donetsk regional museum of local history
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I'm very confused by this site's posting here. I went to a museum which was opened in 2012, thinking it was the Reg. Museum, but I see now it wasn't. It was the Great War Museum. So I have no idea where the Reg. Museum was. The Great War Museum (not it's real name I think) is the one with the over-sized tall, black/green statue on the far side of the Donbass Stadium. 12uah fee, however nothing is in English except at the very beginning of the exhibition where there is a "phone" which gives a synopsis of the museum's purpose in 3 languages. If you don't read Ukranian or Russian, probably not worth a visit.
Located in the Kiev district of Donetsk, the Regional Museum of Local History is one of the largest regional museums in Ukraine. The Museum's collection consists of over 130,000 exhibits.
After grey walls an excellent museum is hidden.Revolution and first five-year - in general out of competition. In any museum not shown it is a period so interestingly and in detail, as here. One агитплакаты what cost! Where yet such will see?!Here able easily and enthrallingly to give information on boring themes. And to spit on grey facades, on nature and archaeology. A museum found the niche. Wonderful those.
Donetsk is famous for mines, coal and Donbass Arena. But there are also the museums, which one should definitely visit.Donetsk Region History Museum reveals the city's true identity and covers to the entire local community, diverse as it is. Set up in 1924, it offers an extensive expo with 120,000 exhibits: from archeological findings dating back to pre-historic times to the founding of the city by John Hughes, development of industry and coal mining , World War II and the Soviet times .A comprehensive natural history collection features remains of a mammoth, fossilized trees and imprints of fossil plants. Ancient icons , brass and silver coins dating back to 15-17 centuries, personal items of famous citizens of the region and an ethnographic collection representing the history and lore of various local ethnic groups: Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Tatars and Jews can absorb attention of any visitor for hours. Tremendous artifacts and numerous photos tell the stories of individual people and places, groups and communities, lifestyles, religions and cultures making up the huge melting pot of Donetsk.
Donetsk Regional Museum of Local History was opened in May, 2012 to the Day of Victory. Actually greater part of the exposition of new museum is devoted to the events of Great Patriotic war. Herein there is deep sense and necessity. Necessity to pass to the young generations as many as possible reliable information about events of those frightful years for the city, area and country. Ukrainian historiography unfortunately degenerates , and in other countries historians only engaged in rewriting history in order to please modern public opinion. Donetsk outlived in 1941-1943 frightful occupation of the Hitler troops. It is enough to say, that only in the pit of mine 4-4 bis has been dropped more than 100,000 habitants of city, prisoners of war, partizans, persons of Jewish nationality. About this terrible act of genocide nothing is talked in modern schoolbooks of history, but a lot of attention is spared to the fighters of Organization of the Ukrainian nationalists who actually were the allies of fascists. Therefore it is extremely important that this museum appeared in the capital of Donbass, where true documents of those years is proposed: latters, newspapers, orders, certifications, form of soldiers and officers, enormous amount of standards of armament. Visitor seeing authentic documents of that threatening epoch proposed in a museum, will do necessary conclusions about time, when by people of our country the world was rescued. We must pay tribute to the authors of the exhibition– materials of every stand are collected thematically correctly, are in good condition, comfortable for examination, well lighted up.
Первый раз попал сюда,еще студентом.Все было интересно и связано с нашим родным краем.От доисторических времен,племен и до нашего времени.Сейчас -это полуразрушенное здание,пострадавшее от обстрелов.Сердце обливается кровью,когда смотришь,как умирает не только музей,но и город....
Музей разрушен от артиллерийских обстрелов, он не функционирует. Экспозиции отсутствуют, можно посмотреть только на разрушенное здание
после введения военного положения многие экспонаты пропали а после артобстрела и само здение Донецкого областного краеведческого музея превратилось в экпонат - развалины
в музее собрана достаточно обширная экспозиция по истории Донецкого края, начиная от времен палеолита. Хотя бы раз посетить музей , будучи в Донецке, стоит.
Музей в старом добром советском стиле. От ракушечек неолита , до революции, войны и наших дней. Можно походить и посмотреть. Выйти и забыть )
Если у Вас возникнет желание ближе познакомиться с историей Донецкого края предлагаю прогуляться по залам местного краеведческого музея. Здесь можно увидеть древнего человека и животных, населявших территорию Донбасса несколько тысяч лет назад. Экспонаты находятся в хорошем состоянии, залы просторные. В общем, приятного просмотра экспозиции всем любителя истории!