totem adventure
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River rafting with Totem Adventure is so much FUN! The crew is very professional and friendly. With Totem Adventure, the rafting adventure starts at the upper part of the river. This section is a big adventure and just FUN! All the other rafting companies start further you would miss the funnies part! For Totem Adventure, safety comes first. If you go rafting with kids, they take you on a easier, but also very funny tour. And you know the best thing about rafting? weather doesn't matter, you get wet anyway! After the rafting trip, you can check the great photos on a screen, drink tea and enjoy a hot shower. Thanks Totem Adventure crew, we enjoyed great hours with all of you on the river!
I did several rafting trips with them. Also Yoga lessons. We quickly became friends. They are professionally, organized, passionate and well trained. I felt very secure.The rafting trips are really fun. We didn't flip once! ;-) The rafting guides know what they are doing, they are well trained.In between I relaxed and enjoyed the Yoga lessons in the morning. Eve, the Yoga teacher goes to India and Thailand every year to study Yoga. She was able to guide me into bliss.I will be back for sure!
We spent one week in Aosta valley and we had such a great time with Totem Adventures. It is a beautiful area, the atmosphere is amazing and the people are very friendly. The Yoga every morning at 10a.m. is a wonderful way of starting the day. The Yoga temple is very cosy and you feel extremely well after the lesson. If you don't feel relaxed enough you can chill out in the hammock afterwards. In case you are in an active mood, there is a river waiting for you. The rafting was so much fun, we were on the river 3 times during that week. The river is challenging, but since the guides are very competent, I felt safe and was only slightly scared:)I had an awesome time and I am definitely going to go back. I am grateful for an unforgettable experience and can fully recommend Totem Adventures!
We were looking for more extreme rafting - no family and fun class and thanks God we found David and his team! First of all they are the only guys to run the part of Dora Baltea river with strong rapids like 4-5 (depends on the season and water level). So they trully provide unique experience! We did rafting and tandem kayaking (kayak for two) - both experiences are the best! They really made our holday!!!!Everyone is highly proffesional and positive, the equipment is in perfect condition - not usual rental staff! Highly - highly - highly recommended! If you are in area - don't hesitate!
We did rafting and paragliding with totem adventures. Everything was well organised, the guides were well-trained and knew exactly what they did! The equipment we used was in very good condition for both experiences. The sceneries in Pre-Saint Didier where rafting took place and the hill close to Ivrea where paragliding took place were really picturesque! One small drawback was that we had to drive by car for about 40 minutes uphill to reach flying point for paragliding, but I assure you, compared to what we experienced at the end, it was really insignificant !!! I highly recommend Totem Andventure to everyone and hopefully I will participate in other activities of the group in the future!
The people that you will meet at Totem are of the highest quality...Professionals and passionate for what they are doing. We had truly a great time. Thank you for everything...Hope to meet again soon...
My three daughters (ages 18, 17, and 15) and my husband went tandem paragliding with David and Andrea (sp?) in Ivrea Italy. We go on a family vacation once a year and we hope everything will be perfect. And paragliding with Totem Adventure was perfect. David speaks excellent English, is very kind and friendly. Highly recommended.
We did tandem paragliding and kayaking with the owner, David. He is an expert and made us feel 100% comfortable and safe. Everyone should enjoy a great day with Totem -- great hospitality, excellent adventure and an all around amazing experience.
Now it's about 6 time we navigate with Totem Adventure. As usual it is quite perfect.This year I try Tandem Kayak. It is not easy to summarize such experience. but in few words Kayak Tandem is 100% fun + 100% safety = 200% Totem Adventure
Visited here from Chamonix especially to do the white water rafting - we were not disappointed! We have rafted several times around the world and found the water, the equipment and the guides here were excellent (best we've come across). We were well trained before going on the water - essential because the white water is full on from the first moment. Our 12 year old son was a bit disappointed because younger rafters are not allowed to do the first section - they join 10 minutes down the river where it is a bit calmer but there is still a lot of white water to navigate. We got very wet and the water is very very cold but all of us had the BEST FUN! They have a photographer at certain points on the river and you can buy a CD of the pictures afterwards - they were superb HD quality and clearly show how adrenaline packed and exciting we all found it. We enjoyed it so much we came back later in the week for another trip!
E' stata un'esperienza unica volare con il parapendio con il maestro David. Già all'accoglienza sia lui che la sua compagnia Eve mi hanno fatto una bellissima impressione, gente alla buona con un sacco di esperienze di vita da raccontare, poi la salita al Pavillon sul Monte Bianco....che dire, penso che sia uno dei posti più belli che esistano per fare questa esperienza: il ghiacciaio, le montagne, il silenzio.... GRAZIE MILLE!!!!! Spero di rivedervi prima o poi....
Ciao a tutti!!!!!!!!!! Sono tornato qui dagli amici del Totem dopo un po' di anni e dopo aver girovagato tramite il rafting su tanti fiumi del nord (noce in trentino, adda in lombardia, sesia in piemonte) posso senza ombra di dubbio affermare che la dora baltea ha un "qualcosa" in piu' oltre che la splendida cornice del Monte Bianco che sovrasta la zona eche lo porta ad essere per questo tipo di disciplina il top in Italia e,di pari passo, porta anche Totem adventure al top visto che sono gli unici a scendere dalla parte alta della dora baltea.L'equipe di Totem e' una simpatica brigata di persone-amici disponibili ad assecondare in ogni frangente le richieste delle persone che hanno davanti e piu' di una volta con sorrisi o battutine simpatiche riescono a far mettere a prorpio agio anche coloro che si approcciano un po' paurosi a questo sport. David e' la mente, il deus-ex-machina della situazione, Eve dal canto suo soddisfa ogni tua curiosita' con un bel sorriso e le guide (italiane europee e sud-americane) fanno a gara per conquistarsi la tua preferenza... Io per esempio sono sceso con miguel e l'ho trovato una persona veramente in gamba e professionale, anche se non perdeva occasione di "tartassare" con battutine le 5 ragazzine che completavano il mio gruppo di discesa.Se qualcuno che mi sta leggendo volesse fare rafting e' qui che deve venire........110% promossi. Io poi faro' con loro il viaggio in Nepal a Novembre, quando saro' tornato vi raccontero'........Alla prossima recensione.
7 settembre 2014insieme alla mia compagna, abbiamo deciso di concederci una giornata diversa dalle soliteChiamiamo i ragazzi di Totem, c'è posto e si vaOre 13, riunione tecnica, vestizione, briefing, prove a terra e poi.... via !!Quattro gommoni, e tanti ragazzi, quelli che ci stanno intorno e ci studiano un po'...Sarà perchè hanno la metà dei nostri anni ? Chi se ne importa; subito dopo saremo solo una grande squadraGiornata splendida, Dora maestosa, organizzazione "svizzera".Alla fine del rafting siamo così eccitati e contenti che optiamo per il bis, affronteremo da capo il percorso, compresa la parte alta del fiume, dove l'acqua corre davvero tantoGran bella esperienza: intensa e tosta, ma sempre in totale sicurezza.Grazie ragazzi, buone vacanze a voi, ci si vede l'estate prossima !Rolando e Patty
E' da quattro anni che passo qualche giorno di vacanza sul Monte Bianco, ed ogni volta Totem Adventure e' una tappa fissa: rafting per tutti i gusti (percorsi tranquilli ma sempre emozionanti per le mie bambine oppure discese mozzafiato per me e i miei amici più tutto sempre accompagnato da tanta simpatia, sicurezza e professionalità). Senza dimenticare i corsi di yoga e kayak...i miei preferiti in assoluto? L'adrenalinica discesa in topo duo e l'emozionante volo in parapendio sui ghiacciai del Monte Bianco: da non perdere!!!
Già il secondo anno consecutivo con la TotemAdventure, 3 giorni immersi tra le montagne della Val D'Aosta col Monte Bianco a far da cornice; location fantastica per vivere il fiume più adrenalinico d'Italia. Esperienza bellissima (sia kayak che rafting) grazie alla professionalità delle guide della Totem che permettono di scendere in sicurezza la Dora Baltea un fiume che esige assoluto rispetto (da sottolineare che loro sono gli unici a navigare sulla parte alta). Grande simpatia e disponibilità di tutto lo staff, il centro rafting spesso la sera è aperto con falò e grigliate per stare in compagnia.Da non perdere!