basilica di san martino
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Basilica San Martino, Chiese e Convento di San Domenico, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Purita are three wonderful churches in Marina Franca. The town is very diverse, with a number of old rococo and baroque buildings. It was established as a refuge for people who fled Taranto during the Saracen invasions.It is a most enjoyable town to walk through, with excellent shops and restaurants.We especially enjoyed dinner at Osteria del Coco Pazzo!
A very beautiful, don't miss it stop, in the middle of a really cool old city. There was one impressive piece of religious art and architecture after another.
Amidst the Truli region you'll find the bigest city of the region, Martina Franca, which deserves an intensive visit. The center of the old town is very impressive and the Basilica di San Martino is one of the highlights. The church is a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, and the carved sculptures inside and outside are amazing. We shared as well the joy with a nice couple who celebrated their wedding in the wonderful church.
We spent half a day in Martina Franca, and this was the second attraction we saw. Baroque architecture, is one of my favourite types to look at, it's simply stunning. However, as we went on a sunday, we couldn't actually go inside as a mass was taking place - so try and avoid sunday sightseeing if you can!
This is a beautiful church in a beautiful setting a in a beautiful little town. The interior carvings are amazing and I always wonder at the cost to local communities and the poor contadini of the past that probably starved as this was being built!
I loved this basilica, I went there years ago and returning was a great experience as the interior is stunning and so are the outside steps and surroundings.
Not to be missed. I love the architecture as well as the wonderful contrast of colours with the sand colour stone and the blu sky.
Visiting this basilica late in the evening after dinner was a wonderful way to end a splendid day in the Trulli Region. The serenity of the basilica is sublime. No words can explain the peacefulness this wonderful church emits upon entering. Definitely a must visit!
We'd passed this stunning baroque church, located on the Piazza Plebiscito in the heart of Martina Franca's centro storico, almost every day of our stay in the area, but only managed to get inside on our final day. Twinned with a church in Nazareth, the Church of The Annunciation , the Basilica di San Martino is as dramatic inside as it is out, with towering marble columns, beautiful statues and a beautiful statue of the Madonna adorned in ornate robes amongst it's treasures. Definitely worth a visit - when there isn't a wedding or christening about to take place, of which there seemed to be a few whilst we were there.
do go and visit, open most times, lovely and cool when the sun beating down. Friendly and have witnessed people popping and out during mass.
The portico is adorned with carvings, the principle one shows St Martino cutting his cloak and giving half to a peasant.
a must to dislikes and very well kept. The basilica is open most of the times and you can visit with no fear.
Ho scelto questa basilica per celebrare il mio matrimonio e, ancora adesso, ogni volta che ci passo, mi emoziono. È' Una perla barocca incastonata in una cittadina altrettanto bella e suggestiva. Quando si termina la scalinata, si ha la sorpresa di una bellissima chiesa settecentesca, con marmi stupendi e meravigliose tele. Martina e' un posto incantevole, con una splendida vista sulla suggestiva valle d'Italia. Bella anche la piazzetta adiacente e tutte le viuzze laterale fatte per perdersi.
Ciao a tutti,Martina Franca mi fa ritornare giovane quando con la famiglia e parenti Tarantini andavamo a visitarla,allora i miei figli erano piccoli,ma con tanti anni che andavamo a trascorrere le vacanze a Taranto,non mancava la scappatina a visitarla.Una città che io battezzavo la piccola Venezia perche con le sue vie/vicoli stretti le case tutte bianche e questa immensa Cattedrale sembrava di vivere in un presepio.Una città sempre in festa vuoi x le sagre piuttosto che il patrono e tante altre,comunque le tappe erano prima a mangiarci i mitici gnumarelli poi la tappa al caffè TRIPOLI ambiente molto storico e caratteristico dove ci prendevamo la famosa e squisita granite al caffè(da leccarsi i baffi) poi i dolci locali ma io direi di andarci che ne vale la pena credetemi solo a pensarci mi fa ritornare giovane ciao a tutti.
Quando cammini per il centro storico di Martina Franca ti imbatti in una maestosa chiesa che si staglia contro il cielo azzurro che contorna i profili di calce di questa città. Una chiesa che al suo interno lascia incantati con i 12 altari, le 25 vetrate istoriate, le pregevoli statue lignee, e una Ultima Cena di quel Domenico Carella che tante tracce ha lasciato di se in questa splendente città!