spassky (st saviour) monastery
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It is called also - the Yaroslavl's Kremlin.It is necessary to visit. Do not be lazy to get up and the bell tower to admire views of the city. You can buy souvenirs and a cup of coffee or a beer in a cafe near entrance.
This is a very large monastery and church. The church is surrounded by a 2 story monastery which jow forms the museum. The church itself has olive green domes and white washed walls. Like most of the regional churches great deal of restoration is beng done.
Incredible old structure and well maintained. You can climb (do not bump you head!) all the way to the top to the bell tower level. Incredible views of the area, and the rivers.
Beautiful complex of historic buildings. Usually is wrongfully referred to as Yaroslavl’s Kremlin (the actual Kremlin was destroyed in the aftermath of Communist Revolution). The collection of exhibits is almost eclectic is it usually covers a bit of history, art, and nature. The grounds are in need of care, but still very pleasant to browse. Ticket control is very confusing and fairly loose – you have to buy separate tickets for various parts, but can miss the ticket booth altogether (and then scorned by the staff). There are two entrances – one from the plaza with the statue of the city’s founder (Yaroslav the Wise) and the other from the Kotorosl embankment (where tour buses usually park). Right outside the second entrance is the small chapel dedicated to the struggle of Russia for independence during the Time of Troubles (in early 1600s) and marking Yaroslavl’s short reign as the de-facto capital. The highlight of the visit is the climb to the bell tower which offers unique views of the city’s downtown.
So, you go to Yaroslavl to see onion domes and old historic things, you’ve got to come here. You buy the tickets at the entry and might as well pay the full 500 RUB to get entrance to everything within the compound. There are about a dozen different things to see, including the bell tower and various other buildings. A lady checks your ticket at each of these buildings and the 500 RUB ticket gives you access to everything. Since you should see everything t the monastery, just splurge on the 500 RUB ticket and see everything as there is little else to do there and no point just waiting in the garden.Lots of oldie kind of things to see and religious paraphernalia. The bell tower gives a good view of the city. Facilities are well kept. The most unfortunate part is that NOTHING is in English except for the most basic, basic, basic of things. Unfortunately, I left with no greater understanding of the monastery or its role in Yaroslavl than I did from the guidebook.I recommend the Ivan Vasilyevich restaurant in Yaroslavl – a bright light in an otherwise dull city.
Isolated outside the city perfect condition renovated .. Beautiful place.
The monastery looks like a fortress, built in XVII century (over 3 hundred years old). It has impressive walls, towers and gates, a museum inside, Basically it's kinda like Kremlin in Moscow. There are a lot of structures inside to see, also, it's a nice walk (and kids love it too!).Highly recommended.
O mosteiro Spaso-Preobrazhensky foi fundado entre os séculos 12-13, mas por volta do século 16 após um incêndio muitos edifícios foram reconstruidos ou adcionados. O complexo funcionou como centro espiritual e forteza e é composto hoje pelas seguintes partes: Porta Sacra com a Torre de Vigia, Campánario com dentro a Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Pechersk, Catedral da Transfiguração do Salvador, Igreja Miracle Workers, Igreja Apresentação da Virgem Maria, Pavilhão-dórmitorio dos monges, Pavilhão do Metropolita, Pálacio Romanov, e Capelinha com relíquias de alguns santos. Neste mosteiro foi fundada a primeira escola de iconografia do nordeste da Russia. Infelizmente por falta de tempo não visitamos os museus.
Это основная историческая коллекция церквей-музеев города, его сердце и старина. Заслуживает посещения. Но для тех, кто объехал все золотое кольцо, может уступить место в памяти более выдающимся Кремлям и монастырям.
В самом центре города , Спасо-Преображенский монастырь, представляет собой несколько храмов внутри , обнесенных внушительной крепостной стеной с башнями. Очень красиво.Входные билеты недшевые, осмотр некоторых экспозиций нужно оплачивать в кассе дополнительно. Очень рекомендую экспозицию с названием походим на "Шедевры ярославской иконописи".Уникальной этой экспозиции в том, что большинство икон находятся не за стеклом, и вы сможете осмотреть их в максимальной близости к ним.
Очень красивое место, мы были с экскурсией, экскурсовод очень тихий, много чего не услышали, но само место очень красивое с интересной историей.
удивительное место! несколько видов доступных экскурсий,прекрасный экскурсовод София смогла заинтересовать разношерстную компанию.
Реальный монастырь,со стенами,башнями,колокольней и целым рядом сувенирных магазинов.Расположен в самом центре.
Посетили утром, народу было очень мало. Внешний вид простой. На нас впечатление не произвел, требуется реставрация.
Есть гипотеза, что именно Ярославль и был летописным Великим Новгородом, Тогда Спасо-Преображенский монастырь и положил начало этому древнему центру Руси.