Stories say that this round churches are linked to the Templar Knight, what makes them even more special.
A beautiful church, wnich represents the early Byzantine architechture with an amazig interrior. Take a peak, you wont regret it.
Bornholm is a unique part of Denmark in a number of ways. One of them is the 4 round churches (rundkirker) build from 1150 to 1250 (at the same time as Hammershus was build). They served mainly two purposes; church and protection against "unfriendly" foreigners. Østerlars Rundkirke is Denmark's biggest round church; we visited it on a beautiful August summer day. The church itself is in very good shape and the view is magnificent. Highly recommended. Alternatively you can visit one of the 3 other round churches "Nylars Kirke", "Olsker Kirke" and "Ny Kirke".
Det var et flot at se den gamle kirke og lyset var utrolig flot på det tidspunkt vi besøgte kirken.Både i selve kirken og på loftet nogle flotte ting st se.
Ciekawe wnętrze i historia. Wejście na kolejne poziomy dopiero uzmysławia że sakralny charakter budowli to tylko najniższa jej cześć. Polecam.
Questa chiesa si trova sulla magnifica isola di Bornholm sul mar baltico. La chiesa ricorda più una fortezza che un luogo di preghiera ed all'interno ha una pianta circolare con un cammino che porta fino in cima dal quale poteva essere difesa. Le mura sono bianchissime ed enormi ed il cimitero che la circonda sembra più un magnifico giardino. Da vedere il vecchio carro funebre trainato dai cavalli che hanno utilizzato fino a non molti anni fa. Per chi sale su attenzione alla testa percheè in molti hanno sbattuto la testa. molto bella la pietra all'esterno con caratteri runici e che è datata oltre 4.000 anni fa.
Liegt schön. Ruhige Umgebung. Nettes Ziel auchmit dem Fahrrad. Allerdings sonntags geschlossen,daher konnte ich innen nicht besichtigen
Historisk rundkirke, her kunne man gemme sig når der kom sørøvere, ja sørøvere det var der på Bornholm i gamle dage.
Das CULINARIUM in Nexo . .es war ein Erlebnis dort zu "SPEISEN"!Frische Sachen,besonders der Fisch.Und das Bier vom Brauhaus in Svaneke . .schade das der nächste Urlaub noch in der Ferne liegt.Und nebenbei noch :Klasse Pommes frites.-
Det var rigtig spændende at besøge Østerlars Rundkirke. Vi havde aldrig besøgt en rundkirke før, og vi blev meget begejstrede for rundkirken. Hele kirken er jo meget speciel i og med, at kirkerummet er rundt, men det var også rigtig spændende at komme ovenpå og se, hvordan den også havde fungeret som forsvarsværk.Vi var ikke klar over, hvornår kirken lukkede, og vi kom desværre 10 min. i lukketid, men billetdamen var sød og lukkede os ind alligevel og sagde, at vi bare skulle give os god tid.Vi har sidenhen set filmen "Tempelriddernes skat", der bl.a. er filmet ved Østerlars - kan varmt anbefales!
Et herligt besøg i Østerlars Rundkirke en dejlig sensommerdag: viste du den havde relationer til tempelridderne. Husk at "kravle op i tårnet og se den smukke udsigt.