pleven epopee 1877
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This monument at the top of the hill is in remembrance of the Cossack/Bulgarian - Ottoman battles of Pleven in 1876/77. The building houses huge murals depicting the battles, ending with a stunning 360 degree panoramic scene housed on the upper floors. Clothing, armour and weaponry of the era are also displayed throughout the building. I learnt a great deal from this visit and highly recommend it to all.
The Panorama Pleven Epopee is a unique monument constructed and decorated together by Bulgarian and Russian architects and painters to commemorate the liberation of Pleven from the Turkish yoke, which endured for 500 years. The visitor is put in the center of the military action and may see the development of the battle in all directions in the surrounding paintings. The perspective is real and some still existing objects - buildings, churches ect. and topography may be recognised in town.The spirit of the battle is captured like in a time capsule and it is a great experience for everyone to visit and learn some more about history. The park around is also full of relics and tombs of fallen soldiers in the battle. I am from Pleven and I have been more than once there, but each time I have shivers down my spine when I dive into the past in Pleven Panorama. Highly recommend the monument to all guests and visitors of our town.
If you want to see some history and have fun in the same time you can go to the panorama.As a tradition you have to cross the beautiful park before it.
If you are in Pleven, you should visit this monumental structure built by the Soviets to commemorate the liberation of Bulgaria in 1877 after 500 years of Turkish rule. It is quite an interesting story, not too well known in the West, and the Panorama tells that story very well.
It's a masterpiece. I visited the museum 20 years ago and I just remembered that I liked it very much but didn't remember why. Yesterday I was astonished again. This is a unique representation of a historical battlefield. The museum is built on the exact place where the battle took place. It's especially impressive for kids, not to mention the students in history. The museum has been renovated in 2013.
One of the very few historical epopees in the world, the only one in south-eastern Europe.Experience is quite unique , as it leads you through amazing artwork ,describing some of the largest and most violent battles of the Russian-Osmanian war of the 19th century.Service is great and provides explanations in multiple languages ,some them are English,German,French etc.
Very attractive way to see the moment of the battles from 1877 summer. In this area the armies of Russia and Turkey had one of the most hard battles. Now here are many monuments in Skobelev park museum.
Visited with my wife and two friends and were pleasantly surprised with this. I can't say too much as it will ruin the surprise you will get if you do visit. Well worth spending the time finding it ( it isn't well signposted) if you have any interest at all in the Bulgarian liberation history.
It's built on the site of an old battle - hence the 1877. It was built 100 years after the battle (in 1987) and according to the information I was given, it was built from scratch in 6mths, that is some achievement.All of the paintings and artwork inside tell the story of the battle, and these were completed in 4mths.The actual 'panarama' in the top of the building is an amazing effect, with the painted wall merging with real items and dirt and trenches that disappear wherever you stand, and appear to go underneath you.If you ever get a chance to visit, do so. It's only £2.50 +/- per person, another £2.50 +/- if you want to take pictures, which you will.
Last mounth on 19 th of October I went to visit my birth town Pleven in Bulgaria after 62 years later.I stayed five days near Pleven and area cities Loveç Mezdra Lukovit Bejanovo Village so let me say that Pleven is one of the best city and I loved her people all the Restaurants and Hotels
The is a special place in Pleven city - it is located at the Skobelev park where an actual battle actions were taking place. Behind the Panorama (this is the short name of the attraction) You can ride a real (metallic) gun, all the surroundings are full full of these kind of guns. Inside you can see one of the most beautiful picture combined with some real objects from the Russian-Turkish liberation war (1878). One of the paintings shows the signing of the peace contract and gave up the sward of the Turkish general to the General Skobelev.Near the Panorama is located the dam Martvata dolina (the valley of the dead) - it is called like that because during the war was full of the blood from the soldiers died in the battle. Now you can go for a quick swim (use swimming suit!!!)
Moyen mais un design digne de Star Wars! On a l'impression d'être sur Tatouine ou sur l'une des planètes rebelles aux confins de la galaxie de Star Wars... A part ça une grande fresque retraçant la fameuse bataille de Pleven.
Если будете в Плевене, обязательно посетите панораму. Будет интересно и детям и взрисльм. Екскурсовод вам расскажет о собьтиях и все вместе создает реальное впечатление от собьтий. Около панорамь есть и хороший парк, которьй в жаркое время - любимое место отдьха плевенчан.
Sizi savaşın içine sürükleyen bir görsel ve ressam tekniği le inanılmaz bir müze .Oraya yakın bir de Şipka anıtın olduğu yerde Osmanlı savaşını ,Rus ve Bulgar ordusuna kaybettiği savaş oraya da gidin yaklaşık 30 dk arabayla yanılmıyorsam,oradan mutlaka dönüşte muhteşem manda yortu kavanoz içerisinde satılır almaya unutmayın.
Будете в Плевене - посетите обязательно. Панорама, созданная советскими художниками повествует об одном из самых кровопролитных сражений в истории Болгарии. Кстати, в тёплое время года здесь ещё и открыта смотровая площадка, с которой можно полюбоваться живописным городским пейзажем. Местные жители, кстати, Панорамой очень гордятся, и с удовольствием её показывают гостям города, а уж "русским братУшкам" - тем более.