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Very vivid experience, would be better if even cheaper to enter though, or cheaper the more people enter.
So surprising to walk into a mound and discover a viking ship buried on this site more than 1.000 years ago.
We visited Ladbyskibet with friends visiting during August 2014, and we were not disappointed! I went there with my school class thirty odd years ago and remember being slightly bored, not this time around. It is proper good information and especially the boat builders outside, working on a 1:1 model of the ship are worth a chat. If you happen to pass through Eastern Fyn, do take a couple of hours to visit (and the staff were helpful with a good tip for lunch in Kerteminde too - Thorsted, best place for fish ever....).
You need a car to visit this small hidden away site, but don't miss it if you are interested in Viking culture. Denmark does these historic sites extremely well and this is no exception. It is the only extant king's ship grave, and has been preserved in situ in an underground chamber. The previous day we had visited the site were the Egtoved Girl was found and this was in a similar simple style. Entry is through the shop with a small charge giving you access to both the grave and an informative exhibition. Wear sensible shoes as it is a short hike along a track round the edge of a large field to reach the grave, which looks out over the fjord. Little dragon handcarts are provided for towing small children along. The viewing chamber is blacked out with the preserved remains illuminated. The exhibition explains about the burial artefacts and ritual and includes models and replicas. On the day we were there a group of embroiderers were working on a tapestry about the burial inspired by the Bayeaux tapestry. Near the entrance volunteers are building a replica ship, due to be completed in 2014, who will talk about their work. We followed up this visit with a visit to the museum at Roskilde which gave a wider overview.
This small Viking museum is not The Louvre, but it is absolute one of the most authentic museums on Fyn. Not easy to find, but once there, you will enjoy the old Viking Grave, the 'newbuild' yard with very skilled craftsmen, the corresponding exhibition and the country side on a sunny day. Bring some sandwiches and a bottle of cold white wine and watch the 'Kerteminde Nor' from the same location as Harald the Cruel did many years ago. Also good for kids!
Fascinating site. It appears to be a small farmhouse with fields around it, and that is what was there when in the 1920s a farmer discoered that a small hill on his land was actually a burial mound, where an important Viking leader was buried 1000 years ago. His boat was pulled up from the fjord below, and he was laid out in it, along with a few slaughtered horses, dogs, weapons, and apparently one servant (dead or alive?), burned and buried. What has been recovered here is unusual and a bit hard to descibe, but rather like the negative of a photograph. The site is dark and a little spooky. Meanwhile, local craftsmen are busy building an exact and full sized oak repiica, whose progress I have viewed several times in the last year. It will be launched in about a year. The museum itself has maps, artifacts, and information on the Vikings to put this site into a larger context. The whole thing can be seen in about an hour, but you do need a car to get there, unless you are on a cycling holiday, in which case it is a great place to go on the way to Kerteminde.
During a visit to Denmsrk in May 2013, my wife and I greatly enjoyed our visit to the Ladby Viking Shjp Grave and Museum.. It gave us a sense of the courage the Vikings had in sailing the oceans in an open boat with relatively little free board and one sail and some 32 strong oarsmen to move it.. I wondered how the heavy ship was pulled up the slope from the Fjord and concluded in my mind that it was by the eleven horses which were buried in the Boat along with the Captain. The actual buried old boat was hard to discern when you first enter the glass enclosed underground chamber until your eyes adjust to the lighting. I was impressed with the manner that a creative engineer had stabilized the preservation of the boat.At the Museum Site , the construction of a replica of the boat to scale was fascinating and the description of how the oak logs were split and the method of fastening the lapstreak type hull with iron rivets was most interesting.. I took several pictures of the boat under construction and read about its dimensions as an exact replica of the dimensions of the buried Ladby Viking Boat.Finally, we enjoyed the Museum itself with the friendly attendant and my wife purchased a small necklace replica of the Viking boat and I purchased a Viking boat and sailed it all the way back from Denmark to Palm Harbor Florida ( in a little box on the SAS flight home ! )Thanks to Klaus Petersen for taking us to this historic site which we greatly enjoyed and recommend to allRalph and Millie RobertsPalm Harbor Florida USA
This viking museum is worth visiting. Far out in the countryside close to Kerteminde - North East of the Island Funen, Denmark. Go by car - or bike - have someone take you.You'll find a small but very nice viking museum close to the only existing original vikingship grave - and it is open to visitors via the museum which shows original artifacts from the grave and the area.In front of the museum we find the reconstruction building site of the Ladby vikingship. One trained vikingship builder together with some 30 local volunteers build this 1:1 reconstruction of a 32 oars warship to be launched in 2014 for sailing in Danish waters. Wood cutting and smithie people working the viking way - on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
This is surprisingly interesting. It is the only found Vikingship burial in Denmark - and it is kept in its original location on the brink of the fjord. We went there with no high expectations but were surprised with all the summeractivities (only on Wednesdays). Volunteers are building a true copy of the ship and our kids were taking into a universe of Vikings - put into Viking-like dress, cooking, tasks, etc. like a roleplay. Both kids and us parents learned about Danish Viking life and had fun.
Genaraly very good, but the ship hall is under rebuilding, so all the info about the ship was not vissible.
(actually its not in odense but in kerteminde district in the village of ladby, near the coast !)interesting displays giving insight into viking life and settlements in the area at different periods.(inside the underground vault where the burial ship is displayed its rather cold, you might want to take a jacket) wheelchair acces possible most of the place. there are varying outdoor activities during summer, including carpentry on a livesize replica of the ship and sometimes there is an outdoor viking "tent" where one can get samples og viking food, cooked/baked over open fire.. once or twice a year there are viking markets or special days where children can live as an iron-age serf for a day.(the iron age village site of "bytoften" at røjrupvej in 5550 langeskov (ca 12km south) - free entrance - should be seen as well if one is interested in history. there are viking events there too sometimes. more specific info: contact kerteminde turistcenter.) you can take packed lunch and enjoy the outdoor premises .the shop only offers sweets and icecream (but also brochures/books, replica of jewlry/paraphernalia), nice amber jewellery!dogs on leash allowed outdoors.they have small boatshaped carts to transport toddlers around, stroller no problem.
Museet har oplevet en voldsom fremgang i besøgende i 2014, og planlægger udvidelse, og det er nok ikke nogen helt dårlig ide, for det er et relativt lille museum. De har en udmærket udstilling med ting fra området omkring Ladby. Da vi besøgte stedet havde de Revninge-kvinden i udstillingen, men den skal givetvis til Nationalmuseet. Det er en lille forgyldt sølvfigur fra omkring år 800. Ganske imponerende, hvad de kunne dengang.Man er igang med at fremstillet et "Bayeux tapet" om ladbyskibets historie, og 5 kvinder sad i et rum og broderede. Det er flot arbejde, men de var desværre meget optaget af deres egen, noget højlydte, samtale, så vi blev ikke for at høre mere om det.400 m fra selve museumsbygningen ligger højen, hvor Ladbyskibet ligger. Det er imponerende at se, selvom det mere er et aftryk end et egentligt skib. Knogler og metal er bevaret. Højen var dunkel og skibet kun dæmpet oplyst, så det var vanskeligt at tage gode billeder, men det er givetvis godt for bevaringen af genstandende.Der findes små vogne udformet som vikingeskibe ved museet, som man kan låne til at køre små børn eller tasker til højen, selvom det ikke er en lang gåtur.De var i fuld gang med at lave en rekonstruktion af Ladbyskibet, ligesom det er set gjort på Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde. Det var kompetente og dygtige mennesker der byggede på skibe, og de vidste ting om både skibsfart og håndværk.Museet har en fin lille butik med masser af spændende ting for både børn og voksne. Desværre findes der endnu ingen restaurant eller cafeterie, men mon ikke det kommer snart, hvis publikumstilgangen fortsætter.
Ladby schip is zo prachtig. Je daalt af in de grafheuvel en dan ligt daar ineens dat schip.Zeer indrukwekkend. Daarna het museum bezoeken om meer erover te leren. Afsluiten bij het hobbyproject waar een nieuw schip ambachtelijk gebouwd wordt.
Skibet er reelt set kun et "aftryk", hvor en del knogler og metaldele fra skibsbegravelsen stadig kan ses. Der er et mindre museum, med en del interessante fund fra skibsbegravelsen. Vær opmærksom på, at højen med skibet ligger ca 400 m fra museet af en græssti, så det fungerer bedst i godt vejr. For de mindre børn (5-10 år) er en model af en ringbrynje med hjelm, som man kan prøve.
Man skal virkelig interessere sig for skibe eller vikingetiden, for at dette er køreturen værd. Skibet er set på få minutter. Gratis entre.