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开放时间: 暂无

i love, love, LOVE Aerodium! Especially the feeling you get after doing it. The wind just blows away all your worries and leaves your head fully fresh. I couldn't stop smiling after I did it first time.They give you a little lecture before - with demo and explanations how to keep yourself in the wind tunnel so that you could fly (if you have not understood it yet - this is the place where you fly on your own, no wings, just you and instructor. This is like experiencing jumping out of the plane without actually jumping out of a plane. Once you get better, you can even learn some tricks, so it's not gonna get boring!)It is quite strenuous exercise for unused body, as the muscle groups you engage are completely different from what you normally use. So for me 3 minutes is completely enough. For complete beginner 4 minutes should suffice, maybe 6 if you are well trained - that's because as a beginner you tend to fall out of the stream thus not having that tension all the way through. Once you can keep yourself in the center all the time, the wind just tires you out. It is such a constant battle! And once the instructor flies high up in tandem with you - you will feel rewarded for the trip for sure.Even though the actual flight seems very short, all the experience takes close to 1 hour - as you have to train, warm up, dress, etc.Better make a reservation on their website before going though. To make sure you don't need to wait too long.
Possibility to fly! That's really amazing to levitate in air. Feelings are like you are falling only without gravity and velocity feelings on body. Great experience!
This was an excellent experience of free flight over the trees. It is not so seasy at it seems, but just excellent experience.
The vertical wind tunnel (VWT) is located near Sigulda, the most visited tourist area in Latvia. The company became known after the 2006 Torino XX Winter Olympic Games closing ceremonies, because Aerodium Latvia helped produce the part of the show that featured flying acrobats. The tunnel blows a wind stream of 200 km/h within a diameter of 3.7 meters.
Only place in the world where you can do this and do it safely. If you like extreme things like bungee jumping or parachuting, this one is for you.
I was there one week ago - big noise but excellent experience of flying... I will be back again to feel happiness :)
Who wouldn`t like to try flying? This is the chance. Quite expensive, though. 2 min start at about EUR25. Remember, if 1st time visitor, you`ll, most probably, need time to get to learn how to fly.
Its unique attraction not only for Latvia, and its created by same people who creates this attraction for Beijing olimpic games....
Interesting feelings when you are up in the air, but when i was too high up I got scared and fell down :)
Посетить в Москве всё не удавалось. Поэтому решили полетать в отпуске. Море восторга и положительных эмоций, хоть и пришлось раскошелиться.
Nickel pour tester les sensations de chute libre! Des instructeurs aimable qui font attention a ce que l'on profite de l'expérience. Tous les jeudis il y a une offre pour les couples: 4min achetées pour monsieur, 2 minutes offertes pour madame.
Måtte liksom bare prøve denne. Betalte 20 LAT (ca 35 US $) for å "fly" 2 minutt. Ganske dyrt altså. Men jeg fikk veldig god innføring i hvordan tingene fungerte, Instruktøren min var svært dyktig og gjorde virkelig sitt beste for at jeg skulle bli tilfreds. Jeg måtte hatt lengre tid for å mestre dette. Men moro var det likevel.
Давно искал это развлечение. Масса положительных эмоций. Несколько сложноватая процедура записи на полет, пришлось бронировать заранее. Хотелось бы русскоязычных инструкторов.