il tempietto longobardo
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cividale del friuli景点推荐
An amazing time capsule of a place, wonderful threads of history and art in a place of peace and tranquility.
I have visited Cividale del Friuli on various occasion and find this town interesting every time. Unfortunately it is always a bit difficult to coincide my available time to visit attractions such as the Tempietto dei Longobardi or the Ipogeo Longobardo, Ponte del Diavolo, the duomo and the Museum because the opening times are not very tourist friendly. It is necessary to get the information and make it on time. In the Tempietto no written information is given to take home, only to carry during the visit. I don't like ready while visiting, I prefer to take home, read carefully and keep the info for a next visit or to pass on but this isn't possible. The area, offers any visitor a wonderful lesson on historym from the Celts, Longobards to the Romans and on WW1 and WW2. It is a great place to take the family and study, discuss and enjoy history. The staff at the variuos sites are not very friendly and happy to give out information. At times they don't seem to be informed in depth so make sure to read up on the area before going so you can enjoy it much more.
As far as I can tell, much about the town is overhyped, but I would never ever say that of the Tempietto. It is on my top ten list in Italy and earns a special mention as the place no one has ever heard of (the same cannot be said of the Pantheon or any of the other entries)Seems like it was just a case that this gem was incorporated in a monastery and therefore not touched. The six figures are haunting and will stay with me forever.Go to CdF to see this
For history buffs a 'must do'. A small and precious chapel out of the Longobard era. Not so much the amount of art elements, but the atmosphere of being untouched for many centuries is special.
This small chapel lies adjacent to an old monastery on the north outskirts of rare old charming Civedale and features 6 (surviving) rare mid 8thC AD statues for the then Lombard rulers, not long before Charlemagne and the Franks arrived. These are very unusual. Plus you see interesting later (14thC) frescos.
We enjoyed seeing the chapel. It is amazing what people could do in the past. The view from outside the chapel along the river looking to the mountains makes for a great picture!
rewarded with peace ... worth attention and driving to Cividale medieval town on the river Natisone.
Lombard Temple was built along Natisone river and is located in the Medieval town of Cividale. The archaeological digs revealed the significant evidences of Roman Empire ruling and the practice of Christianity in the area. The temple architecture is a rare example of 8th Century Longobard/Carolingian era in Italy. The buildings around were then added over the centuries. Inside of the Temple is quite small and believed was used by the families of Dukes as a private worship and functionary place. On the walls around are famous stuccoes, statues and decorative facades. The ceiling is painted with rich frescoes.These fine decorations, statues and stuccoes are examples of strong Eastern Byzantine influence during the 11th or 12th century. The choir loft on both side crafted and carved by the skilled craftsmen are richly decorated with flowers and designs. The Temple is connected to The Benedictine Convent of Santa Maria in Valle. Although there is a small charge for the entry, the visit is well worth it.
The proportions of this room are stunning. It's small, intimate in size but has a very high ceiling that makes it seem that you are in a much bigger space. The artistry and intricacy displayed in the large stucco statues and the doorway is wonderful. It's amazing that these stucco statues have survived centuries to look almost like they were created a short time ago. Don't miss the opportunity to see this sight.
This place is beautiful, I went to Cividale with some friends on a bike tour and we visited this beautiful historical site. Too bad you can't take pictures inside, but it's for sure a memorable place. The walls are really nicely decorated and the building itself is very well mantained. I would suggest anyone visiting the area to go, the ticket is really low, so very worth a visit!
Ci si può fermare a lungo ad ammirare quello che i nostri avi sono riusciti a realizzare, la maestria negli arredi, negli affreschi e nei bassorilievi lasciano senza parola. Consigliato vivamente, è una vera bellezza.
Creato e decorato con grande maestria ci racconta il livello di perfezione raggiunto nelle arti da un popolo che in genere immaginiamo intento in qualche battaglia o guerra sanguinosa.Visita da non mancare assolutamente, si rimane affascinati dalle candide figure femminili che ci attendono da un lontano e misterioso passato.
Testimonianza dell'antica civiltà longobarda, che nobilita la bellissima Città di Cividale del Friuli. Un gioiello che gratifica sia il turista che lo studioso. Ora Oratorio che costituisce la più importante e meglio conservata testimonianza dell'epoca longobarda. Patrimonio dell'Unesco. Da vedere assolutamente .
Il tempietto è un esempio dell'abilità degli artigiani e degli artisti longobardi. Chi visita Cividale non può trascurare questo piccolo sito splendidamente conservato, testimonianza di un'antica civiltà.
Nella splendida Cividale del Friuli bisogna assolutamente visitare il tempietto Longobardo. Si arriva da una via laterale al ponte del diavolo. il sito non è molto grande ma ben tenuto e conservato. una splendida opera d'arte. All'uscita del sito, si arriva al fiume Natisone, in un punto particolarmente affascinante.