odessa privoz
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

A marketplace, where you can buy everything I suppose but the most interesting are spices of different colour, all fresh and aromatic))).
A great place to shop for freshly-caught fish, fruits, vegetables and famopus Ukrainian lard and sausage. The market occupies several large buildings as well as open spaces, so do walk around before buying anything: you'll likely find the same things for lower prices. Yopu'll also be offered to taste foods, so feel free to do so if you're inclined, it is an experience in itself.
It is a place where you can find almost anything, o bought some things with good price but the quality is not the best. Also it is a big difference between the face of this Privoz that you see on the picture and the Privoz from the back, it's smelly and not that clean... but the people are friendly and if you want something that's the place to get it.
Odessa Privoz is really great. Not far from the cite-center and really typical, eg fish from the tanker!Don't go to KM7 - it is a wait of time...
The Privoz market is really amazing. They say, it is one of the biggest in Europe. I do not know, if this is true, but it is really huge. All kind of foods, smell and a big variety of products; from fish to mobile phones, form cloths to fruits. Very big difference in how products are offered.
Privoz Market is Odessa's big central market where almost everything you don't need is sold - and a few things you could use. At least this is the case if you're visiting Odessa. But it's a must for anyone who enjoys the bustle of life in a market that's there for the locals.All senses are "attacked". Bright colours of fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers (both real and plastic) and slaughtered animals of all kind. The haggling of customers and sellers and the constant noise of people coming and going. The smell of fish, meat and other products of the farms around the city and the sea that it borders. You also find parts of the market that sell other products - rows upon rows upon rows of small shops that specialize in shoes, clothes, linen, duvets and pillows, curtains, furniture, tools and whatever. At the far side of the market you find the poor people's stalls where the trade is in broken machinery, run down appliances and rusty screws, bolts nails and other "useless" items.OK, there's not much for a tourist to buy - except for fruit and delicious freshly pressed juice, but then again, that's not why you visit such a place. There are other parts of the city where you can get more "touristy" merchandise. Privoz is what can be termed an "authentic" place. And that's the charm of it.The only trouble with the market, to me, is the size of it. Your senses get tired of the constant "bombardment" of impressions. I'd recommend that you visit several times, at least two (we did), and that you take your time to wander slowly each time.
ok. so we take the bus. to seven mile market. it is a large market . but nothing is priced or very few items are trying too hagle in russian is difficult. all is grossly over priced when you ask a price .. and the drop it very little . i would say most is the same you see in turkey but the turk will drop his price . boris i want a lexus and pay no tax wont .. so give it a miss . maybe they will get the message and return to proper prices . i found the small market next too the mail railway statiin much better . also try and avoid taxi . all will rip you off.
Incredible market, you'll find everything and anything there.Don't forget to taste everything: from pickled calamari to honey, saussages and fresh pomegranate juice.Worth more than one visit !
Privoz, the local market, is one of the most interesting places in beautiful Odessa. It works all week long, always full of different kind of people, selling and buying. You can buy everything there, fresh fruits, vegetables, local specialities from the old Soviet republics, wine, fish, meat...whatever you want. There are also several small restaurants with very good international cuisine - for me the best is Uzbek place. You cannot miss visiting Privoz when you are in Odessa.
I never seen so many sun bathers in one place. the beach is packed and yet is peaceful and you get chatting to people you don't know
Easy to find as it is located right beside the train station. Here we see the reality, energy and dynamism of the local farmers market. Its a very big market and best value here are the extensive range of fresh food products - meat, fish, vegetables and locally made products. I visited at around 2pm and it was alive with activity. Great place to see and offers a view of reality and great prices which you most certainly do not find in the affluent tourist sectors of the city. Its also surprisingly ethnically diverse with tradespeople from all over the region, Russian republics and even China. If staying in an apartment bring a big bad and fill it with lovely fresh products.
Купить свежую рыбу, мидии, рачки и свежие раки можно только на привозе. Умейте торговаться! Выбирайте! Пробуйте!
Рынок как рынок. Ничего не особенного я не увидел. Километры еды, вещей и всяких товаров. Единственный +так это цены ниже чем где нибудь.
Это место просто обязаны посетить все,особенно гости города!Можете даже ничего не покупать,но на пробуетесь до отвала....а посмотреть,а послушать.Если вы не побывали на "Привозе" вы ж пол Одессы не видели!Главное улыбайтесь и воспринимайте всё как посещение другой планеты.На улыбку вам ответят тем же,а если заинтересовались каким либо продуктом-вам тут же отрежут большой "кецик"(кусочек)и заставят таки попробовать.... Надо,даже думать нечего,надо там побывать!
Я не увидел описанного в книгах и историях шарма. Обычный рынок, достаточно грязный. Продукция так себе.