adlerwarte berlebeck
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The Adlerwarte has many different raptors (greifvögel), very interesting to see them so close. But the best is to attend the show- best on clear days-, where a falconer lets different raports fly away and they come back in high speed, flying just over your head, automatically you stoop.
A very cool place to visit. Especially if you enjoy birds! Information sheets available in English for non-German speakers.
We'd been a couple of times before, but this show put previous ones in the shade. For a start; we didn't realise it was the last show of the year, and they let everyone in free (bonus). Even still; it would only have been 6 euros each I think. The caged birds have plenty of space, with the exception of the magnificent Condors; but then again, is any cage ever going to be big enough for them?The display itself was amazing. Starting nice and slow, and building to a massive climax, when there must have been 8 birds out at once, including a magnificent Bald Eagle.Tried uploading some pics, but they're too big - sorry.If you're ever in the area, on a Sunday morning, you must go (check display times and dates).
I had heard a little about Adlerwarte Berlebeck but it really wasn't close to anything else we were planning to visit on our vacation plus the weather wasn't too great so I almost didn't go - what a mistake that would have been because this place is absolutely amazing. I really enjoy animals and have been to a LOT of animal shows, bird shows and wildlife centers. This place absolutely tops my list as the most fun, interesting and exciting one I've visited!The property's primary purpose is to rescue and rehabilitate birds of prey, then release them back to the wild. This is an expensive undertaking, however, and not all birds are able to be released for one reason or another so many rescue groups maintain a few non-releasable birds for educational purposes and many groups struggle with funding. Adlerwarte Berlebeck has developed an absolutely amazing show as a 'draw' to bring in the public for a reasonable fee plus they have 'mews' or large enclosures where the public can view various birds. There are also birds who are tethered and can be viewed without being in an enclosure. Each of the mews and displays has an interpretive sign with information about the birds written in German but the names of the birds are also available in English and I found much of the information fairly easy to figure out even though I don't read German, per se. In addition to the displays, there are play areas for children, what appeared to be a small petting zoo area [although we did not go over there so I'm not totally sure about that part], a small museum, food service and souvenirs. The grounds are beautiful and very peaceful so it would be a great place just to spend a quiet afternoon even without the show.Oh, but the show is something you would not want to miss - everyone who attended was enthralled whether a young child or senior citizen. It was all conducted in German but the handler's body language and expressions communicated the majority of what he was saying, even though I didn't understand every detail. When he realized I was English-speaking, he included a few phrases for me but I believe everyone else in the audience was German-speaking so it made sense to me that his patter was conducted in that language. Either way, I guarantee that every single person in the audience will remember this show - the birds fly in the open but I've seen that other places. What I have never seen anywhere else is the amount of personal interaction between the birds and the audience as well as the specific techniques and demonstrations that were included in the show. For one thing, when was the last time you went to a bird of prey show and ended up with a caracara standing on your head? Or had a Bald Eagle swoop down into your camera lens as you are taking video of its flight? The handler was clearly in charge the entire time and it was all done with great humor but even with all the 'fun' involved, there was a TON of educational information included as well. He especially 'played it up' with the kids but didn't ignore the adults, either - the birds fly through the audience, sometimes so close their wings will brush the heads of people at times, and other times birds will walk around between the benches, jump on people's laps or pick at their shoelaces [not sure if they were hoping for a worm or if that was something they were trained to do]. At the end of the show, it was clear that everyone had really enjoyed it!As for the birds not in the show, those were pretty awesome, too - there was a wide range of raptors and other large species of birds and most were obviously used to public attention so they were quite comfortable moving around, even close to the barrier between them and the people. A lot of other places I've been have not been that way - the animals are kept at quite a distance, making it harder to see them, or they are afraid to come out into the open. Some of the birds here hung back in the shadows, of course, but others walked or splashed in water just a foot or two away from where I was standing, which gave me a great view of them. I was particularly taken by the Snowy Owls, Egyptian Vultures, Secretary Birds and Hooded Vultures but there were so many interesting birds with such 'big personalities,' I feel like I could spend hours just watching them.This place is somewhat off the grid but it's well worth the effort to go there and it's surrounded by an adorable little town, a great forest and there's more to do in the area than 'just' this if you're interested in spending more than a day or two. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys animals, especially people who appreciate Birds of Prey!
Watched their "show" where you see the birds right in front of you (like the Bald Eagle three inches away from my face-awesome!) which was funny and educating.Afterwards we walked around and looked at the birds. You'll find information about every species on little signs. It is not very big, overall you will probably be done in 60-90 minutes. Good way to spend your morning!Right outside us a huge playground, plan some time for that!
The Adlerwarte Berlebeck is without doubt the premium site in Europe to see birds of prey. They range from Condors to the Smallest Owl, all flown by specially trained handlers who in some cases have raised the birds from hatchlings.The birds are taught to respond to the handlers' calls, and are also trained to fly directly overhead the spectators, and in some cases inbetween!!This is not just a place to watch, but also very educational for the kids, who will love it!Set in the splendour of the Teutoberger Wald, it's easily accessible, with all the facilities you would expect from a premium German site. Having a slight knowledge of German would help as the running commentary is in German, but all the brochures do have an English section. Highly Recommended!!
Die Adlerwarte Berlebeck ist einer der schönsten Orte in Detmold. Die Aussicht über das Tal ist atemberaubend. Die Flugshows sind einfach großartig und von der tollen Crew brilliant umgesetzt. Auch sehr zu empfehlen sind die Feste und Veranstaltungen, bei denen es viele schöne Dinge zu entdecken gibt und im letzten Jahr sogar Bogenschießen für Kinder und Erwachsene frei angeboten wurde. Ein toller Ort, mit wunderschönen Vögeln! Ein Muss für jeden Besucher und Bewohner Detmolds.
Wenn man zur Adlerwarte fährt, sollte man sich vorher unbedingt informieren, wann die Freiflüge stattfinden. Diese sind das absolute Highlight in Berlebeck und der Grund, warum man dort hinfährt - verpasst man die Show, braucht man keine halbe Stunde für die Besichtigung von allem anderen. Bei einem Besuch in Detmold gehört die Adlerwarte unbedingt dazu
Es ist schon ein ganz besonderes Gefühl wenn während der freiflugvorführung die großen Greifvögel direkt über den Kopf des Besuchers hinwegfliegen und ihre Runden über dem bunten Laub des Teutoburger Waldes ziehen
es werden nicht nur verschiedene Vögel gezeigt, sondern man kümmert sich auch um den Artenschutz. Aufzucht wird hier groß geschrieben. Super ist auch die Flugshow. Die Adlerwarte sollte man sich unbedingt anschauen
Hans Ulrich ist einer der Adler dieser Warte und eine Attraktion. Die Warte zeigt nicht nur die verschiedenen Vögel, sie züchtet sie und zieht sie auf, damit einige Arten die Chance haben zu überleben. Auch die Vorführung ist ein Spaß für Jung und Alt. Die Adlerwarte gehört einfach zu einem Besuch im Teutoburger Wald dazu.
Mein Mann und ich waren absolut begeistert von der Adlerwarte. Die Flugshow war der Hammer auch wenn die Adler nicht so wollten. :-)Absolut empfehlenswert!
des Teutoburger Waldes, in der Nähe von Detmold, befindet sich die Adlerwarte Berlebeck. Aus nächster Nähe kann man hier Greifvögel sehen, tägliche Freiflugvorführungen durch die Falkner zeigen das Lebein in freier Wikdbahn. Eines sehr schöne Anlage, der Besuch lohnt sich allemal.
Sehr schöne Anlage, wunderbare Flugvorführung, tolle Erläuterung über Greifvögel.Die Käfige sind im Großen und Ganzen mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt eingerichtet, soweit das möglich ist.
Wir waren 2012 schon einmal dort, dieses Jahr wieder. Man sieht die Tiere aus naechster Naehe. Ein Muss fuer Fotografwn! Es gibt viele interessante Informationen zu den Voegeln, das Beste ist aber die Flugshow mit den frei fliegenden Adlern,Falken und Geiern. Sehr witzig praesentiert, voller Unterhaltungswert.