cele kula
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The skull tower is worth a visit, especially if you have researched the history prior to going. It is housed on its original site in an unassuming chapel that was built to provide protection to the tower; and peace to those interred in it. Entry is 150 dinars or 200 dinars to see both the Skull tower, Crveni Krst Concentration Camp and the Archeological Hall. A guide will take you into the church and tell you the compelling story of Sinđelić and Pasha that resulted in this grisly warning tower. You are no longer allowed to take photos inside the chapel and only 6% of the skulls are left from the original.Alphonse de Lamartine wrote of the tower upon visiting Niš in the 1830s: I saw a large tower rising in the midst of the plain, as white as Parisian marble... Raising my eyes to the monument, I discovered that the walls, which I supposed to be built of marble or white stone, were composed of regular rows of human skulls; these skulls bleached by the rain and sun, and cemented by a little sand and lime, formed entirely the triumphal arch which now sheltered me from the heat of the sun. In some places portions of hair were still hanging and waved, like lichen or moss, with every breath of wind. The mountain breeze, which was then blowing fresh, penetrated the innumerable cavities of the skulls, and sounded like mournful and plaintive sighs.
When we were here, there was a guide who told us the story of the place and answered questions about the tower itself. It is as the photos show, human skulls cemented in the walls of a small tower built for no other purpose but to intimidate the Serbs and take revenge on them for causing great losses to the Turkish army.
After 270 years of prison one nation decided to be free or to die.In the ensuing battle, the Serbs were 10 times less than the Turks. When the Serbian leader Stevan Sindjelic realized that the Serbs are in a hopeless situation, he decided not to surrender to the enemy and set fire to the warehouse of ammunition. From the mighty detonation half of the hill where the battle was exploded. On the battlefield all Serbs and Turks died. In sign of revenge the Turks are, to all dead Serbs cut off the head and bricked up in this monument.This is a unique monument in the world that shows the desire for freedom and at the same time hate and the impotence of the invaders.
The "tower" is inside a chapel built to protect it. It was built entirely out od skulls of Serbs, the Turksh opponents as an example and proof od power. There were 952 skulls but most of them are stolen. It is a small place but it left a huge impression. Someone would say 'morbid'; I say 'fascinating'.
Monument to the cruelty of Turkish soldiers, made of severed heads of Serbian soldiers who lost their lives in the Battle of Cegar, located in Nis. Not at all does not look nice view of the skull of which is walled tower, but a precious monument of Serbian history.
Reminder of the eternal struggle for the freedom of a small nation and the great men who defied the power and bullying ..Commander of the Serbian army was Stevan Sinđelić great hero of Serbian folklore.Guides are poor and do not bother ..
We had a good guide that told the historic events arount that tower in very interesting way. It is one of the TOP 3 sights in Nis. It gives you information about the history of the Balkans.To walk there from the center takes about 40 minutes. But there is a bus (5 minutes).
Skull Tower is definitely a must-see. This place gives a very nice show with a story about how and what happened.
Unless you are a Serb or Yugoslavian national, you will find this attraction non impressive. It has a very gruesome story. But it is difficult for others to relate to.The Skull tower, as it is called, is a very small structure.59 skulls cemented in a structure. These skulls are of Serb soldiers which were killed in Turkish war and Turkish commander skinned the heads and kept the skulls in a cemented structure with Serb commander's skull on the top.See if you want to visit it
In 1809, during the Battle of Čegar and just as the Ottoman victors were to start to impale them the Serbs they blew up the powder magazine and took 952 Serbs and Ottoman to their maker. The Grand Vizier of Niš ordered that a tower made from the skulls of the dead be erected to serve as an example.After Serbian recapture of Niš in 1878, the tower was roofed and soon a chapel was built around it. Today, 54 skulls remain behind a glass wall. It's worth the few dinar that you pay to see this historic, heroic and gruesome sight.It's also near the central bus station for convenience.
I reccomend to visit Čegar first, that's the hill where the battle took the place - just to have the whole story... Ćele kula is very interesting to see. You can get guidance in Serbian or in English.
While most of the skulls have been removed, there are still more than enough to have an impact. Take the time to read the story posters around the room to get a sense for what happened here. A combination of tragic and awe inspiring
The violent history of the region is displayed here and highlight the historic strategic importance of the area. Well worth a visit.
It means the Tower of skulls. This are walls in which are built heads of 3000 Serbs died in battle for liberation of Nis from Turk army in 1809. The battle was on the hill near Nish, where Serbs held one point and the force of Turks had more number of warriors and Serbs didn't make to defend this point. So Serbian voivoda/something as general, Stevan Sindjelich shot in the warehouse of guns and so initiate huge explosion in which died Serbian and Turkish soldiers. In revenge Turkish pasha has ordered to build this Tower of skulls of Serbian soldiers to terrify Serbs and to prevent more trying of liberation. Now this is one of the most popular places for tourists in Serbia.
Worth getting a block ticket for 200 rsd, so that you get the opportunity to visit four historic places for a bargain! The drive from Nis fortress is about 10 mins, with plenty of parking available. When arriving at the site, we entered a yellow building which had the skull tower immediately inside the doors of the building. Most of the tower is covered with perspex to help preserve the remains. Also no flash photography allowed throughout.To start with there were over 950 skulls, but now only 52 remain. This is due to the tower being outside with no protection, so over the years wear and tear proceeded. Now the building will help keep remainder of the skulls, perhaps they should of thought of this before!A very dark ordeal trying to visualise what these people sacrificed in order to achieve peace, but the world does not work like that, at least it didn't in those days. Still great detail on the skulls to determine if the casualties were men, women or children. We only visited this site for 30 mins, which is all you need. Come and visit if you want to witness something very different..